Addyliners / Comments

  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Haha, nice. Stealing is always the answer. The reffing has gotten better. I’m so excited—it’s getting down to the wire! I’m calling Bruins and Canucks in the final. You guys totally deserve it, or at least Kesler. I would say he single handedly got you guys through some of those scarier moments. Nice to see the Sedins getting their swagger back, especially the captain. So I guess Phoenix is staying for another year, but I’m skeptical as to if this franchise can work there. The way they’re investing money, you’d think the Glendale taxpayers are going to fund a Justin Bieber’s tour next. Atlanta, maybe? It would suck to have Detroit in the east though. Damn, their series with the sharks was soo good. Call them old, but they have a lot of heart and experience. I’m not America’s best friend, but it’s a nice place to vacation. I would move to Van just for the double rainbows, no shit. Can you believe I’ve never seen one before? Don’t even talk about rain, it’s been pouring for days and will likely continue the rest of this week. I blame this on the Canucks’ success.

    True. Maybe they could mix the conferences after round 1. I dunno. I like western conf. games better than the east ones. They’re always on so late though. Very annoying.

    We’re fucked. Liberals were a joke this year, but man, the NDPs got a lot of lovin. Liberals won in my riding. I hate our MP. He went to my school for a debate and was like, “Can you repeat your question, little girl”. What am I, 12? Condescending bastard. I was surprised that the Bloc did so poorly. I guess separation is done, for now. Brosseau is so jokes.

    I’m not into the monarchy. The queen is fine, I’m cool with her face on my coins, but that’s it. I don’t really give a shit. Maybe it’s because I’m not a romantic person. I like weddings, but only for the alcohol. Ahh, the ginger thing gets me every time. I need to get laid.

    Dreams are fun, but that’s all they are. I’m not fixed on marrying a rich dude, but I wouldn’t mind if the guy I love happens to be considerably wealthy. Ginger first. Money second. That’s the way I see it.
    May 17th, 2011 at 03:21am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Thanks so much for the Countless story comment! :D

    The plot's thickening so I thought it was time for a little side dilemma instead of the "kiss a player/hate on people/never think about any of them again" trend. xD
    May 11th, 2011 at 07:59pm
  • mentirosa.

    mentirosa. (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment.
    I realized that as I was writing that I had called him her boyfriend. I honestly thought I had changed that before I posted it. Now I'm gonna go do that, haha.
    May 2nd, 2011 at 01:00pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Omg I’m sorry I haven’t been here in a while. Playoffs, pffft, you know how it is. My question is, where are they getting these refs, the same place the Liberals are getting their leaders? There was a lot of bad officiating, but the habs disallowed goal? Aiyaaa. -_- Thomas is one lucky bastard. I think that Winnipeg will definitely get a team one of these years. The market is there. I’d prefer to get Phoenix over Atlanta for obvious reasons. Having more teams from California qualify for the postseason than all of Canada is shameful and depressing. I don’t hate the States at all, but when it comes to hockey, Olympics, and softwood lumber, I am very partial to my nationality. Well, duh. When you have as much untouched land as we do here, you’ve got some pretty amazing natural wonders. A lot of shows and movies filmed in BC, didn’t they? I know you complain about the rain, but double rainbows, man. They’re so vivid. Like WOAH.

    The first round of the playoffs was craaazy! That game seven felt like the finals. Luongo saying that it was better than the gold medal was mildly annoying, but hey it’s his prerogative. Sometimes I wish teams from the same conference could meet in the finals. Chi-Van for Cup would be gory and amazing. Good on Burrows for coming through. His buddy Bourdon was probably smiling down on him all the way. Number 1’s got his game back and I do fear for a mid-series collapse, but no more Luuuuuuuu jokes for now. The series got a lot of coverage on MTV Live, if you’ve been watching. A lot of funny shit. I hate how secretive and cold the Harper government is. What are they, vampires?

    Oh-my-Queen-Elizabeth, I am sick of the royal wedding talk. What is this obsession with the monarchy? I watched part of the wedding during art class, but it was so boring I would’ve rather watched a documentary on potash. William is like K-Mart minus the good aim and Kate is pretty, but by far the most interesting thing I’ve heard about her is that she plays hockey. Probably field. The only one bearable is Prince Harry and that’s only because I have an extreme(psychopathic) fascination(obsession) with gingers. I’ve been playing my recorder a lot lately. Whatever it takes to turn on the boys, right? It’s my mating call.

    I’m all over the place when it comes to picking courses because there are so many things I wanna friggin do! Childish, yes, but my aspirations are ever so changing. My dream job would be a sports columnist/ travel journalist/ sports therapist/ event planner/ coroner/ antique dealer/ ice cream taster/ inspector gagdet/ Treehouse personnel/ etc. I have dreams, ok?
    May 1st, 2011 at 04:18am
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Well I only watched the first, so I was impressed! Thank God these games are getting more exciting, and I guess the scoring isn’t a problem anymore. Last night’s game was awesome, well, from Chicago’s perspective. Mike Gillis vs Blackhawks fans was hilarious. I want you guys to win the series and all, but it would’ve been sad to see the defending champs out in four. Now y’all can win it at home. I thought the Torres hit was not too bad, but the way the NHL is handing out suspensions like Orpiks gives out candy, he got off easy with his history and all. So, this America-first attitude is just my way of saying the NHL seems to more pro-America, than it is Canada. They’re all about promoting hockey in the south, instead of feeding hockey markets that exist here. Everything seems US oriented and I guess it somewhat bothers me. Yeah, they have better TV shows and movies, but hockey, let’s try to salvage the integrity. And I’m not saying Americans don’t like hockey because I have a lot of Pittsburgh relatives and they’re nuts, but Canada deserves some attention from Bettman. I hope that somewhat made sense. LOL. Once I missed a period because I had to take my brother somewhere and when I found out we lost I was like, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!

    I like NDP the best this election. Olivia Chow is my girrrrl. I don’t think the Conservatives will win confidence of the house. They’re so secretive and shady it reminds me of an underground operation. I remember when Harper claimed there would be no deficit, then he read a newspaper and discovered we were billions up our ass. Sometimes I feel like our country is being run by a moron.

    OMG. My Mulan is missing too! And my Muppets, Jackie Chan, and Mr. Bean VHS tapes. Everything in this house goes missing… I taught my brother Baby on recorder and hate myself for it. Actually I hate myself for learning how to play it in the first place. I’m fuelling the epidemic, dammit. Ok, Couture is sort of a loser, but so am I, so I suppose we see eye to eye. Like, if I stood on stilts. I think Skinny stands the best chance right now, but Couture has a chance to make a playoff impression. And lest we forget Grabner. I can’t believe so many teams passed up this dude. Vancouver looks to be all in, but the Habs can’t have a miracle run every year. It would be the best, but highly unlikely.

    You will! How can you not? You seem awfully smart to me. Don’t worry!
    April 20th, 2011 at 04:00pm
  • belif_within

    belif_within (100)

    United States
    aw i know hahaha, i kinda wish they made playoffs just so i could see skinner a bit more ;)
    haha yeah i have no prob. ignoring skill when it comes to SSM kiddos ;)
    i feel like the whole northeast does just because youth hockey and college hockey is so much in our roots too!
    for east like 1st round winners i picked- EAST- habs,sabres,tampa,caps WEST-vanny,anaheim,kings,coyotes(just because i hate red wings haha)
    yeah your bracket looks alot better then mine hahaha
    April 18th, 2011 at 04:00am
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Luuuuuuuuu! OMG you guys had such a good game! What is it with all the shutouts and amazing goaltending? Luongo, Fleury, Miller, Price…showing that North American goalies are not ALL shit….DiPietro, Dan Ellis. Canada can support at least a couple more NHL teams. I bet there are more hockey fans in Summerside, PEI than all of Georgia. I’m kinda sick of the America-first attitude, not to take away from American fans. I believe the NHL has its place in certain American cities, but when your sales are dismal and your fanbase, or lack thereof, is mainly vacationing Canadians during the holidays, it’s a pretty good bet to get your ass outta there to somewhere more profitable, preferably up north. I think you guys have a really good chance this year. I hate to bandwagon, but I’ll admit I’ve been wearing my Canucks earrings. Superstitious, I am.

    Yeah, I watched some of the English debate. Not the French one, though I’m guessing Duceppe won that. Ignatieff was like the Harvard know-it-all everyone expected him to be. Somebody bring back Dion, please. I thought Harper defended himself considerably well, though I disagree with some of his stances and policies. Layton definitely played his role and was entertaining, for sure. Duceppe…….ehhh. Who’d you think won the debate? I’m gonna say Layton, but fun value=brownie points with me.

    Oh yeah, I loved that movie. Old Disney was the best. I still have the princess ones on VHS. And I may watch them from time to time. Havin’ fun isn’t hard, when you have a library card! I remember watching it everyday after school in grade four while doing spelling homework. Justin Bieber’s going to be an Alanis Morissette or Shania Twain one day. Or an urban legend like the Bed Intruder. That music messes with your mind. No. I’m gonna ignore that cuz I want to believe Couture is cool. I hope he does well in the playoffs. What’s that, Skinner? That’s right, you guys missed the postseason. Couture for Calder…because alliterations are cool.

    I think it’s gonna be Pens because Flower is a beast and Lemieux>Yzerman, Washington because I hate NY, Flyers because they remind me of creamsicles (yum), and the Habs, if Carey Price continues to dominate. In the west, I’m gonna say Canucks because Chicago does not have Byfuglien and Ladd anymore, Sharks because I picked Marleau and Niemi in my fantasy pool, Wings because hockey does not belong in Phoenix, and Preds because Dan Ellis…really? I hope so! Things are looking good for Vancouver and Montreal thus far. I mean, there isn’t a better way to start off a series than with a shutout.

    That gon’ look sick on your university application, girrrrl. I’m not sure if I’ve asked you what school you’re planning on going to. I hear UBC’s good. With the way politics are going in this country I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another election in two years so I can get my vote on.
    April 15th, 2011 at 11:21pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States

    I was hoping to get some sort of reaction out of everyone with the whole Looch situation towards the end. Glad you liked it! :)
    April 15th, 2011 at 10:43pm
  • blue manhattan.

    blue manhattan. (100)

    United States
    oh please you made my head big with your long, super sweet comment!!
    i live in the states and no one else seems to follow football but me...and i stopped following for a few months to focus on school and suddenly he's traded?!?!? i was/still am/will always be pissed!!!!
    April 15th, 2011 at 03:59am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the Countless story comment! :D
    April 15th, 2011 at 12:51am
  • blue manhattan.

    blue manhattan. (100)

    United States
    thank you so much for your comment i loved reading it!!! i completely agree about the chelsea me, if i could change it, i would! but again thank you for your super nice comment and hopefully a new chapter will be up soon :D
    April 14th, 2011 at 02:06am
  • mentirosa.

    mentirosa. (100)

    United States
    As always, thank you for the lovely feedback.
    I was hoping that someone would question Max and Rhys' (Rhys's?) animosity.
    April 13th, 2011 at 12:47pm
  • crayolaurworld

    crayolaurworld (100)

    United States
    Thanks darling! The plan she has with Archer will be revealed soon enough. The plan with Draco is from when her father told her to make Malfoy fall for her, it's in a previous chapter if you do not remember. :)
    April 13th, 2011 at 04:38am
  • belif_within

    belif_within (100)

    United States
    yeah good point :) but i mean Jeff Skinners a beast and should over shadow him, he deserves it. yeah i guess toews is alright, i dunno i dont like any guys that come out of SSM just because with my hockey my team has a rivalry with them so we hate their guys teams too even if they are NHL superstars later on hahah :) haha yeah here in new york its pretty popular, ecspecially here in rochester because were so close to the sabres haha, im so nervous my picks willl fail haha
    April 12th, 2011 at 05:29am
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    I don’t really know much about the Avs besides the fact that Duchene goes above and beyond the daily healthy limit for TV. Pheonix should just move already!! You know last year Tampa advertised playoff tix for just $20? You can’t even get a beer in the ACC for that price. The fact that Toronto hasn’t won a cup in 43 years, yet the earning power of this shameful club never ceases to increase, says something about this city. We just don’t know when to give up. Lol, that’d just be more ridings for the Bloc Quebecois. But if Quebec separates, then they’ve got to regroup and figure out what they really want: more NHL teams.

    Oh yeah, you told me about that. Insanely awesome. It would be cool to know a player on a personal basis. I would love to be a rum runner! It’s one of my biggest dreams, up there with host a morning show with Jay & Dan, have brunch with Walter Gretzky, and be a cotton candy vendor for a day. Probability is a bitch. ICE ICE BABY. My friend and I played that song and did a little dance to it during the presentation. Kinda alienated the whole class, but I have no shame... I think there was a movie and the girl’s BF, who played hockey was like, “who’s got the moves on AND off the ice, ice, babyy”. Pretty much my favourite quote right now. ZOMG. I love Disney movies, I’m old enough to have lived in a world when Disney was actually good. Walt is probably turning in his grave after what Hollywood did to his name: Hannah Montana, High School Musical, whatever the kids watch nowadays. Hey, remember That’s so Raven?

    Forget Dora, I liked Abuela better. Haha! That’s hilarious. Arthur is one of my all time faves. A-A-R-D-V-A-R-K power. What always confused me was the fact that both Pal and Binky are dogs, but only Binky is personified. Pal should get a spinoff, just sayin. Lol I remember Taylor Hall saying in an interview once that he thought Bieber’s songs were catchy. Dude, that’s like slitting your wrists in a shark tank. Tyler Seguin probably wrote that down somewhere and it’ll be brought up in the Stanley Cup finals ten years from now, I can just picture it: Taylor: Do you still get mistaken for me? Tyler: Do you still have Baby on your I-(insert word of choice). Something like that.

    Ahh, the regular season’s finally done, yet I feel a little sad. Of course, you wouldn’t know that feeling, Miss Canucks Fan. If only there were a couple more games and New York had more injuries in their lineup…I am proud, but too little, too late, right? Soo..what are your playoff predictions? I really hope Lord Stanley’s grail comes home this year, it’s been far too long. But for some reason I’m feeling San Jose and Anaheim right now—if Perry isn’t at least in contention for the Hart, my life will be meaningless. And Chicago v. Vancouver, round 1, is it meant to be? Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-doooo. Bring on the Chelsea Dagger.

    Whaaaat. No, no, no. I’m gonna put on my Addy mask and mail myself to Vancouver ASAP. That is not fair.
    April 12th, 2011 at 02:53am
  • belif_within

    belif_within (100)

    United States
    oh definatly! i just hope he gets better so he can be a star at somepoint! haha YES, im so sick of the Hawks, i mean i like Kane because he helped run my summer team last year outta buffalo but i dont know, i dont like their team :/ i hope sooo, i hope they dont even make it past 1st! haha we do the same thing at my school well me and the boys varsity team, we fill out our predictions tuesdayyyy!
    April 10th, 2011 at 07:49am
  • belif_within

    belif_within (100)

    United States
    haha well im definalty a Sabres fan ;) i somewhat hate the Bruins though, except for Seguin! of course there wont be throwing under the bus, i chose the canuks to win the west! and mont. has my hometown boy Gionta! good luck to you to! hopefully pittsburgh wont do to well ;)
    April 8th, 2011 at 11:14pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Nuh uh, maybe American fans are less ostentatious in the west, but I’ve heard it a couple times now. The irony makes it so funny. Maybe if they relocated they’ll finally win a Cup, Avs style. I don’t even know what’s happening anymore, but I really hope they get their rink. I’m not saying I’ll be a fan, but I’d like to some more hockey return to Canada. It would be an awesome rivalry to observe from the outside, I have to agree. Next thing you know they’ll be separating into upper and lower Quebec.

    I loved Ladd and Byfuglien with the Blackhawks and I kinda just followed them to Atlanta. And of course, Evander Kane. Kovalchuk is a fucking traitor. Was last year not the year of sports villains? Hockey is the best. I’ve gotten so many people into it and it truly brings people, no, this nation, together. The shit is what makes it interesting! Honestly, the shit back then is still of superior quality than what we have today: threat of coalition, Gary Bettman, nuclear disasters, terrorism, death of pop music (I miss them BSB), etc. Except Prohibition. That would be horrible. I had a decades project last semester and my group did the 90s. We had WAY too much fun with it. Vanilla Ice, Roberta Bondar, Lemieux, Suzuki, those were my people. I’m glad I got to live for at least a short amount of time in the 90s. Greatest accomplishment of my life. These new millennium kids don’t know what they missed. PLEASE. You don’t have to like us, Burke doesn’t either. I wish we had a colourful coach like Torts or Quenneville. Our team is run by two nerds who can’t take a joke.

    I didn’t start watching Dora until I was pretty old. Even now, I’ll watch the odd episode of Arthur…with my brother, of course…LukeSchennwenttoseeaJustinBieberconcert. For his sister. So he claims. Joe is a loser. Steve is a winner. It’s simple like that. OMG OMG Ms. Frizzle or whatever was my hero! Wasn’t she ginger too?

    Noooooooo, we’re finally out. Like, I really didn’t see it coming.

    Everything’s going up! Haha. I’m not a taxpayer yet, so I really can’t put things into perspective, but the Liberals are fucked up this year. Lucky bitch. HE’S AMERICAN? Ahh, things make a lot more sense. How are you working for the elections? So sick guy.
    April 8th, 2011 at 12:06am
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    In Canada, maybe, but the States, hmmm. Lol I love it when American fans chant U-S-A when there are only 2 Americans on their team. Boston. Yeah, the Manitoba Moose are great, but it’s no NHL team. I really hope the Coyotes deal works out, though it doesn’t appear like it’s going to. Quebec’s getting their arena and it would be a shame not to use it to full capacity. Nordiques forever, man.

    I remember a time when I was rooting for Atlanta to make the playoffs. My, things have changed since then. But I completely agree and you can’t really blame the people for not getting into the game. Where are you going to find ice in Pheonix? I feel like I really missed out on the Rocket. He’ll always be one of the greats. I’m like borderline obsessed about him too! Sometimes I feel like I should’ve been born in an earlier time. I love old movies and antiques and dynasty hockey. Plus, we missed out on all the exciting stuff: Trudeau, referendums, Summit series, Terry Fox, good music, and all the rest. I’m an oldie at heart. Haha, I think every Leafs fan thinks they can replace Burky and run the franchise better than him. It’s probably true; all you need is a business degree and the ability to provide hilarious reactions from the box. It was sad for me as a child. No Treehouse! I had to go to my friends’ houses to get my daily dose of Dora and Blue’s Clues (before Steve went to college). The old kids shows were so much better. I mean the crap they show nowadays cannot compare to Caillou and Arthur. I love those little boys…

    I think I’m the only one who messages in proper spelling. I know. My life is tough.

    It’s so depressing what’s happening around the world. I mean now beer prices are going to go up even more! Can you imagine? Screw inflation. The election is stupid. Harper’s going to win another minority and nothing will be resolved. I’m not really big on the Conservatives, but Ignatieff, really? And it’s a far stretch for the NDP. In the end promises will be broken, the people will still be angry, and the Liberals will, once again, go leader shopping at the Bay. I’m still riding on Pierre McGuire for PM. Their initials are the same after all; that’s got to MEAN something. Second choice would be Iggy, as in Jarome. Are you voting?
    April 2nd, 2011 at 08:28pm
  • dig up her bones.

    dig up her bones. (100)

    Haha, no problem. ;)
    April 1st, 2011 at 10:11pm