Empire Of Dirt. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom

    Naia Henriksen watched the world end. She watched as the clock on humanity's time ran out. Naia lived through riots and loots, and most impressive, she lived through the parasite which had gripped humanity seemingly overnight. The first reports of it broke out in Canada. Some dude had gone crazy. Right in the middle of the mall, tried to bite some cashier's arm off before lapsing into a coma. When he awoke he was... He was something else entirely. Then a rash of like incidents broke out. Those who were brave, or maybe foolish joked about the zombie apocalypse happening. She was too young to remember, but apparently zombies were a pretty big pop-culture phenomenon. Those who were smart, prepared. But then the attacks wore on to more violent happenings. People were dying- and people were coming back. Suddenly the world stopped laughing at these attacks.

    Naia Henriksen watched as the best and brightest minds of humanity tried so desperately to figure out what the hell was going on. She watched as the army moved into her San Fransisco burrow, policing the streets and trying to protect the frightened citizens. Naia refers to this as the eye of the storm. That moment right before the world burned up in a fever pitch. That fever pitch took place when she turned nine. She should of been worried about toys and art and school. Naia and her mother were worried for their lives instead. Naia Henriksen's father was a senator- but even his status could not guarantee his family's lives. No one quite knows how, but some of the... the specimens that were being observed broke out. That's when the first mass infection swept across North America. That was the wave Naia lost her mother to. It wasn't even the undead. It was rioters, looters that had broken into her home. The only reason hadn't been 't killed that night is because her mother hid Naia beneath the sink.

    Her father found Naia two days later. She still doesn't like to talk about it. After that it was clear things weren't going to be the same. The human population was declining at an alarming pace, and nothing it seemed would curb the spread of this virus, this parasite, unless the host's head was crushed. Well after that revelation, her father seldom let Naia leave his sight. And if he had to go, she was always protected by a slew of personal bodyguards hired by rations of food which were becoming scarce. She watched as her father worked with whoever was left, to desperately build a stronghold- a safe haven for those wayward souls who managed to survive the initial outbreak. Naia grew up in a city surrounded by walls and infested with fear. She grew up scrappy, fierce, and resilient. Against Naia's father's wishes she enlisted in the program the military had set up- training people to shoot weapons, to go beyond the safety of the walls and scavenge for food, supplies, other survivors, and medicine.

    And she excelled at this. Naia was stubborn, undaunted and she was at the very top of your class. The only thorn in her side was a boy- well he wasn't really a boy, but Naia refused to acknowledge him as anything else, named Olivander. She didn't know his story, didn't care to. But from day one- these two seemed to be unable to tolerate one anothers company. Where he was cocky and arrogant towards the young Henriksen- she was all sharp edges and sarcasm. Where he was crooked smiles and dark eyes, Naia was cool apathy and distant gazes. Always he seemed ready to bait her with something about who her father was, and Naia were always quick to bark out that he was a nobody, and would never be anything else. When graduation ceremony came, Naia could not be more excited to rid herself of one Olivander Garricksen. Yet, fate has a funny way of pushing people together and she got assigned to his small squad of scavengers. Naia didn't think it could get any worse, following his orders, until... Well it did. It was supposed to have been an expedition, scavenge further out than before, map the territories, find more survivors- though the stronghold was already at capacity, and supplies. The group had been about a five-week walk from the wall when they were attacked.

    The group of scavengers, Naia's friends were torn apart. The only reason that she escaped was because Olivander. He had distracted the infected that had been attacking her, and shouted at her to run. That had been two days ago. Currently Naia and Oliver were stranded in uncharted territory, weeks away from the wall with little supplies or ammo. This was literally one of Naia's nightmares come true. In the present the two stranded scavengers sat in the middle of an abandoned dinner; Olivander fiddling with the walkies-talkie trying to at least broadcast their location to the stronghold. But something seemed broken in it- it had probably gotten scuffed in the fight. A sigh leaves Naia's lips as she checks the window for the hundredth time seemingly that hour. But, Olivander ignored her. Nervous fingers tapped against her thigh as she slid her oceanic depths towards his figure, hunched in the middle of the floor and brows furrowed with frustration. ''Face it. It's broken. We're stranded. There's too many infected between here and the stronghold for just two people.'' She mutters this, a little bitterly before turning from her spot at the window. ''We need to scavenge for food and ammo. Otherwise we're sitting ducks.'' Naia demands, he may still technically be her leader on this excursion- but only because he was older than her. ''We can't keep staying here. We're going to get infected.'' She insists again, taking a step forward, her gaze narrowing.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    The world had ended, but Taven Jackson had not. He had been born a fighter, a survivor, and it would take more than the ending of the human race to change that. Taven had been on his own long before the rest of the world died. He was one of those foster-sob stories you hear. Shuffled from home to home, a quick paycheck for people who had anything but his best intentions at heart... He was almost relieved when the world withered away. He hadn't been very old when the infected began doing what they do best and infect other humans. Maybe thirteen, give or take a couple years. The moment the situation became dangerous, critically dangerous, his foster-parents at the time had up and left him. Decided he was too much of a hassle to take care of. Like a stray dog- just another mouth to feed. That was fine. He never needed anyone to take care of him. He only survived three months on his own. Mostly looting corpses for weapons and food. That's how, whatever's left of the military finds Taven.

    They bring him to the stronghold, explaining that it's for his own good. But it feels just like being put into foster care again. Inside the stronghold you find an expansive city, a good portion of the bay area. It's amazing how quickly they were able to build walls and set up a civilization in there. The leader is some senator from before the infection, but they don't tell the young boy much else. There are boroughs within the stronghold. The factory workers, who built things like weapons and ammo. The agriculture district which was responsible for the food within the stronghold. The military who guarded and protected not only the walls but the citizens within. There were was the building district- those who built the walls and kept care of it to make sure there were no breaches. And then there were the scavengers. Those who went beyond the walls for supplies. They were basically just a specialized focus of the military branch. The stronghold had everything. Even schools. Taven is put into one.

    But the charm wears off. Taven is a refugee, his old world destroyed. He notices the corruption, how those on top seem to have it the best. Those on bottom scraping and pinching and struggling. He grows to hate life within the walls. When he reaches eighteen, Taven has a choice of which borough he'd like to be sorted into. He picks the builders for the sole purpose of sneaking away from the stronghold. He works with his crew for a year. They trust him, adore him even; and in that year things only decline in the wall for those on bottom. For a year he stashes supplies and searches for weak points on the wall that he could slip out of. When he finds it, he waits a week. Packing a backpack of supplies before slipping back out into that broken, smoldering ruin of a world. It's what he remembers... and it isn't. Taven makes a beeline from the city. He wants to get to the surrounding area. It's hard, and a miracle he doesn't die but over the next two years Taven manages to make his way to the very outskirts of San Fran.

    He's twenty-three and he's tired. Tired of running, of fighting. That's what spurs him to the small town outside of what used to be San Francisco. He finds a house, with sprawling property. Empty, and perfect for gardening. It's not easy at first, there are infected and there are sleepless nights. But by twenty-four, he's settled in. He has a piece of land to call home and he's proud of it. It hasn't been easy. The occasional survivor sometimes straggles by. Sometimes the company is nice. Taven trades, he trades weapons for food- he even got a cow out a trade and a few chickens for one of stronghold issued guns and a few clips of ammo. But sometimes it's not so nice. Sometimes groups of bandits blow through. They learn that just because Taven is alone, doesn't mean he's easy prey. Taven has an extensive knowledge of his home, and an impressive collection of weaponry. Those who crossed him learned the hard way that he was a survivor.

    At twenty-five, Taven is alone and he's okay with that. People he learned, are hindrances. Liabilities. He doesn't need or want them in his oddly peaceful life in the midst of end of the world. That's who he's been. Today had been a routine run in town. He needed to make sure that the area was still generally clean and safe from infected, or undead. Maybe see if any traders had blown through, willing to trade. And his patrols had been good. This town wasn't too big, and the biggest part he was concerned with was the downtown area. Where life had once been. Things had been uneventful as he entered what used to be a grocery store. His dark gaze slid over the shelves- mostly barren. And what was left were mostly hygienic products- the reason he was here. Society may of ended- but Tav liked to stay clean and he didn't know how to make soap. He enters the store quietly, hand on a gun he had gotten last year from a survivor who had died in the pizzeria only a few minutes from this shop.

    With quick steps, not wanting to waste time and get back to his home, he was making his way over to the hygienic products when a noise caught him off guard. A clattering of something, an and a soft gasp. At once his hands went to his gun, his eyes narrowing on high alert. ''Hello?'' His voice carries over the otherwise silence. Changing direction he heads towards the location he thought the noise originated from. Much to his curiosity, as he passed a few aisle of shelves- he noted a few drops of blood, and then more. Someone was hurt. ''Look, I'm not going to hurt you. I have some medical supplies. If you're bleeding let me patch you up. Do us both a favor unless you have a death wish. Blood attracts infected. Everyone knows that.'' The last part is muttered under his breath, as he fights the urge to roll his eyes. ''C'mon, I don't bite, and I don't have all day.'' He pauses at the front of the store. He doesn't want to creep up on whoever got injured. The last thing he wants is to accidentally scare them and get a knife in the gut or something. He'll let them come to him.
    November 17th, 2016 at 04:37am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Olivander Garrickson.

    Olivander remembered growing up a world filled with terror. He grew up in a small town where his parents taught him how to live off the land and defend himself. Once his parents became infected he ended up having to shoot them at the ripe young age of fifth-teen. Olivander never looked back after that. He began to take care of himself and never trusted anyone that he ran into. After traveling for years he ended up in a safe haven for the survivors and decided to become part of the scavenger team. After all that was what he was good at. He was good at know how to save stuff and supply everyone with what they needed.

    He did have the one person who hated him most on his team, Naia. Everyone said how great she was, but all they ever did was butt heads. He never saw the appeal of her that other guys found. Maybe it was because he was focused on surviving and not where he was going to get his next lay at like half of them. That all changed when his team was attacked and Naia and himself got separated from the group. He could have left her for dead, but he couldn't do that to someone. She was a good person deep down and a good for their small community. In the end they ended up stranded.

    Olivander smacked the walkie talkie and groaned. He hated to admit defeat. He got to his feet, looking at her. "You're right. Let's get looking for food and ammo. We need to find somewhere we can take shelter at for the night." He said. He grabbed the things they had and put the walkie talkie back into his bag. Maybe he could mess with it later. Olivander hated to give up on things. He grabbed his gun then walked with her out of the room they were in. He looked at her, making sure to check the surroundings around them. It only took a glance away from something and the next thing there would be a horde of them. Olivander found a run down shop and looked at Naia, "Let's check it out." He said. He walked in with her, looking around the building to make sure they were alone. "See anything useful?" He asked as he looked through all the shelves. He smirked when he found a can of food that had yet to expire. He put it in his bag for later and kept looking. It wasn't often that they found stuff like that anymore. They were truely a treasure.

    He walked over to her and pulled the can out of his bag, "Check it out." He said, smirking. He frowned when she didn't look as excited. "Hey quit giving me looks like that. You are the reason we are stuck here." He muttered as he put the can in his bag. If she would have listened to him then they wouldn't be in this place. "You just have to disobey my orders all the time." He muttered.
    Mackenzie Essex. 21.

    Mackenzie grew up in the rich part of town and when the epidemic broke out she didn't even know what to do. Her family freaked out and separated leaving Mackenzie on her own. She had always been the black sheep up of the family so to say. Mackenzie was small, but she knew how to defend herself. She had always defended herself. When things started happening Mackenzie took to looting. It was the only way she could survive. She would get help from people, but never stayed in a group very long. She couldn't bring herself to trust anyone. In this world everyone was out for themselves. That's exactly how she got to be here, bleeding on the floor. She had been fighting with some guy who tried to take her food. Though he cut her with a knife and left her there to die.

    Mackenzie frowned when she heard a guy's voice come from the building she was in. She grabbed her gun and gripped her side. "Go away." She said as she tried to get to her feet. Mackenzie frowned when she heard a crash and seen the guy from earlier pointing a gun at her. Mackenzie gasped when the man grabbed her and pulled her in front of the guy she had been talking to. Give me your stuff or I kill her. she heard the man yell at the guy. Mackenzie rolled her eyes, like some stranger cared if she lived or died. She looked down as the blood leaked from her stab wound. Her breath hitched as the man gripped her harder. "Let go of me asshole." She snapped as she stomped on his foot and shoved him to the ground, kicking his gun away. Mackenzie went to pick up the gun, whimpered as she bent over, feeling the pain surge through her. She jumped when she heard a gun shot, seeing the man that had threatened her dead on the floor. She looked at the man behind her, swallowing hard. "Please don't kill me." She whispered as she backed away from him.

    Mackenzie was surprised when he walked over to her and offered to help. She closed her eyes a she let him fix her cut. She looked at him, "Thank you." She said, looking at him, his eyes meeting hers once he was done. "We should go before the infected come." She said as she started to grab her things that the guy took. She had no where to go and she had to figure something out. She went through the guys pockets and put the stuff in her bag.

    @ WhiskeyDreaming
    November 17th, 2016 at 05:13am
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom

    She almost scoffs when he agrees to start moving. Daylight is wasting and she doesn't have too much time to gloat, but the little twitch of her eyebrow says it all. Together they carefully crept towards the door, each scanning for infected. The problem with the infected- there were different sorts of them. Some that exploded upon being shot, dying but filling the air with noxious gasses that would corrode anything it came in contact with. They were slow and as long as they were shot from a distance, not that dangerous. Then there were your standard zombie-type infected. A medium threat. But the real challenges? The feral. The ones that could climb walls, run on all fours- and of course infected animals. Even a couple of those could tear through Naia and Olivander with little trouble. Thankfully- neither of those types were around. She was still surveying when Oliver stepped out of their temporary shelter, his eyes set on another. ''Let's check it out.'' The order rolled off his tongue, begrudgingly Naia would admit that he did fit the role of a leader well.

    While she'd rather bite off her tongue than say it out loud- she was scared. This was one of her first missions outside the stronghold. Her father made sure of that. And she'd gone and stranded herself with Olivander Garricksen of all people? The very essence of her nightmares. The two remain close together as they try to quietly make their way to the point of interest that Oli had pointed out. Naia was nervous. Jumpy even. Daylight was fading, and fast. Most of the infected became more active at night. Their footsteps are hurried against the cracked pavement. By the time they got to the small shop Naia couldn't be more relieved. Out there, out on the street she felt far more vulnerable than she did in the tiny shop, crumbling to ruin beneath time's touch. "See anything useful?" Olivander asked, and Naia snapped out of her thoughts fought the urge to roll her eyes.

    ''No, and if I did I would say something.'' Naia grumbles, shifting her rifle sling before letting go of the weapon, suspended at her hip by the sling. This frees up her hands and carefully she begins to pick through the isle. She finds a few things. A bar of soap, which she pockets, a package of rotted meats- the stench strong enough to make her nearly gag. So far nothing too useful- like food. She's about to call it quits, grumble and just set to work making a protected shelter when Olivander pipes up. Naia has to remind herself that he did save her life, and she holds back a bladed comment. "Check it out." The words sound from right behind her and the slender, wraith-like girl jumps and whirls around with a glare. On his lips is that smirk that never fails to irk her. Though under her rather unamused glare his smirk fades. "Hey quit giving me looks like that. You are the reason we are stuck here." She almost laughs. Almost. ''Me?! Wow, better report to my dad I have the ability to summon hordes of the infected to eat my friends.'' She pauses for air before continuing on. The sarcasm in her voice is cutting and dry.

    ''I'm sure that will really interest him. I am stranded out here. With you. We're probably going to die out here. Forgive me if I'm not jumping for joy for you and your orders.'' Her cheeks are red and flush. She knows what he's talking about, but pretends to not understand. She was supposed to have scouted ahead. She didn't do a good enough job. She should of scouted that horde and alerted the rest. But she'd rather not think about that. Guilt didn't even cover what she felt. However, a part of her realizes that Olivander's her best chance for survival- and she his. They need to work together. Naia sighs, running a hand through her golden hair, features softening for a moment. ''I'm sorry for snapping at you. What kind of food do you have there? I don't suppose any canned peaches?'' She offers a gesture that may even be considered a smile, but it's gone within a minute. The words of course taste like vinegar in her mouth, but Naia doesn't let on. She's tired and she's frightened and she wants to go home, but she doesn't want to admit that. Because that'd be like admitting a weakness; and she will never feel weak again. That's a promise Naia made herself a long time ago.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    Everything happened so quickly. One moment he was trying to coax out whoever was injured. Then more people. A man dragged a girl out into the open- the one that had been injured. Taven had never seen either of them before, and at once his cynical side rose as the man demanded Tave kick over his supplies- or the girl dies. Mistreatment of women had always been a pet peeve of Taven's. But he wasn't sure if these two were trying to pull a con on him. Curiously he tilted his head, considering his options. It would be a hard shot, but he was a skilled shooter. The tall, dark haired male was confident in his abilities. Before however he could line the shot up, the girl reacted. Stomping on the male's foot and struggling for some advantage. She shoves the male to the ground, diving for the gun and maybe that's what spurs Taven into acting.

    It's clear, she's a survivor, like him. Without thinking he coldly raises the gun, and pulls the trigger. The shot is nothing, if not well aimed. A splintering sound fractures the air and bits of skull and matter go flying in different directions. The other man doesn't even have time to gurgle as he falls to the floor- dead. Almost at once the girl stills in her efforts to grab the gun. ''Please, don't kill me.'' Tear-stained eyes are turned on him and Taven sighs. ''Don't cry. I don't kill people unless I have to. Much less women or children.'' He grumbles. Months away from people have certainly dulled his conversation skills. Once she calmed down enough for Taven to approach he haphazardly tosses his backpack of goodies to the floor. It doesn't take long for him to find the antiseptic, applying it to the stab wound before wrapping it tightly in gauze. It should help with the bleeding but he knows she shouldn't stay on that leg.

    ''Thank you.'' The girl whispers and Tave just grunts pulling back admiring his handy work. "We should go before the infected come." He agreed and he watched as she hobbled to her feet and wordlessly watched as she gathered things from the deceased. Following suit, Taven got to his feet, grabbing his backpack. He had gotten what he came for. His truck was a bit of the street, and glancing towards the girl he wanted to groan. He couldn't leave an injured person out here on their own. She would die, if not by infected then by bandits and looters. ''Alright, c'mon. You can't stay out here by yourself. If the infected don't get you before sunup tomorrow- the looters will. I have a place you can stay until that leg is healed up.'' He directs, and walks over to the girl. Carefully he finesses himself so her arm is around his shoulder, with Taven supporting most her weight. ''You have a lot of major arteries in your leg. If you start bleeding out from one of those there's not much I can do. Seems fine for now but keep the pressure off it.''

    It'd been so long since he'd actually looked out for another human being. It was a weird thing. ''If it starts to hurt or bleed again before we reach my truck, let me know. I'll carry you the rest of the way if I need to. My place is pretty safe.'' He explains as he starts leading the way towards the exit. Daylight is fading and more infected will be out. They need to get back to his property before that happens or they're both fucked. As they break out of the grocery store, out into the humid summer air he pauses glances at her. ''Are you hurt anywhere else? I can take care of it when we get back to my place. I'm Taven, by the way.'' He offers a half-smile, trying to at least be friendly towards the girl. He wants her to feel safe, it'll be easier to deal with a relaxed person than a jumpy one.
    November 17th, 2016 at 06:14am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Olivander Garrickson.

    Olivander looked at her, surprised that she was actually apologizing to him. "It's okay don't worry about it." He walked over going through the canned food. Some where expired while others were useful. He smiled when he found peaches. Sure Naia got on his nerves but he wasn't going to keep something she loved from her. He looked at her, "Here you go." He said as he tossed her the can when she looked at him. He smirked then went back to searching. He looked out, seeing that it was starting to get dark. He knew that the infected would be coming out soon and they would have to find somewhere to stay.

    Olivander walked over to her as he put his backpack on his back. "Come on we have to find some place we can hide out for tonight." He told her. He waited for her to gather her things then walked with her towards the door. He held his rifle, looking out the door, not seeing anything. He looked a few buildings down and see an old hotel. Let's go there He suggested. He smiled when she agreed then began walking towards it. He made sure to keep scanning the area til they were inside. He checked every room as they made their way to the highest room. He opened the last door of the stairwell, smiling when he seen the penthouse room. "Well this works." He said, walking in. He checked the room then looked at her. You keep checking the room and i will start barricading the door." He said. He began to put stuff in front of the door after locking it. He looked over as she walked out, finding nothing. He sighed when he finished, setting his bag down.

    He pulled a chair up and began to set up his gun in front of the window. He looked back at Naia, "You can go ahead and get some rest. I will keep watch." He said as he looked ahead of him. He pulled a bottle of water our of his bag, taking a sip of it. He got up from his chair and walked over the the small kitchen and smirked as he went through it. He smiled when he found alcohol. It was a rare treasure these day. He walked over, putting it in his bag. He knew better than to drink when they were out in the open like this. That would be a death wish.
    Mackenzie Essex. 21

    Mackenzie nodded when she put her arm over his shoulder. She was glad that he was helping her. She looked at him when he sat his name. It fit his appearance well. "I'm Mackenzie. You can call me Mackie though if you want." She told him as they made their way to the truck. She was relieved when he got her into the truck. God it felt amazing to be sitting. She set her stuff down and leaned back against the seat. Mackenzie looked over at him as he began to drive. "Thank you so much." She breathed. She was happy that she found someone. She would have died if he didn't help her. "Where is your place?" She asked him as she looked out the window.

    When they got to his house she got out with his help and made her way into his home. It was actually a very nice place he was staying in. For once it felt normal to be somewhere. "I need to sit down." She said. She sat down on the couch and put her bag next to her. Even though he was helping her she wasn't going trust him around her things. She sat on the couch with her gun, looking through the stuff she stole from the guy. Mackenzie looked at Taven, "I will be out of here once my leg is better. I promise." She told him. She knew that there was a reason he was alone and she understood that. She looked around his house, "Do you get a lot of infected in this area?" She asked.

    Mackenzie sat up a little and put her bag back on the floor near her. She pulled out her bottle of water and took a swig of it. Mackenzie put it away then looked down at her leg. It was pretty messed up because of that guy. She wished she could have been the one to kill him. He attacked her out of nowhere. Mackenzie looked at Taven, giving him a small smile. She had to admit that he was pretty cute.
    November 17th, 2016 at 07:16am
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom

    There have been two small victories tonight Naia decides as they approach the hotel. One, were the canned peaches tucked snugly at the bottom of her backpack to be enjoyed for her dinner once they manage to find a safe place to sit down and eat. The second, was the fact that they had found a place to sleep for the night. The hotel they found was grimy, and in a simpler time maybe Naia would of worried about bedbugs- but as they entered the rundown building she just felt... relieved. This would be the first time since getting attacked they had found a safe place. Wordlessly the svelte blonde hurried up the stairs after Oliver to the top floor, the penthouse. ''This will work.'' He announced his eyes, the color of augmented rust and bark sweeping the place. She let out a soft noise of agreement. Not only was the room comfortable looking enough, but it offered a vantage point. ''We can survey out the window tomorrow. Maybe see if one of us can scramble onto the roof. Try to get a better feel for our surroundings.'' Her words are somewhat stiff as she sets her backpack down on the ground.

    Without saying much she heads over to the bed, kicking the frame a few solid times before determining that the wood was not rotted to the point that they could not sleep there. This would be the first time Naia slept in a bed- not a sleeping-roll. She does as she's bid and takes a look around, her grip tight and steady on her weapon. To her relief, there's nothing up here. The room is safe. Once she's positive nothing is there to attack the duo, Naia heads back towards the bedroom of the penthouse to find Olivander there and watching the window in a chair; his grip secured around his weapon. ''You can go ahead and get some rest. I will keep watch.'' She appreciates the offer, but her entire being is stuck in flight or fight mode. She couldn't sleep right now if she tried. But she doesn't argue. No, Naia's too tired for that. So instead she heads back to her discarded backpack, plopping on the floor beside it and fishing out her trench knife and can of peaches. It's not an easy feat for the wraith-like blonde to drive the knife through the top of the can, and half-stab, half-saw the lid off. She's too set in her task of opening the peaches to notice Olivander rummaging through the kitchen.

    By the time she's done, Olivander is back again and this time she notes the bottle of amber liquor in her hand. Alcohol was something reserved for the most important political meetings and events back in the stronghold. And her father never allowed her to try it. For a moment the peaches remain gripped yet forgotten in her hands. Of course it would be foolish to get plastered, that's asking for trouble, but perhaps a sip won't harm anyone. The weight of the canned peaches brings Naia back from her thoughts and unceremoniously spears a slice with her trench knife, and carefully eats it. The last thing she wanted to do was cut her tongue because she was being clumsy. For awhile the only sound filling the penthouse was the scraping of metal on metal. Once she got halfway through the can she pauses and glances back towards Oli. She hadn't seen him eat yet, she figures he must be hungry. With quiet feet she stands, stretching out her muscles, which cry and protest at the movement. God she's sore and she just wants a hot bath.

    But she doesn't think about that as she approaches the window, leaning against it and blocking Olivander's view rather on purpose. He appears a bit disgruntled at her actions though she simply holds out the can of peaches. ''Eat. You should anyway.'' She tries to sound aloof about it as she rather ungracefully shoves the half-full can into his open hand. ''Until we get back, you are my best shot at survival. And I'm your's. We should try to look out for each other. Even if I can't stand you, and vice versa.'' Naia grumbles, averting his gaze for a moment as she gazes out at the room. ''I think if we stick together- we'll get back home. Then we can go back to ignore each other, save for the occasional spat.'' There's a note of sarcasm in her voice, but it's not as dry as before. She's trying to lighten the mood between them, lighten this heavy atmosphere that settled upon the duo.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    He almost chuckled at her reaction. Human kindness had died along with it's population- well whatever little was left. It was sad once you thought about. In this world someone would rather sooner kill you than help you. Taven refused to be one of those people- even if he was keen on humanity as a whole. ''Alright Mackie, don't worry. You'll be patched up soon enough.'' Tave murmured as they reached his truck. It wasn't hard helping the slender blonde into the truck. The relief on her face let him know how much her leg was bugging her. Once they settled into the truck and Taven got it started up she turned to face him with a quizzical stare. ''Where is your place?'' A part of him doesn't really want to tell her. There is always the possibility that she's part of some other group. Once she's healed up she'll bring her group to try to take everything from him; and Taven doesn't really want to fight people. He just wants to live his life in peace. Whatever peace one can find in the end of the world anyway. ''Umm...'' He mumbles, his dark eyes remaining on the road. ''It's about twenty minutes from here. The edge of this town. Was a farmhouse. I use it for myself now.''

    He mumbles, and his voice is hoarse like he hasn't used it for awhile. And if Taven if honest- he hasn't talked this much to another human being in a long, long time. She was pretty quiet for the rest of the ride, and when they got to his place he helped her out the truck and into the house. Everything was as he left it. He could hear Shelia, his cow in the barn lowing; and his chickens and hens clucking in their hen house. Sometimes he worried about looters coming through and either slaughtering or stealing his animals. Perhaps while she was here healing up, Mackie could keep watch over the farm while he patrolled. ''I need to sit down.'' The pretty blonde announced and Tave just grunted, helping her towards the couch in his living room. "I will be out of here once my leg is better. I promise." She's talking again and Tave shifts, his lips pressing into a thin line. ''Don't push yourself. I don't mind company- 'long as you don't try to slit my throat while I'm sleeping or anything.''

    He watches her face contort, reacting to this news and it draws an unwitting chuckle from his lips. ''Wouldn't be the first time s'all.'' Taven lowers himself into the sofa seat across the couch closing his eyes. He needed to get off his feet, he'd been out all day. ''Do you get much infected in this area?'' At this he perks up. ''When I first came here. But I've been here for years. Picking them off when I can. And a lot of people come through this way to head to the stronghold. They do most the work for me. It's just a matter of upkeep and patrolling and not getting lazy.'' He pauses for a moment, wriggling back into his seat and getting comfy. ''That's what I was doing out today. Partially. Also picking up some supplies.'' He's keeping his voice soft, friendly. He's not the best with people, and he doesn't particularly like them but there's something different in Mackie's eyes.

    Most survivors eyes are hardened. Dangerous. More animal than man. But her's were soft. Open, intelligent. ''Ah, that reminds me, I need to change your bandages every four hours. Infection can kill a person, and we'll have to make sure the blade that didn't do that was poisoned... But, we'll cross that bridge if we get there. When's the last time you ate? I had dinner put away before I went out. If you're hungry.'' He runs a hand through his hair, feeling a little flustered. He feels awkward having someone around, but it's not entirely bad. He figures that socialization is something like riding a bike. A couple days of this girl hanging around, and he'll likely feel more at ease around her. And as different as she seems, looks can be deceiving and it'd probably take a little bit for Taven to adjust, and trust her presence.
    November 17th, 2016 at 08:23am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mackenzie Essex. 21

    Mackenzie looked up at him, wide-eyed when he said about slitting his throat. She shook her head, "I would never do that." She said. Her voice was soft and innocent. Nobody ever took her serious out in the world. They all thought she was just some girl they could take advantage of. She had fought off plenty of people and survived. Today she was caught off guard though. She nodded when he talked about how he kept things up and running. "Well you have a nice set up here." She said smiling. "Must be nice to not have to be constantly wandering." She told him. She shook her head, "God knows i know it sucks." She muttered.

    She perked up when he mentioned food, "Yes please. I'm so hungry." She said. She hadn't eaten in probably two days. She went to get up, frowning when he gave her a look that told her not to move. She settled back into the couch and put her leg up again. She smiled when he returned with the food. "Thanks." She said as she took the plate from him. Mackenzie began to eat, trying to keep herself from devouring the food in seconds. She didn't want to look rude. After all he had invited her in.

    Mackenzie finished and set the plate on the table. "Do you need my help with anything?" She asked him. She wanted to help him for being so polite to her. She knew she couldn't do much, but she wanted to help. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she looked down at her messed up leg. She was going to be no use at all. She knew that she would die if they were attacked. "I'm going to die out there." She whispered. She knew that it would happen eventually, but she wasn't expecting it so soon.
    Olivander Garrikson. 28

    Olivander was surprised when Naia stepped in front of him. He looked down as she shoved the can into his hand. He nodded, "Thanks." He muttered. He pulled the pocket knife out of his pocket, opening it. He began to eat what was left of the peaches, still looking out the window. He couldn't feel safe when he wasn't behind the wall. He knew how to survive, but he liked the luxury of not worrying. He finished with the peaches and threw the can down. He wiped his knife off on his jeans, putting it back in his pocket.

    He leaned back against the chair, holding his gun once again. He had been bred to always be ready for an attack. He never was without a weapon. Olivander looked back at Naia, he had heard many stories about her mom and he wanted to ask about it. He knew that she wouldn't want to tell him though. He wouldn't share anything about his family though. He looked away and looked down at his weapon.

    "We will start going back to safety tomorrow. At least i will try to get us there." He assured her. Olivander knew if he came back to that place without Naia that her dad would be the one to kill him. He had two choices, bring her back safetly or die. Either one could end in his death. He bit leaned back against his chair again and put his feet up. He was tired himself, but he didn't want to go to sleep he was too worried about the infected.

    As the sun began to rise the next morning he got up and started to grab his things. "Naia come on." He said, waking her up. He put the bag over his shoulder. "We need to get moving." He said. He began to move the things away from the door and then waited for her. He walked with her down the stairs and into the street. He walked with her quickly, wanting to get out of the center of town. He was more relaxed as they walked down a back road.
    November 17th, 2016 at 08:46am
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom

    She ended up having trouble falling asleep. For the first hour she just tossed and turned. When Naia finally managed to pass into sleep, her dreams were filled with gore and terror. Throughout the night she'd whimper and whine softly in her sleep. By the time that Oliver woke her up, the rosy dawn creeping above the skyline and into their room- she was broken in a cold sweat and a rapid heartbeat. The first thing that Naia's aware of coming to is soft blankets tangled about her form. For the briefest, sweetest moment she thinks that maybe she's back home. She'll wake up and this will have all been some horrible dream. She's not stuck outside the stronghold with her least favorite person. But it's only for a moment before she's jarred back into her reality. She is stuck outside the stronghold with Olivander.

    ''Naia, come on.'' Olivander's voice wraps about her ears and she moans, trying to turn back into the pillows. She's not particularly sleepy, rather achy. ''We need to get moving.'' Her dark-haired companion seems to have other ideas as he refuses to let the blonde fall back to sleep. Finally with a groan she sits up, rubbing her eyes. For a split second she looks almost... vulnerable but as she lurches into alertness her face hardens once more. The two exchange little words as they get ready for the day ahead. She knows it's going to be trying, and Naia hopes they'll be alive by the time the sun goes down. Once the barricades were cleared from the door the two set off. To be truthful- Naia didn't even know how to get back to the stronghold. They were too far in uncharted territory.

    So, she stuck close to Olivander's side. The thought of becoming lost out here didn't sit well with Naia as that would mean certain death.She kept her trench knife at the ready, and when they had to pass through infected, they took them down as quietly as possible so not to draw the attention of other infected. Their stench was unbearable. A nasty accumulation of rotting meat and sulfur. Naia feels nauseous by the time they make it to the outskirts of the city. They don't speak much, rather they both try to focus on just surviving. Getting through the city. And Naia is perceptive. She notices how tense Oli is, well more than usual. It stresses her out, but she doesn't say anything about. When they finally reach back roads, the first portion of the day has passed. Things mellow out on the back roads. Oliver relaxes, Naia follows suits. It's not until about three hours of walking does Naia stop.

    She can't place the feeling but something doesn't feel right. The hairs on the back of her neck are raised and her cautious gaze scans the surrounding area. She can't see anything but the road, the long since forgotten rust-buckets that used to be cars, and the brush of the wild reclaiming what was once belonged to it. Shaking off the feeling she hurries up to catch back to Olivander. ''Do you remember what it was like before the infection? What was life like before all this?'' The question is sudden, and the first time she's really deigned to talk to him all day. Her steps slow once again, and she pauses her gaze seeking his out. The first bad wave broke when she was about nine, and from the file she saw on him- he was roughly five years older. He had an entire fourteen years to experience the world before it went to shit- and curiosity tinges her cerulean orbs. She stops again, they've been walking for awhile and now was as good as any other time to stop for a quick water break.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    Dinner is simple. Milk, mashed potatoes, green beans, and venison from a deer he'd caught a couple days ago. She looks grateful for dinner, and could probably do with the nourishment. Taven takes his time with his meal, slowly picking around at it. He's tired, it'll be night soon and he's dying for some rest. But he wants to make sure that his guest is alright, well Mackenzie is alight. ''Don't mention it.'' Taven casually waves off her thanks as he alternates between bites and sips. Once she was done and her plate set on the table, 'Kenzie's mind seemed to wander for a little bit- as did Taven's. He knew that it was risky sending people out on their own. He didn't understand it, but there was an urge to help this girl. Keep her safe. But he barely knew her, and she may find it odd if he offered her a permanent place here after just meeting. Though he could use the help around the house... There was so much to do that really it required more than one person. Probably more than two. "Do you need my help with anything?" As if reading his mind she spoke up.

    Almost at once Taven's gaze flickered to her wrapped leg. ''Just rest for now. If you push your leg now, it could be detrimental to your recovery.'' He advises. He makes a move to stand, collect the plates and bring them to the sink- this house had it's own well so as long as he kept that clean the water ran through the house clean and drinkable. At any rate, he makes a move to collect her plate when he notices the despair in her eyes. ''I'm going to die out there.'' The words are whispered, and he stops feeling a bit of his gut twist. Perhaps that's why Tave was quickly taking a liking to Mackie. He knew that look- that look of hopelessness. He felt it each time he got left behind and passed onto a new family. Tave felt that same fear when he'd been abandoned as a child to fend for himself when the first wave broke out. He knew how horrible it felt. With a soft sigh the male places the plates back on the table and hesitantly crosses his arms.

    ''Look, Mackie... I've been on my own long before the first wave broke out. I've been on my own ever since. I know how scary it is out there. I'm not an entirely unsympathetic man. I'm not going to throw you out into the cold the second your leg is healed up. If you end up liking it around here- feel free to stay. Once your leg is healed up I could use the extra pair of hands.'' Tave speaks honestly and shifts his weight foot to foot. ''To be honest, these aren't good parts to be alone around. A few miles west of here I've heard rumors about a group of cannibals or something.'' The last trader to blow through these parts had warned him about that- but Taven was pretty sure the guy was trying to scare him. Not that Taven really got too scared anymore. A dogged sigh is drawn from him and Tave offers a smile.

    ''I know some people prefer being on their own. I usually do, but I don't seem to mind your company. But, I just wanted to tell you- you are welcome to stay for however long you want. If you want to settle down here than feel free to do so. I have the resource and again the extra pair of hands would be nice.'' The offer is sweet, and pauses but adds, ''You don't have to decide right away. If you need time to think about it- be my guest. But for now, rest will be important so how about I help you to your room? There's a bed and some books in there for your entertainment. I'll leave the gauze and the anti-infection ointment on the nightstand in there. If you need help redressing the wound, just come wake me up. I'll be in the room across from your's- but why don't I just show you?'' Taven hopes he hasn't overwhelmed the girl. He didn't know what she went through out there, nor did he know her very well. But he felt it was the right thing to do- offering her a place to stay.
    November 17th, 2016 at 09:36am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Olivander Garrickson.

    Olivander walked and kept his eyes open to make sure there was no one around. He stopped when she asked about the world before the infection. He stared at her, "It was alright. I mean would have been better for a person like you. You would have had money. I however spent my life struggling to live with my family. A few people were just as big of monsters as they are now." He explained. He looked at her, "I do miss the comfort of never really having to worry about if i was going to live or die the next day." He said. He frowned when he heard a noise in the woods. He stepped in front of Naia and pulled his gun up.

    He frowned when he seen some of the infected, "Run." He said. He pushed her slightly in the other way and ran behind her, the sound of their shoes hitting the pavement was the only to be heard except for the sounds of the infect far behind them. Olivander weaved through the broke down cars as he kept up with Naia. He grabbed her arm, pulling her into the woods with him. He knew that they could look the infected better in there. He ran til he couldn't run anymore, before slowing down. Olivander looked around them, not seeing anything. He put his hand over Naia's mouth when he heard people talking. He pulled her back, hiding behind a tree with her. It was there that he listened to the people walking by talking about hunting people. Cannibals. He'd heard about them, but he had never actually met any. He wanted to keep it that way too.

    Olivander waited til they were far enough away before he motioned for Naia to move. He ran with her til they got to the edge of a farm. He was amazed at what was there and obviously people were staying there. He ran over the large field with her, stopping when a gun barrel was pointed at him. On the other end was a face he thought he's never see again. Taven Jackson. "Holy Shit...Taven." He said the boys name. He had never been so relieved to see the guy. They had been friends long ago because they grew up in the same area. Well when Taven was in one of his many foster homes that was. Olivander's breathing was heavy. It was obvious that he had been running for awhile.
    Mackenzie Essex.

    Mackenzie looked at him as he spoke, hanging onto his every word. He was her angel that found her in all this rubble. She didn't say anything back to him, only wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much." She said as she held him. It was nice to have the human contact for a moment. She pulled away looked at him, "Yea i'm really tired." She said. She got up and with his help made it to the room he was giving her. Mackenzie hadn't had her own room in a long time. She moved over to the bed, removing her jacket and boots. "Thanks again for everything." She said before he left the room. She laid back on the bed, closing her eyes.

    The next morning Mackenzie woke up and began to redress her wound. It looked clean so she was thankful for that. She began to put her boots on, then slowly headed downstairs. She knew that she couldn't take the stairs on her leg so she sat down on her butt and slowly slid down them one at a time. Mackenzie got to her feet and looked around the house, not seeing Taven. He must have been out on his farm doing one is many chores. Mackenzie walked through the kitchen and out onto the porch, frowning when she seen Taven walking back with two more people. She knew that he was going to betray her. She backed up and went inside, grabbing her gun off the counter. She waited for them to come through the door, expecting a fight.

    Mackenzie pulled a gun on Taven when he came inside with them, but was quick to put it down when she realized that he was helping them. She bit her bottom lip lightly as he looked at her, "Sorry." She whispered. She didn't expect him to be angry with her. It was obvious that nobody could trust anyone. Mackenzie looked at the two that came inside. They appeared to be scared for their lives. Mackenzie narrowed her eyes at them, looking them over. She trusted Taven, but those two didn't make her feel safe.
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:51pm
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom

    She watched him with wide-eyes, wonder alight in their depths of amalgamated moss and sapphire. "It was alright. I mean would have been better for a person like you. You would have had money. I however spent my life struggling to live with my family. A few people were just as big of monsters as they are now." She does however bristle at the money part but lets it slide for now. Olivander seemed to have it in his head that Naia got to where she was today because of who her father was. "I do miss the comfort of never really having to worry about if i was going to live or die the next day." A bit of envy crept through her veins. Naia hadn't really known a time when she didn't have to wonder if she'd wake up the next day or not; if her father would wake up the next day... Her world had been utterly forged, twisted, and shaped in this new world of chaos and dissent. A noise in the woods caused them both to pause- Naia's hand falling to her rifle.

    To her horror a horde of infected came stumbling out of the woods behind them; and her stomach churned. There were many of them- too many for her and Olivander to take on their own. "Run!" Oli hissed, and Naia didn't need to be told twice. She'd always been fast, and now fleeing from the infected and for her life, she was thankful of all the training she'd undergone before leaving for this mission. Even as they fled, Naia made sure to stick close to Oliver as they weaved through the rust-bucket cars. Eventually they made to the woods; and it was easier to lose the horde there. In the woods there was plenty of brush, shrubbery- enough to hide. The parasite targeted your senses- so the infected, while amazing sight, could barely hear or smell anything. All they needed to do was hide.

    In the woods branches whipped at her face leaving welts and shallow cuts, blood trickling down her cheek from a particularly nasty one. But neither slowed down. She couldn't feel as the branches slapped at her face, and her arms. All that she could feel was that instinct taking over, and Naia was clearly in flight mode. Overhead the sun shone through the thick canopy of redwoods, casting slender beams of sunlight onto the ground, which made it easier for the pair to see where they were going. Oliver and Naia ran until neither physically could. By the time they slowed Naia's legs were trembling, her lungs were on fire and her breath ragged. She honestly didn't know how far they had run from their original spot. Didn't know how they were going to find their way back to the stronghold now. "Oli-mph!" Naia protested when her companion put his hand over her mouth and Naia couldn't help but squirm.

    That is until she noticed why he was doing such a thing. There was a group of people about twenty feet from them. Though they hadn't seemed to notice Olivander or Naia for that matter. But the delicate looking blonde could hear them. Their voices were scratchy, gruff and it sent chills up Naia's spine. "Clive radioed me. Said he noted two tasty morsels prowling about." One said, and a chitter of excitement raising from the rest of the group. "Blonde lil' Shelia and a friend." At once horror clogs her throat. Cannibals. She barely feels it as Olivander pulls her behind a tree, keeping his hand over her mouth. Their proximity was close, Naia against his chest as they silently waited for the cannibalistic group to move on. Fear turned her blood cold. What if one of them noticed the duo? Then Naia would end up as someone's lunch. The thought disgusted her. Thankfully though, the other group notice them and within fifteen minutes had disappeared into the thicket.

    Almost as soon as it was safe, Olivander was pulling her from behind the tree, his hand dropping from her mouth. Her dark-eyed companion motioned at her to hurry and follow him. So, Naia complied. Once again they were off running through the trees. She was exhausted, reaching the end of her stamina. Thankfully, just when Naia thought her legs were going to give out entirely, the two stumbled upon the edge of a farm. And unlike most other buildings- this one clearly had someone or someones living there. A cow grazed in the field a few feet away, and she could hear chickens. Perhaps they had found safety. Oliver hesitated for a moment before motioning for Naia to follow him through the field. Her guard was up, so when they happened across the figure standing, pointing a rifle at them Naia was quick to grab her own rifle- pointing it back with narrowed eyes.

    She hadn't been killed by infected so far, and she wasn't going to let a human kill her now. Oliver tensed, though relaxed to her shock calling out the other man's name. "Holy shit... Taven." Slowly the other male lowered his gun, and Naia followed suit. "I'll be damned. Olivander Garricksen." A slow yet warm smile spreads across the other guys face. Naia knew they must of looked terrible. Dirty, scared, and this Taven character just sighed. "Alright, come on in. Get cleaned up, you can tell me what's happened over lunch." Taven grumbled, jerking his head back towards the house. The blonde could hardly believe the turn of their luck. "You have... Hot water?" Naia asks, speaking for the first time and taking a hesitant step forward. The new male snorts, and nods. "Yep. I have a generator so, got electricity as well." That's all Naia needs to hear as the trio sets towards the house together; though the bright-eyed beauty remains close to Olivander's side. She doesn't know if this is a trap and if it is she doesn't want to be far from Oliver if shit goes south.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    Taven had woken up that morning going about his chores and not expecting much. He got up with dawn as he normally did. Mackie was still asleep, and Taven didn't want to bother her. She needed sleep, she needed rest. That was the quickest way for her leg to heal up. So, Taven had slipped out, left a note on the kitchen table detailing he was just out taking care of the animals and garden. When the note was left, Tave hoped she'd find it, he grabbed his rifle and headed out about his day. His first stop was his cow. He'd read once cows got sick if you didn't milk them; so she was always his first stop. It took about thirty minutes and when he was done with that, Tave moved on to his crops. The sun had risen steadily as he worked, leaving the male in a light sweat. But there were a few things ready from his garden. More green beans, potatoes, tomatoes, and lettuce. He'd have to run inside grab a basket and harvest them. The sun had already passed it's apex by the time that he was ready for his last chore; patrolling the property.

    And at first it had gone well. None of his fences were broken, nor did he see any infected. Taven was fixing to head back indoors when he caught a flicker of movement from the far left corner of his field, the one that bordered on the woods. At once he raised his rifle, aiming towards the two figures. He already had one guest and he wasn't about to take on two more. Although as they drew closer, he noted one of them looked almost... familiar. It took them awhile to notice him but once they did the two stopped almost immediately. The little blonde was quick to raise her rifle, aiming it at Taven, though he was confident if it came to a fight, he'd be alright. Taven opened his mouth demand the two get off his property when the dark haired one spoke first. "Holy Shit...Taven." Pausing, Tave scrunched his brows together, lowering his own weapon to study the other's face. There was something familiar about it. Messy, brunette locks and dark eyes that spoke to notes of impish mischief... "Well, I'll be damned. Olivander Garricksen."

    It had been years since Tave had seen this guy. They knew each other in the stronghold. Taven actually did like Oliver Tave sighed. These people were no longer a threat and he lowered his weapon. "Alright, come on in. Get cleaned up, you can tell me what's happened over lunch." They were miles and miles away from the stronghold. They looked frightened and grimy. Of course Tave was going to help out an old friend. "You... Have hot water?" For the first time the blonde spoke up and lowered her weapon. Tave's dark gaze swept over her, taking in her features curiously. She was a standard sort of pretty, big, oceanic depths, soft curves and hair the color of golden wheat. She seemed almost out of place in this hellscape. But Taven felt no real draw to her. "Yep. I have a generator so, got electricity as well." Almost at once the harsh suspicion in her eyes fell away to something warmer. Once the promise of warm water and shelter was offered, the trio set off across the field. "So, finally made scavenger huh?" Taven asked as they neared the house. Amusement laced his voice.

    He always known that Olivander was going to be a scavenger; and he'd been good at it from what he recalled. Taven, assumed that when they reached his porch- holding the door open for the other two that Mackenzie would still be asleep. Or upstairs. When he led the little band of scavengers further into the home however, he was met with yet another gun pointed in his face. Mackenzie had managed to make it down the stairs and stand up long enough to find a gun and point it at the group. "Good morning. These are friends, they're in a bit of a jam." Taven greeted, seemingly unfazed by her actions. "Sorry." Mackie mumbled, putting the gun back down on the counter. "It's okay, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to warn you they were dropping by... It was unexpected. How's your leg holding up?" Taven asks, going to her side and momentarily forgetting about Oliver and his companion. He noted Mackie glaring over his shoulder the other two, and he couldn't entirely blame her. They were new and new got you killed if you weren't careful.

    Once he made sure that Mackie was okay he cleared his throat turning back to Oliver and his companion. "Alright, so this is Mackenzie. She got into a bit of trouble, and she's going to be staying here. Mackenzie, that's a friend I knew when I was at the stronghold, Olivander. And you'll forgive me miss but I have no idea who you are. I'm Taven. You can call me Tave it doesn't matter either way to me." He tries to take control of the situation, hoping that with introductions everyone will just relax. Taven hates conflict. "Why don't we all head to the living room? Mackie, you can get off that leg. You two can tell Mackenzie and I what the hell you're doing so far away from the stronghold. Then, I'll get lunch out and you two can shower and rest up before heading back on your way." Taven suggests.
    November 17th, 2016 at 07:49pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Olivander Garrikson. 28

    Olivander was shocked to see the small girl pointing a gun at them. He gave her a small smile before he walked into the room with them. He sat down and looked at Taven, "Well, we were with out group looking for supplies when we were attacked by the infected. We got separated from our group and now we are trying to make it back." He said with a small shrug. He shook his head, "We ran into some cannibals back in the woods so be careful out here." He told them. He couldn't believe he was sitting in front of Taven. He knew the guy had ran off from the stronghold and he didn't think he would survive.

    Olivander looked over at Naia, "This is Naia by the way." He said, introducing her. He looked over at her as she spoke then looked back at Taven. "You got a nice set up here though." He said, looking around. It reminded him of the time before the infection. He looked back at Taven, "Well do you mind if we get cleaned up?" He asked. He stood when Taven agreed and went upstairs with Naia. "You can shower first." He told her as he began to set his stuff in the spare room that Taven had led them too. He looked at her, "Taven might be able to help us get back." He assured her. Though he knew Taven was a stubborn guy and he might refuse to help as well.

    Olivander looked out the window at the field that Taven had turned into the garden. He shook head, not believing it was so great. He was glad when Naia finished up though. He walked into the bathroom, stripping from his clothes and getting under the warm water. It had been such a long time since he had a warm shower. He closed his eyes, just enjoying the luxury for a moment. He finished showering and got dressed before walking downstairs. He smiled at them, "Thanks for letting us shower." He said to Taven.
    Mackenzie Essex.

    Mackenzie nodded when Taven mentioned going to the living room. She sat down, putting her leg up. She watched the two of them, still not trusting them. After Taven returned from taking them upstairs she looked at him. "How do you know them?" She asked him. Mackenzie had always been against the stronghold. She hated how the government was before the infected and she could only imagine how awful it was now.

    Mackenzie frowned when he said who they were, "So they are assholes who think the government care about them...awesome." She muttered as she leaned back against the couch. She ran her fingers through her hair, deciding that she wasn't going to trust them. "Are they going to stay here?" She asked him. She knew she was asking a lot, but she couldn't help herself. She had serious issues with trusting people after everything she had been through.

    When Naia returned downstairs, Mackenzie quit talking. She stared at the girl for a moment, "So you guys ran into cannibals?" She asked the girl. Mackenzie wanted to know what she had to worry about coming to get her. She was hoping her leg would heal faster so she could get out of here. As much as she wanted to stay with Taven she knew eventually it would not end well for her.

    @ WhiskeyDreaming
    November 18th, 2016 at 07:11am
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom

    She let the hot water cascade down her body, and she closed her eyes a soft little purr in the back of her throat. It had been ages since she had this kind of luxury. The water relaxed her aching muscles, strained from nights and days on the run with little rest. When she finally felt some sembelnce to human Naia began using the soap provided to scrub at the filth and grime caked onto her skin. Steam unfurled and collected in the bathroom as Naia cleaned up- mulling over this newest encounter. Taven seemed well enough. It was kind of him to take them in, even if it was for a little bit. The only thing that Naia was worried about, was Mackenzie. She hadn't missed the way the other girl's eyes narrowed at her and Olivander and the wraith-like blonde was under the impression that she did not care for either of them. It felt a little unfair, but at the end of the day as long as she didn't try anything, Naia would try not to care. When all the dirt and grime had finally been washed away, and a scent of sandalwood and lilac clung to her skin and hair was washed, Naia turned off the water, stepping out into the steam filled room and drying off.

    Taven had left out some clothes for her to change into, a simple pair of gray cotton shorts and a white tee-shirt. They were clean and smelled good which was more than could be said for the pair of ripped jeans and tank-top she had come here in. Upon drying off, and dressing Naia stepped out of the bathroom, steam swirling about her figure. Olivander was still in the bedroom, waiting for his turn and keeping watch. Naia begrudgingly appreciated it. Over the past month they'd been stranded she did trust Olivander. His presence made her feel safe, and she knew him well enough to know that he was on his side. Even if they disliked each other. He glanced up, his brows scrunching at her new clothes and Naia self-conciously tugged the hem of the shorts. They were... well short. Enough to show off shapely legs. However, he just cleared his throat. "Taven might be able to help us get back." At once she perked up, and her face lit up. Home.

    For the first time in a month Naia dared to hope. "That's great news!" With someone like Taven who had made it so far from the stronghold on his own two other people should be enough. With that Olivander brushed past her, to head into the shower and Naia decided to head downstairs. In hushed voices Mackie and Tave were conversing and for a moment she faltered on the stairs but shrugged it off and continued onwards. Making her way back into the living room two pairs of eyes turned on her. "So you guys ran into cannibals?" To her surprise Mackenzie spoke up. Raising a slender eyebrow Naia nodded. "Yeah. A few miles away from here. I mean we didn't stop to ask them if they were cannibals- but from what we heard it was pretty apparent." Her tone was a bit sharp. She still didn't know what to make of this other girl. Noting an open loveseat, Naia collapsed into the comfort immediate and welcome. "So Tave, you used to live in the stronghold?" Naia asked, her brows knitting together as she turned to the other male. He just gave a nod. She supposed that was enough of an answer.

    The trio lapsed into silence until the water turned off and after a few minutes Oliver appeared. His hair was wet, clinging to his forehead and he looked clean. Naia absolutely did not think he was handsome. Not in the slightest. He glanced around and noting the empty seat next to her walked over, sitting beside her. "Thanks for letting us shower." At this Tave snorted, amusement crossing onto his lips. "Well, it was more for me. You guys smelled like a pack of polecats, not offense." Naia grins at this and shrugs. "None taken. So Taven how long have you been out here? It's really impressive, the farm." Naia asks, curiosity sliding into her voice. The loveseat is small, and she can feel the sides of her legs pressed against Olivander's. At any other time she would of moved away, but in a house of strangers and escaping hungry cannibals- she just let it be.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    "So they are assholes who think the government care about them...awesome." Once the other two had gone upstairs, Mackie muttered under her breath and Taven chuckled. The blonde girl, Naia- he hadn't known her face but he knew her name. "Well the government certainly cares about one of them." At Mackie's curious gaze Taven elaborated. "The girl, her father founded the whole stronghold. He runs it." Taven himself had never met the senator nor did he want to. What he wanted was for his friend to clean up, rest up, maybe give him some weapons and head out. back to the stronghold. It would be difficult, but if he could do it alone, Olivander and Naia could do it together. Besides, he would imagine Senator Hendriksen was sending out patrols to try to find his daughter. "Are they going to stay here?" Mackie's gaze looked worried and Taven shook his head. "I don't think so. Olivander is welcome to, so is Naia I could use the help. But I don't think Naia will want to stay here, and I don't think Oliver will let her wander off on her own. He's a good guy like that." Tave explained.

    He could sense how skittish Mackenzie was with their guests, and Taven was worried she'd try to take off before she was ready and end up hurting herself. "But don't worry. Focus on healing up your leg. I'm sure they'll be gone within the week." A flurry of footsteps on the stairs had Taven shutting up as Naia walked into the room. The clothes that he found, the ones that had been left here by previous owners, seemed to fit her well enough. She looked better, and smelled a hell of a lot better. He was quiet as the two girls conversed- shortly about the cannibals. He had heard of them; but Taven hadn't believed it. Hadn't wanted to. Even in the worst of times he didn't want to believe a human could stoop so low as to hunt, kill, and eat another human. The whole thing reminded him of the Wendigo's in children's stories. Monster that could never satisfy their hunger for the flesh of humans. "So Tave, you used to live in the stronghold?" He was surprised when Naia brought his name up.

    "Yep." His answer was quiet, short and as he nodded. That seemed to be enough information for her as she snuggled into the cushions of the loveseat. For awhile no one spoke. It wasn't until he heard another pair of footsteps coming down the stairs was he jolted out of his thoughts. Olivander entered the room next, taking the seat next to Naia and looking a lot better. Cleaner, healthier. "Thanks for letting us shower." Taven couldn't help but laugh at this. ""Well, it was more for me. You guys smelled like a pack of polecats, not offense." The world may of ended, but that didn't mean manners had to. He didn't live in a barn and didn't want his house to smell like one. It was Naia who answered him. "None taken. So Taven how long have you been out here? It's really impressive, the farm." Taven shrugs. "A few years. Maybe about.. Two. Three. Lost count." It was hard to keep track of time in this world. He had been here for a long time, that's all he knew.

    Naia exchanged a glance with Olivander and Taven cleared his throat. "So, I'll have dinner out. Feel free to stay here. Rest up. When you two are ready to go back on your way I can set you up with some weapons and food." He wanted them to know they were welcome, but also wanted them to know he was not leaving. He had already fought tooth and nail to get here. He wasn't about to fight tooth and nail to get back to the stronghold. The blonde, Naia looked a little shocked at his words, though he pretended not to notice. "While you're here, if you're up to it I could really use some help around here. Patrols, taking care of the garden- tending the animals. It would be a great help." Taven offered. He really didn't care if they did chores. He could do them himself, but more hands made for quicker work and more free-time. Not that there was much to do in the end of the world.
    November 18th, 2016 at 08:31pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Olivander Garriskson. 28

    Olivander sat with Naia and listened to Taven talked about his farm. He couldn't believe he had something like this. The stronghold has assured them that something this nice did not exist out here. "How do you have running water? The stronghold said that doesn't exist anymore." He told him. He just felt like there was something up. Sure Taven had always been a great guy, but there was a reason that he ran away from everyone.

    Olivander looked at Naia, seeing that she looked so much happier now that she had showered and could relax. He looked back at the two in front of him. Mackenzie obviously didn't trust them. "You can trust us you know." He told her. Well your from the stronghold so, no i really cant. Her words rang through his ears. He was not expecting that response. She hated them for the belonging to the stronghold. He wanted to retort back, but he knew better. This was Taven's place and he knew not to start a fight.

    Olivander couldn't help himself though, "The stronghold is a great place to live. They keep people safe." He told her. No, they brain was morons like you Damn, this girl just gave no wiggle room. Made sense why she was hanging out with Taven. They were both hard-asses. He leaned back, not saying another word. He had so many harsh things to say, but he held them back. This little girl was actually trying to out smart him.

    Mackenzie Essex. 21

    Mackenzie frowned as she sat there listening to all of them converse. She frowned when Olivander said she could trust them, "Well you're from the stronghold so no i can't." She snapped back. Her eyes narrowed as he responded, saying how they help people. "No, they brainwash idiots like you." She responded. She looked over as the girl went to say something, "And don't start your father is the one who started it." She said. "You realized the government is what created the infected. They made this problem. They are the reason we are going to die." She said.

    With that Mackenzie, got to her feet, with Taven's help. She walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She got a glass of water and sat down, taking a sip of her drink. She didn't care if she was being harsh. She had enough reason to not trust strangers. They all either wanted something from her or wanted her dead. Except for Taven. Taven was her savior right now. Mackenzie frowned when she heard a loud noise outside. She looked out, seeing some people in the field. "Taven." She said, walking into the living room. "I think your friends brought their hunters." She told him. She could tell that the people in the field were up to no good. She got her gun and frowned when she heard someone trying to open the door.

    Before she knew it they were rushed by a group of cannibals and she was knocked out. When Mackenzie came to she sat that she was in a small shed. She looked over seeing Taven next to her, Olivander and Naia were there as well. Mackenzie looked at Taven, there eyes meeting for a second. She gasped when someone grabbed her pulling her towards them. She frowned when she met eyes with one of the men. This on is already injured so we will go with her first. Mackenzie tried to pull away from him only to feel a finger being jammed into the wound on her leg, getting a screaming response from her. Careful James, her little boy toy is getting feisty. She heard the guy against the wall said. She looked over, seeing Taven. Mackenzie kicked the man in front of her, causing him to curse. She screamed as he picked her up and took her to a room that she assumed was where they killed people.

    The door shut behind him and she felt a cold metal table under her, "Get off of me you freak." She yelled as she fought him. Her eyes widened when she heard the saw he had start up. This psycho was going to cut her up alive. Mackenzie realized she was going to have to fight for her life. Not like it was a change. Mackenzie began to fight against him, pushing his arms away, knocking the saw out of his hands. She got up, kicking him before she slammed him against the table. The crashing could be heard outside, but the other cannibals assumed she was just fighting. Mackenzie got a hold of the saw and pressed it against the man's throat. She watched as the blood spattered and his body went limp. Mackenzie stepped back, holding the saw in her hand. She opened the door, the blood covering her face and upper body. It was enough distraction for the other to fight back.
    November 18th, 2016 at 09:04pm
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom

    Naia was positively bristling. This girl was entitled to her opinions- Naia would agree to that. But she was being rude, unnecessarily so. It angered Naia that she was speaking to Olivander that way. If anyone was a good guy- it was him. Naia was alive after all because of him. And while she wasn't his biggest fan she still tried to at least show some sort of respect for him. ''You don't get to talk to him that way.'' Naia cut in, her gaze narrowed as she felt her temper slipping. ''You know, literally nothing about him. He got the highest marks in our branch. He's not a moron. Vain, arrogant? Yeah. A pain in the ass? Yeah. A moron, simply because of where he resides? No. So watch your tone.'' Naia's warning was spoken gruffly. If Olivander wasn't going to defend himself- she would. However this meant this girl's attention and her problem- was focused on Naia. "And don't start your father is the one who started it." At once the Naia felt like she was seeing red.

    Still this girl wasn't done and it took all of Naia's will not to lash out. "You realized the government is what created the infected. They made this problem. They are the reason we are going to die." A hush had fallen over the living room and Taven was watching with sharp eyes, as was Olivander. ''The infection started in Canada- so please tell my how my Californian father had anything to do with it. Everyone knows it came down through the border.' Naia spat, her voice cold and harsh. Who the fuck did this girl think she was? Insinuating that her father, who lost nearly everything- his friends, his wife and mother of his daughter to this thing, have anything to do with it? Her hands trembled with vexation and her cheeks were flushed. She needed to leave. Before this escalated further. ''You know nothing.'' That was the last thing Naia barked at her before leaving the room her heart racing.

    How could someone be so... so cruel to people they'd just met? She understood that you couldn't just trust anyone these days. But all Naia wanted to do was get home. And this Mack girl seemed determined to belittle her and Olivander for it. She even had the nerve to suggest her father had something to do with whatever happened. She got the stronghold had its problems. But her father did his best. He tried to protect people, preserve humanity. And what was she doing? Nothing. Cowering in some farm and doing nothing to help anyone else. Naia was lost in her head as her feet carried her out the front door of the home, towards the barn. Taven had mentioned animals. Animals had always calmed her down. Naia didn't stop until she was in the chicken yards. The little birds clucking and strutting about. Leaning against the fence Naia watched them, forcing herself to take deep breaths.

    That girl knew nothing about Naia's life. She didn't know that Naia watched her mother take a bullet through the head at nine, stuffed and hidden in a sink so her own life would be spared. She'd been too afraid to come out for two days until her father could get back home from his trip. That was the first wave and she had been nine. There was no way her father would do something to jeopardize not just humanity's safety- but his family's. She had seen the way he had fallen to his knees, cursing and wailing. She'd never forget. And Naia would never, ever, ever believe her father had something to do with the world ending. Not from some random chick who had zero concrete proof. Cool air washed against her face and she was beginning to feel calm when she heard footsteps approaching- and assuming it was Olivander shook her head. ''I'm not going to apologize for what happened. She was over the line Oli.'' However, she never got a response. Rather she felt a brief intense pain in the back of her head like she'd been struck and blackness overtook the girl before she even crumpled to the ground.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    He came to with a head of pain in a fucking shed tied up like a hog. Of all the possibilities that could happen- none of them were good. To his right was Mackenzie, wide-eyed and frightened. Behind her he could catch a glimpse of Naia' and he would guess the back he was pressed up against was Olivander's. Shit. An ambush. Anger boiled in his blood- he should of seen something like this coming. Naia and Oliver had even mentioned the cannibals. And now because he hadn't taken precautions against this- they were all about to die. Slaughtered like hogs. A growl spilled past his lips as he strained against the rope that restrained him to no avail. He was aware of two figures in the shed, probably the ringleaders and panic began to set in. This was how he was going to die? Maybe he could create some sort of diversion... Let the other's escape. This is why he hated letting people in.

    They were liabilities and this proved that. But... But he couldn't hate anyone here. Oliver was an old friend, if he had to die helping someone- it may as well of been him. He just wished he could of protected Mackenzie better, like he had promised her. The two ringleaders seemed to notice that the group was coming to with various sounds of groans and moans. ''This on is already injured so we will go with her first.'' At once his head snapped up and he threw himself against his binds. ''Don't you fucking touch her! You take me, you take me first!'' Taven snarled his voice dark with fury. Straining against his binds until they felt as if they were beginning to cut into his wrists there was nothing Taven could do but watch helplessly as one of the men dug his fingers into her stab wound, making the blonde scream. There was nothing Taven could do but shout obscenities as they dragged Mackenzie away.

    It was then Olivander leaned into his back, murmuring beneath his breath, ''There is a knife in my backpocket. See if you can grab, unsheathe it and cut me loose.'' Determination sung in his veins. There were sounds of fighting from the room they had dragged Mackie into- and he hoped that meant she was still alive. It took a little bit of maneuvering, but he managed to get the knife. Getting it out of it's sheath was a different story but in the end he triumphed, though cut one of his fingers open in the attempt. Cutting Olivander's bonds? Also not easy and Taven thinks he may of cut his friend's hand a few times but there's really no way to tell. The noise is coming reaching a crescendo in the other room and Taven can only think of the worst. Mackie being cut open, slaughtered and sawed apart. The cannibal that was left to guard them looked concerned. He was going to check when the door slammed open- straight into his face and sending him stunned to the floor.

    There stood Mackenzie. She was drenched in blood, gripping a saw and panting. To say he was shocked was an understatement. Olivander took full advantage of this distraction he yanked himself free from his bonds and without hesitating lurched forward so he was straddling the man who had been stunnd and with a quick flick of hand, opened his throat and Taven watched the man convulsed violently blood splurting out of his neck. After a few minutes and wet gurgling noises the other cannibal lay dead. Olivander looked almost stunned and shakily got to his feet, freeing him and Naia. Once he was free, Taven tore a piece of his shirt off to wrap around his bleeding finger. He may need stitches later. But he can worry once everyone is safe. ''Okay, we won't have long until the other's of their... Group start looking for the disturbance and they're going to find four alive hostages and two dead cannibals. We need plans. Mackie has the saw, Olivander- his knife. Naia you and I need to find weapons. I propose we stay in a group, and try to find a weapons stash. Then, we take the group out one by one. There can't be too many of them. And if we're smart we should be get through this.'' Taven directs pacing nervously in the cabin. He pauses to look at Mackie. ''Are you okay?''
    November 19th, 2016 at 10:28am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Olivander Garrickson.

    Olivander was shocked to see what had all happened. He helped Naia up and looked at her, "Are you alright?" He asked her. He knew they had to get out of there quick. He held the knife and nodded at what Taven said. "Let's get out of here." He said. He walked out with them and then began to move through the small area that the cannibals had set up. He gripped his knife then took off running with the rest of them.

    Olivander grunted when he was taken down by someone crashing into him. He frowned when he seen one of those cannibals on him. "Get off of me you fucker!" He snapped as he stabbed the man. He moved the guy off of him then caught up to the rest of them. He grabbed Naia, pulling with him. He wasn't going to risk her being caught off gaurd. He moved faster and then let go of her. He stopped when they got to a clearing. "We have to keep moving." He said, seeing that Mackenzie was in a lot of pain. He couldn't imagine doing what she was doing right now. Olivander sighed as he caught his breath. He looked over at Naia, hoping that she was going to be okay.

    When they got back to Taven's house he walked in and looked around. "We are going to have to leave here Taven. Those cannibals know where you are now." He said. He looked around, looking out all of the windows. He couldn't believe that this was happening.
    Mackenzie Essex. 21.

    Mackenzie looked at him, "I'm fine. Let's get out of here." She said holding the saw. She walked out behind Taven then took off running with the rest of them. She jumped over some of the fallen down trees in their way then frowned when she seen some guy fighting with Naia. She walked over, smashing his head in with the saw and kicked him to the ground. "Go!" She yelled at Naia. She ran with her, her leg was hurting so bad at this point. She just wanted to get back to the house.

    Mackenzie walked into Taven's house, looking at them. "I need to shower first." She said, moving away from them. She limped up the stairs before she got to the bathroom and started to strip out of her clothes. Mackenzie was sure to make her shower quick. She gathered her things, before she put her shoes on.

    She came downstairs after putting on a pair of spare clothes that Taven had given her. She looked at him as she put her bag on her shoulder. She was ready to move on again. "Taven they are right we need to get out of here." She said. She knew he had worked hard for this place, but he would be in danger. She frowned when he went to argue, "If you don't leave i'm staying here with you." She said, narrowing her eyes at him. She wasn't going to leave him. She walked over, taking his hand, looking at his fingers. "Think we have time to patch you up?" She asked him.

    @ WhiskeyDreaming
    November 20th, 2016 at 02:39am
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom
    She woke up in a world of confusion and hurt. When she had begun to stir form consciousness she instinctively tried to move her body to stand up- yet felt the binds on her wrists and ankles biting the flesh the more she pulled at them. A soft moan was pulled from the back of her throat as Naia's orbs snapped open; revealing her fuzzy surroundings. Three figures were tied up as well, and she'd guess them to be Taven, Mackenzie, and Taven. She could barely listen as what some strange, throaty male's voice was saying as Naia did her best to keep a straight face against the pain in her head- a result from being hit there; and it occurred to Naia hogtied on the dirty floor of the shed- this is where she'd probably die. Perhaps it was from being hit so hard in the head but she didn't feel panicked... Rather she felt resigned. Naia was tired of fighting. The odds were stacked against them the moment she'd gotten herself and Olivander stranded from the group. Her biggest regret was that he was going to likely die as well.

    Naia barely paid attention as Mackenzie was drug off, twisting and screaming and Taven straining against his bonds swears and curses of the like falling from his tongue. Likely the only person who cared about her like that was back behind the wall. Her father who would never know what happened to her. There wouldn't even be a body to bury. Just bones. After Mackie was dragged away, she felt Taven go still and quiet for the briefest of moments before Oli nudged him, saying something too soft for her to make out. Though a few moments later Tave began wriggling around. The sounds of a struggle could be heard and the other cannibal was left looking perplexed. As he was about to go check on them when the door smashed open- directly into the cannibal's face. With a startled gurggle he fell backwards to the floor utterly stunned. Olivander quickly got to his feet, and without hesitation dropped onto the cannibal- and in a fluid motion slit his throat.

    Naia made a soft noise of surprise. She knew this situation was extreme. Kill or be killed- but she still paled and looked away. Taven was talking, trying to talk strategy by Naia knew it was a hopeless plan. There was no way they could fight off an entire camp of these cannibalistic goons. There was simply too many. The ropes bit into her wrists and her legs cramped and tingle. She wanted to get up, and as if reading her mind Olivander hurried over, crouching by her side and gently sawing at the binds until they fell away and she was free to stand up. His hands went to her elbows steadying her and Naia shot him a look of gratitude. "Are you alright?" His voice was quiet, concerned and Naia wanted to shake her head. No. No she wasn't. She'd almost gotten eaten, watched a murder take place... And while it was needed so they could survive it didn't sit well with her. But she didn't want to make a scene. They couldn't afford it. So she just shook her head. "Fine, let's get out of here."

    Her voice is croaky, hoarse- dry. Oli nods and Taven leads them to the door. With a deep breath he kicks it open and immediately breaks into a sprint. Naia does her best to keep up. The last thing she wants is to be separated from the group. That would mean sure death. Overhead the sky was pitch-black only the cold, silvery light of stars providing any sort of light. The further away they got from the shed, Naia was aware of voices shouting, footsteps pounding- they were being chased. Her gut twisted with fear and her skin broke in a cold sweat. Just as she thought they were gaining more and more distances from their chasers, Naia heard skin making contact with skin and from slightly behind her, Olivander went down. Immediately she stopped, prepared to rush over and help but underneath the black night sky she watched as more blood was spilled. This time she felt less disgusted. These people... If they could even be called that, were no better than infected. The brunette squadron leader was almost immediately back up on his feet, taking Naia by the hand and running.

    She doesn't complain when he lets go after they catch back up to Tave and Mackie. Branches whip at her exposed skin, leaving welts, scrapes, and bruises as she crashes ungracefully through the brush and forest. It's not until they reach a clearing do any of them dare stop. However they don't stop long. Just long enough to take category of themselves before Olivander is taking the lead. "We have to keep moving." She nods and again the group darts from one side of the clearing to the other. She thinks they're out of the woods. Figuratively. Mackenzie is still lugging the saw and Taven is bleeding freely from his hands; the blood staining the forest's floor. A blood trail. There's not much that can be done about now however. Naia falls slightly behind the rest of the group as she swears she hears something. The blonde opens her mouth to warn the others, but before she can a weight slams into- knocking her to the ground and her breath out of her lungs. At once she's scrambling to get to her feet.

    She's weaponless, and when she feels the sharp, white-hot pain in her side she realizes her attacker is not. He pulls away holding a large knife covered with her own blood and Naia feels nauseous. He comes at her again, only he never makes it. Mackenzie must of noted her struggling and she'd come back- putting the saw through his head and cover Naia with thick, crimson blood that stains her cheeks, her forehead, and her clothes. "Go!" She shouts, and Naia just curtly nods, holding her side and keeping pressure. She's losing blood, but it's not as deep as it could of been. She tries not to think about her hand is slicked with blood after only a few moments. The wound only leads to her breath cramping so when they reach Taven's fields, Naia is nearly stumbling over herself. But by some miracle they make it back to the house. They make it through the doors. All of them covered with various degrees of injury.

    The lights are still on from earlier and Naia winces as she pulls her hand away from the wound. There's blood, but as long as she disinfects it and wraps it with gauze, she should be fine. Compression was key. Olivander is quick to point out they can't stay there. "I need to shower." Mackenzie grumbles, and Naia doesn't respond. She could use Mackenzie's shower-time to patch herself up. At this point blood has begun to drip from her fingers on Taven's floor and gritting her teeth Naia clears her throat. "While she's doing that, I'm going to take a look at this." She bites back a groan and gestures to her bloodied side. Tave, who had been arguing with Olivander pauses and nods. "There's a first aid-kit in the downstairs bathroom off the kitchen... Olivander help her patch up, I'll pack some provisions and weapons." There's a note of resignation in his voice and Naia just nods, and begins heading towards the kitchen, her vision swimming with exhaustion and pain from that night's ordeals.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    He can't believe his luck. How many days how much effort had he put into keeping this place safe? Safer than the fucking stronghold. And now, because of some untimely friends and cannibals he'd have to leave? He wants to tell Olivander to just head back to the stronghold on his own. He'd figure a way out of this mess. Wasn't the first time some people tried to attack him and it wouldn't be his last- that he would be fine; though Naia interrupts before he can. Her face is paler than it usually was, and her eyes were dull. It was then he noted the blood trickling from between the fingers she pressed over her right side. The scuffle. She must of been stabbed. Concern for her wellbeing welled immediately and Olivander sighed. What was he thinking? These people would die out there without him. Naia bleeding over his floor was proof of that. He pinches the bridge of his nose squeezing his dark eyes shut for a moment. "Fine..." Taven breathes. Oli looks surprised and he doesn't think Naia heard him. "There's a first aid-kit in the downstairs bathroom off the kitchen... Olivander help her patch up, I'll pack some provisions and weapons."

    Their first priority is to stop the bleeding of his fingers, which he'd almost forgotten about, and Naia's. They can't leave a blood trail. And while Mackie had gotten here on foot- he doesn't think she can walk far distances at this point yet. He'll have to carry her. They'll take his truck as far they can and then they'll have to walk when they get close to the city. The roads there were too littered with abandoned vehicles for driving in the ruined city. When Naia limps off, Oliver not far behind her, Taven makes quick work of sprinting up the stairs. He goes straight for his room where he already packed one backpack of provisions. Food and water mostly. He gathers four more bags, and after some planning of how long it would take to get there, packs two of those bags with more food and water, and the last two bags with ammo and weapons. That should be enough to get them there. Plus Oli and Naia had backpacks of stuff when they first came. When that's done and there's still no sign of the other three, he loads them into the truck as best he can. Oliver and Naia can sit in the bed of the truck with some blankets and make sure their bags don't fall out.

    Back inside Taven lingers near the front door keeping an eye out for the cannibals, his hands firmly gripping his machete. He won't waste ammo now if he doesn't have to. "Taven they are right we need to get out of here." She likely overheard him fighting tooth and nail to stay. "If you don't leave i'm staying here with you." He smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes. "Well, we couldn't have that. Not to worry I'll take them as far as the stronghold. Since they want to go back. And then when his daughter is returned the Senator will owe me a favor. I want him to clear out the area of cannibals, and infected. Best he can so it's safe for me to come back." He figures the senator will have to. "Think we have time to patch you up?" He pauses. "We'll let Olivander drive for a little bit. You and I will sit in the truck bed and you can patch my fingers up. All our supplies are back there." He doesn't want to linger here. God knows when those cannibals will come back. He pauses looking Mackie over for any more injuries. None seem too severe. "I'm glad you're alright." Taven admits with a small smile. This time they do bleed over into his dark, chocolaty orbs.

    Soon enough he hears Naia and Oliver. "Let's go, Oliver you're driving at least until we can stop for the night, get some rest and Mackie patches up my hands. So, let's go." He tosses the keys at the other male, wincing as the movement stings his hands. "I'll bring you two back to the stronghold. Head for there." Taven orders as the four head out the door. Glancing back over his shoulder Taven pauses. He knows that there's enough food in the barn for his cow and chickens to fend for themselves as long as nothing comes along and slaughters them. Though with the cannibals- he doesn't have much hope for his livestock. He'll borrow a cow from the senator. And some chickens. Tave leads Mackie to the truck, and lifts her up gently placing her in the back of the truck. Blankets are thrown down over the bed, and there are a few more pillows and blankets so they'll at least be comfy back there, and everyone will be warm at night. She makes quick work of rifling through the bag he told her contained the medical supplies once they're both seated. Soon enough the truck starts up and they're on their way, Oli driving and Mackie telling Taven to hold his hands out so she can look at them. "Just some stuff so they don't get infected and some gauze should do the trick. How's your leg holding up? Sorry you had to run all that way."
    November 22nd, 2016 at 01:37am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Olivander Garricksen.

    Olivander caught the keys and nodded, "Alright let's get out of here." He said. He got in the truck, waiting til everyone was in. He began to drive in the direction that Taven told him to go. He was glad that he was finally on the way back to where he felt safe the most. Olivander looked over at Naia, before looking back at the road. "Are you okay?" He asked. He knew she was patched up now, but he was still worried. "There is water in my bag if you need something to drink." He told her.

    Olivander looked at the road ahead of him and tried to focus on the positives. He was hoping the truck would take them as far as they needed it to. He bit his bottom lip lightly as he gripped the steeringwheel. The Senator was going to kill him for Naia getting hurt. At least she was still alive though.

    After driving for most of the night, Olivander began to get tired. He sighed as he stopped along the road when he thought it was safe. He opened the back window, "Taven. You mind driving for a bit?" He asked him. He could tell that Taven was pretty content back there holding Mackenzie and relaxing, but he didn't want to risk falling asleep at the wheel.

    Mackenzie Essex.

    Mackenzie climbed in the back of the truck with him and began to pack up his hand. "It's fine. I will live." She said softly. She looked at him, smiling after she finished wrapping them up. She laid down with him, pulling the blanket over the two of them. She looked at him, "Do you think we will make it to the stronghold in this?" She asked him as she scooted closer to him. He was warm and she liked having him with her.

    After driving miles Mackenzie had fallen asleep on Taven, waking up when she heard Olivander's voice. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up, seeing that it was almost day break. Mackenzie climbed out of the back with him and moved to the front of the truck with him. She slowly got into the truck then relaxed on the seat with her gun in her hand. "I think we will be okay." She said, smiling when she seen they had a good amount of gas left.

    @ WhiskeyDreaming
    November 22nd, 2016 at 02:06am
  • WhiskeyDreaming

    WhiskeyDreaming (100)

    United States
    Naia Henriksen | I'm an ocean in your bedroom

    Naia didn't feel safe until she was sitting in the truck, it's engine purring beneath her and the farm disappearing from view. She didn't feel safe until that farmhouse was disappearing in the rear view mirror. Once it does Naia sinks back in her seat and lets out a little sigh of air- though winces almost as soon as she'd done that. Olivander had done the best he could to patch her up. He'd disinfected the wound, and then with careful, gentle hands wrapped gauze around her torso tight enough that it would compress and stop the bleeding- but not too tight that it would be harmful. Against her will her gaze slides to him taking in his facial features. He's handsome and Naia would almost feel flattered that he'd been taking such good care of her had she not known better. He was simply doing this so her father wouldn't kill him. Usually the only reason people were nice to her anyways. "Are you okay?" His voice startles Naia out of her thoughts and she nods. ''Thanks to you? Yeah. I owe you one.'' She puts on a brave face like she's been taught to do.

    In honesty her side is hot, feels tight and it's throbbing. But she will be okay and that's the important thing. "There is water in my bag if you need something to drink." Oliver adds and Naia nods. ''Thank you Oli.'' Her voice is soft, almost sweet before she leans down to his bag between her feet and roots around it until she pulls out a water bottle. She takes a couple sips, wetting her throat before putting it back. She doesn't know how long they'll have to make it last. She doesn't bother fiddling with the radio stations. It's the same broadcast emergency announcement that the stronghold had been broadcasting since this thing broke out. There are a few infected- but they can't do much. The truck would kill them before they got a chance to kill or eat anyone inside. A few times Naia's eyes flutter shut but then they'd snap back open. After a few times of this the girl rolls her window down letting the air blast her face- helping to keep her alert.

    She's exhausted. Her body aches. She wants to be home. But for the briefest of seconds she thinks this is the second best place. The blonde eventually lost track of how much time had passed though she could tell Olivander was getting tired as well. Finally he slid the back window open, asking Taven to take over. Slowly he pulled off to the side of the road and Naia slid out, stretching her body carefully. Her muscles screamed and she didn't want to rip open the wound which had stopped bleeding awhile. The med kit hadn't stitches so if Naia needed those- she'd need to wait until they either found some, or got back to the stronghold. But she was confident she wouldn't. Words weren't really exchanged as the four changed positions. Mackenzie and Tave got into the truck, Tave behind the wheel as Olivander and Naia settled down in the truck bed. Overhead the sky was littered with stars and space junk; and Naia couldn't help how small it made her feel. Then they were off.

    At first Naia tried to remain on the opposite side of Olivander. But going at such high speeds- well the blankets could only do so much. And not to mention the bed wasn't that wide to begin with and even with the blankets, not that comfortable. Still she tried to stay on her own ''side''. The wind blew through her hair, until she dug through her bag and found a hair tie to keep it back and out of her face. The world was eerily quiet and Naia hoped that within the week they'd be back at the stronghold. And she did a good job of that at first. Until half asleep she shifted her position, lolling her head against Oli's shoulder, pressing against him to stay warm. ''Night...'' Naia murmurs soft enough that the whipping wind nearly devours her words before any can hear. Content, the blonde closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep that night.


    Taven Jackson | Taste my disaster, it's heavy on your tongue

    Tave is glad to hear that she'll be alright. He promised to protect her- and for whatever reason he was determined to do it. ''Alright, don't push yourself alright? If you need me to, I'll carry you until you can walk.'' Taven offers, and he means it. "Do you think we will make it to the stronghold in this?" Taven immediately shakes his head. ''No, once we get close to the cities, the roads will get way too cluttered for us to keep driving. We'll have to ditch the truck, take the 'packs and walk the rest of the way to wall.'' It wouldn't be fun, but he knows the truck will get them a good-portion of the way there. He lapses into silence, feeling Mackie shift. Against the buffering winds he does as well until he's basically holding her. She doesn't seem to mind and it keeps him warm enough that he can close his eyes, a soft sigh leaving his lips.

    Today was hard. Hardest day he'd had in awhile. Both were too tired to really speak not that he minded. The more mileage they covered, the more the trucked all but rocked the pair to sleep. His dreams were nothing of note, nothing he could remember upon waking up at any rate. And when he woke up it was to Olivander calling his name. Grumbling beneath his breath, Tave had never a graceful waker, he rubbed his eyes. "Taven. You mind driving for a bit?" He would of liked to say yes, that he minded but he knew that he had to try to help everyone survive. And as much as he liked his position, next to Mackie with her asleep on his shoulder- it would do no one any good to crash. He yawns, stretching his arms far above his head and shaking his head. ''No, pull over. I'll take over.'' He agrees.

    A sort of remorseful sigh passes his lips as Oliver does as he directs. They're still far from the city and the sun is just beginning to brush her rosy fingers across this world. The gentle golden lights illuminates Mackie's face, and she stirs eyes fluttering open. ''I'm gonna start driving. You wanna get in the truck with me?'' Taven asks and she nods. He gets out fist, lifting his arms up and helping Mackie down so she doesn't put too much pressure on her leg and helps her into the truck. The last thing they need is for that leg to start bleeding again. Soon enough Oliver and Naia are tucked in the truck's bed, and Mackie and Taven are comfortable enough in the car. Once deeming everything ready, Taven takes off towards the stronghold. To be truthful, he was nervous. His plan hinged on the cooperation of stronghold's help in taking back his house and making the area safe in exchange for deliverance of his daughter.

    What if he refused? The mere thought made Tave grip his steering wheel a little tighter. ''Those two will be staying at the stronghold.'' He brings up about a half hour into the ride. ''It's safe there.'' He pauses and glances down towards Mackie's leg. ''I was thinking, the house won't be safe for awhile. Why don't we stay until the military cleans up the area around the farm? You can heal up in the medical area, and I can work for some supplies we'll need. Seeds, livestock... And then we can go back?'' He knows Mackie hates the stronghold. But, he's worried about going back into the ruins of the world with her leg so badly hurt. Even if it takes a couple months, he doesn't mind staying there. But would she? Besides, some human interaction might do a little good for both of them.
    November 22nd, 2016 at 06:01am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Olivander Garrickson.
    Olivander smiled as she relaxed against him, "Night." He said as he put his arms around her and pulled the blankets around her some more. He closed his eyes, slowly drifting to sleep. He woke up, laying in the bed of the truck staring up at the sky above him. He looked at Naia still asleep in his arms and smirked. He knew he had to keep her safe, but he also was beginning to like her.

    Having to survive together had made them a lot closer than he thought they would ever be. He frowned as he looked ahead of them, seeing the city coming into view. It was still a few miles away, but he knew they would be walking soon enough. He was going to enjoy every minute of this ride. Though the sudden stop of the truck came too soon. He looked at Naia, "Naia, wake up we have to start walking." He said. He got down from the truck, helping her down. He sighed as he started to gather what he could carry. He looked at Taven, "Anything else we should take with us?" He asked him. He knew that Taven knew way better than any of them how to survive out here.

    Olivander wasn't ready for this and he knew they would have to fight infected. "Naia, stay close to me alright?" He told her. He walked with her, making sure she was beside of him. He didn't need her falling behind and not being able to save her. He knew they would have to move slower since most of them were a little beat up.

    Mackenzie Essex.

    Mackenzie looked at him with a frown on her face when he mentioned the stronghold. "Taven there is a reason you left that place." She said. She sighed as she thought about what he said though. She need to get her leg better or she would be no use to him. "Alright, but just until we are better and ready." She agreed. She shook her head, "But if things get weird there i'm leaving." She told him. She frowned when she saw the run down city approaching. "Great." She muttered. She watched as Taven parked the truck then slowly got out of it and gathered her things. She made sure that her gun was loaded before she shut the door.

    The rusted cars always had an eerie feeling to them. Not knowing if something was going to come out of them was the worst part. Mackenzie looked at everyone then started to walk with Taven. She stayed close to him, knowing that she could trust him. He had taken care of her so much lately. He was the first person she had trusted in a long time.

    Mackenzie walked slowly, "I'm just going to slow us down." She told Taven. "You guys really should go without me." She said. She didn't want to be the reason they all died. Mackenzie knew sometimes sacrifices had to be made. She sighed as Taven objected immediately to her idea. "Fine, but don't try to help me if i can't be helped okay?" She told him.

    @ WhiskeyDreaming
    November 22nd, 2016 at 07:03am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ WhiskeyDreaming
    July 28th, 2017 at 08:45am