Unloveable Characters

  • I think Amy in "Love, Lacey" is a bit unloveable. She's cold, mean, spoiled, a bit of a klepto, and a liar. She's kinda every girl I hate... Which is weird cuz she's one of my favorite characters. :shifty
    December 31st, 2008 at 03:59am
  • I always love my evil characters more than my nice ones. They're just so fun. Especially Aaron from "And You Thought Your School Sucked". I love him way more than any of my other characters.

    I want to try writing one for an unlovable character's point of view but I'm going to wait until I get to be a bit of a better writer. :cute:
    January 2nd, 2009 at 12:12am
  • Every story has unlovable characters. Sometimes they're even the main character. In City of Lost Angels, there will be about...three total unlovable characters.
    The main character is one. She's really bitter and more in the story you'll see this.
    Sometimes, though, the unlovables are people's favorites.
    January 2nd, 2009 at 05:41pm
  • For some reason, I always love wrighting from the main character's point of view. Like in Mirrors, I always have a good time writing from the evil one's point of view...
    January 2nd, 2009 at 10:42pm
  • I can't really write unlovable characters :shifty I view everyone as human thus they have flaws and virtues, sometimes one overweighting the other.
    In all honesty, the characters I indulged in the most are Frankie and Pete from Dancing Bruises (yes, I do mention them on almost every thread here). I think they would be unlovable characters if you met them in real life. They're pathetic mostly.
    Even in my other stories/one-shots, they're mostly pathetic people you would sympathize with.

    Well, with the exception of Dana Karuse (the main character of my story Underpaint. -still unposted and un-re-written :shifty). She's blunt, rude and just plain unpleasant. >_>
    January 4th, 2009 at 12:12pm
  • I'm starting to think Kai will be an unlovable character, which could be the fatal flaw in my whole story, as he's the main character. If I don't pull it off well, or change his personality somewhat, then I'm screwed. :shifty

    He's just always cold, and he can be pretty annoying. (Well, I find him annoying XD) He's like that person who you just stop listening to because you're tired of hearing their voice, whether they're being nice or not.

    Hopefully he won't become too unloveable.
    January 4th, 2009 at 01:14pm
  • I think unloveable characters helped shape my story into existence. In Under a Willow Tree, Daniel Radcliffe appears to be this complete jerk that my readers seem to dislike. I didn't intend to make him so disliked (I'm sure he's a real gentleman in real life!), but if I didn't make him like so, then my story would absolutely break down.

    But in my opinion, when I read unloveable characters, I find it easy to read and easy to dislike. Not "dislike" as in, "Oh, the writer is so horrible at defining him." more like "Oh, I feel your pain, man. I really don't like him, either." When I read my own intentionally unloveable characters, that's whem I'm like, -_-. Hahaha
    January 26th, 2010 at 01:04pm
  • Heartswell.:
    I can't really write unlovable characters :shifty I view everyone as human thus they have flaws and virtues, sometimes one overweighting the other.
    Exactly. I don't like writing characters with no good sides. because that wouldn't be realistic. I do love my evil characters though :3
    January 26th, 2010 at 03:20pm
  • The sadistic evil little bastard named Hayden in One Black Wish is evil but yet my readers seem to love him xD
    January 26th, 2010 at 08:05pm
  • ImagineSocks:
    Exactly. I don't like writing characters with no good sides. because that wouldn't be realistic. I do love my evil characters though :3
    Unloveable characters aren't necessarily all bad, though. Sometimes the most painful voices in fiction for me are the characters who are so thoroughly 'bad' or fucked-up, yet you know their logic and you know that maybe, yeah, sometimes they mean well. Yet you can't love them because of all those things they think/say/do that make them so awful. It's not as black and white as "good side/bad side."
    January 26th, 2010 at 09:22pm
  • carcinogenic.:
    Unloveable characters aren't necessarily all bad, though. Sometimes the most painful voices in fiction for me are the characters who are so thoroughly 'bad' or fucked-up, yet you know their logic and you know that maybe, yeah, sometimes they mean well. Yet you can't love them because of all those things they think/say/do that make them so awful. It's not as black and white as "good side/bad side."
    True, but I still wouldn't create a character for the purpose of being 'unloved'. I've yet to meet a person who I haven't liked at some point, or some way or another. I can see what you mean, though. I've always been ready to kill myself everytime I see one of those "most popular, bitchy girl in the school" characters, but whenever someone is silly enough to create one, there's usually some sort of redeeming quality in them.

    I think it's all in opinion. Some characters you didn't mean to be hated might be, and vice versa. It's probably best to just create the character and let everyone else decide if they hate them, which I'm guessing is what most do.
    January 27th, 2010 at 01:35am
  • The characters I write would be unloveable.
    The comedy of my screenplays comes from just how unbelievable their actions are.
    But somehow you can't help but love em!
    January 28th, 2010 at 12:10am
  • I think the characters that I try to make loveable come out unloveable. Minus Matt. XD
    January 28th, 2010 at 09:44pm
  • Characters I have that are unlovable to the audience are loved by me. Even though sometimes I want to stab them for their stupidity, I make sure they have some sort of lovable trait in there. Piper, in Pretty Girls has few unlovable qualities, but her qualities have good intentions, although sometimes they can be seen in sort of a twisted way.
    April 21st, 2013 at 08:53am
  • Everyone seems to hate Jenna from Last Girl Standing, which is a co-write. It makes me feel bad for Maddi, who is her author.
    April 27th, 2013 at 05:43am
  • I may love "good" and "bad" characters, it doesn't matter. Actually, I've already found myself rooting for real evil guys, when they're well fleshed-up I guess that happens.

    The true unlovable ones for me are those who are illogical, who do stuff for no reason, are indecisive, extra dense, or cause unnecessary drama. Also the ones whose flaws are thanks to the author's inability. I can put up with nearly everything else.
    May 8th, 2013 at 09:48pm
  • They really get to me because I hate them so much but the story would be nothing without them.
    February 15th, 2014 at 06:43pm