we are wild, we are free.

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    Isaac Lahey


    Amelia Thorne

    This is a closed roleplay.
    Please don't post.
    May 31st, 2016 at 11:44pm
  • Isaac leant against the pillar near the entrance of the school, doing his best to both curl in on himself and hide and look threatening at the same time.

    He gritted his jaw, setting it moodily as he looked around for Erica or Boyd or... well, anyone he supposed, tapping his fingers against the thigh of his jeans whilst he waited.

    Full moon was soon, and he was getting restless as the pull drew near, his pack was scattered in those moments before school as they travelled from their homes, and he internally yearned for their closeness again.
    June 17th, 2016 at 01:51am
  • Amelia felt the need to look over her shoulder constantly as it was, having escaped her former Alpha and now worried he might find her. With the full moon drawing close, that paranoia was stronger.

    Maybe enrolling in a school wasn't her best choice, but part of her thought school might make her feel safer by being surrounded by other people. Plus, she wanted to feel normal as well.

    When she walked through the doors of Beacon Hills High for her first day, though, both desires seemed impossible when she could smell other werewolves the moment she entered.
    June 18th, 2016 at 12:02pm