leaf's a buzzard / Comments

  • Haha, I really need to invest in a car charger :/
    Danng that sucks falling asleep like that! lol, and just a taaad bit hilarious XD
    I'm kind of the opposite. I can't sleep unless I'm tired.
    Haha, ideas always come when your relaxed and your guard is down! Thats why people/ writers say to keep a notepad and pen beside your bed so that it will be handy. How do you think Twilight happened... ;)
    Nevada?? I would think that it would be hilly and filled with awesome lights and stuff...but thats pretty cliche i guess XD
    And Linux sounds awesome!!!
    Uhhgh, that test is tommorow...not looking forward to that. But it will be such a breeze, if I dont get sn advanced, I'm gonna be EMBARASSED...
    No, after Conan on Case Closed ^.^ Me and my friend Johann (pronounced Yo-hann, weird right?) any way, we both want to name our firstborn son that. He wants it to be after Conan O' Brian though. I'm pretty obsessed with baby names even though im kinda scared to have kids and the baby-making process will be at least 10 years away. It's just I dont want my kids to be Sarah's and Brians. I want them to have unique names. But not so unique that its ridiculous. Like La-shia(pronounced 'La dashia, the - is part of her name -_____-) or Poem.... thats just weird. Or my sister know this girl named Champagne (spelled Schampiange....) I like the names: Iris, Serena, Heidi, Gray and Cinna (after Cinna the poet in Julius Caesar) for girls. And Eli, Griffin, Hayden and Jace for boys. Thats not all of them but, just a couple of my favorites.
    You fence with an actual blade?! o.O
    And no its cool! I'm not that scarred, or scarred at all actually (:
    OH. Embarrasing moment #3. Today in English, we were reading our memoirs that we had to write (no big deal 500 words min) I did mine in about an hour, and I let my two friends read it, and they were like "Sierra its soooo cute, you have to read this out loud!" I was like nooo. See, my memoir was about me having a major crush on this guy in the third grade. And I didnt want to read it out loud because, even though he goes to a different school, 20 miles away and really, it was the third grade, idk I thought he would be weirded out that I remembered something like that. (If you want to read it, I'll post it on here, because I dont think I'm making muxh sense here XD) anyway, I got coaxed up there to read it. As I was reading it, when I got to Austins name (my widdle crush) I stopped and changed the name to Kevin. (I told the class that I would change it to protect myself from ridicule) so I'm going through and reading it, changing every Austin to Kevin. Then someone got checked out, and I got distracted and accidently said Austin. Every busted out laughing. But its no big deal, I checked facebook and we only have five mutual friends ^.^
    March 8th, 2011 at 03:28am
  • Haha, I've had one long drive with my family. 14-hours to Florida...It was ok, until the last couples hours on the way back when me and my sis had completly exhusted every battery on every laptop, iPod, and game console between us. So we started trying to name Artists off of my dead iPod from A-Z.
    I really like long car rides honestly. Theres like an air of mystery to them that I like. BTW, dont ever drive through Kansas...its just flat plains...thats the entire state. The most boring eight hours of my life XD.
    And i've never really tried anything but Windows, except for Safari for Mac and Firefox. Idk, they are all kind of the same to me.
    And that suckss that your dad was never around after the divorce, but at least at some point he wanted to see you. Honestly if my dad suddenly wanted to see me, I would tell him exactly where he could shove it.
    When is your test? Maybe its will be on the same day as my stupid Literacy test. Whiiich is Tuesday.
    Aww, I wish I was good at something like you so I can watch being repeated back to me. And Sky has got to be the coolest name for a boy that I've heard so far. Sorry, I'm really obsessed with baby names even though like its gonna be years and years and years until I have kids. I have this list of the ones I like best on a document on my computer XD I dont know If I already told you this but, my firstborn sons name is going to be Conan. ^.^
    Open mic night!! Thats so awesome! Remember to tell me what you decide to play! I know you'll rock it!
    Fencing sounds prety legit. I mean I'm a horrible sword fighter (from what I've been able to tell with play fights with my friends, anyway.) but that sounds like so much fun!
    So, your movie sounds like 10times sadder than Pay it Forward. I was kind of depressed for about an hour after I read that. Go ahead and see Pay it Forward, its great but also REALLY sad.
    March 5th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • I'm pretty sure, that day I was the definition of drove. Never before have I more clearly understood the meaning of that phrase...
    But dont hate on Windows. They're my main squeeze. Except for Bo Burnham.
    Funny story about that... on Facebook I changed my name to Sierra Alexis Burnham Snow, just being silly, you know. And my friend, Patty who has actually met him, (the lucky bitch) told me im saying his last name wrong. I said it like its spelled, but apparently its (Burn-nim) Well I was like, "Patty this isnt legit. You always lead me astray!" So I looked it up on Google...drove once again...
    And thats so cool about your dad, I mean definatly any sort of relationship with your father is better than none at all. I mean I wouldnt know what the former would be like, but I dont exactly wish I did. But, thats also a different, complicated story.
    Ohh finals...good luck! Finals suck so bad, what do you need to practice? What IS your final lol?
    I have a English like Literacy Test thats basically 2 days of Hell.
    First, we cant even have a book, or anything to distract us to pass the time after we're done with a section. Which sucks for fast readers like me. I mean this test is going to be a freaking breeze, its just surviving it. My teachers are like "Now, dont go to sleep..."
    What am I supposed to do?? Watch the time tick by? Last year during a standerdized test like this, I was so bored (I finished 30 minutes early, for the love of god) I had an eraser shaving family. Sad, right?
    We then have several breaks, then lunch. Then we go BACK and test until like 2:40, which is an hour before we get out. But ooohhh nooo, we cant leave early, that would be too simple. We have to sit at school and play a bunch of lame ass games, when really I'm tired and grumpy and I want to GO HOME. I have my liesence, I can drive myself home, thank you very much!
    Then the next day, we do it all over. -_-
    Annd the book, was ok. It was kind of cliche: The secret twin sister did it, out of anger, because Twin A was crazy and Twin B was popular. Twin A switched places with Twin B and Twin B went to a crazy house. Needless to say Twin B was pissed and went apeshit crazy as well. But at least I know now.

    So you should totally teach me to play guitar or something because that is insanely cool. I bet you like really really good or somthing.
    Fencing? The only time I've ever seen that was on that Parent Trap movie. And I thought it was made up. So, its a real sport?
    They DID see it, just nobody cared!!
    Aww, I hate depresing movies. Mainly because I hate crying, but whatever. Dancer in the Dark. I now know to avoid that movie. It beat Toy Story?! Man.... No I was tricked into seeing a movie worse than that! Pay it Forward....oh man, the only thing that stopped me from a full on sob-fest waqs the fact we watched it in class, and crying in public is just unacceptable to me. I leaked a few tears, but man...SADDEST MOVIE EVER. Have you seen it? If you havent, DONT. I never will recover.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 03:52am
  • Ok....so, this is my second time writing this.
    Ironically, I started out the first comment, bragging about how I've learned not to trust my intternet connection and how I always use a 'Sticky Note' to write all my comments in so that if my comp. shuts down, it'll automatically save it.
    -_- I have no clue what happened. I finished writing it, copied it, the it was completly gone. It went to Narnia I presume.
    This is part of the reason why it took me so long to get back to you. I was so angrey, (and sick) that I pouted for a good day.
    Oh, and the other part of the reason why its been a couple of days, is because I've been sick. I was actually staying home from schol that day to rest up. I only skipped one day.
    OH and BTW!! I finished that one series that I told you about, the one where I couldnt find the books because I have a library fine! Well turns out, the school library had the last two books!! (I have a fine there as well, but its not as outragous as my others) So, thats what I did on my sick days and last night so I FINALLY know who dunnit!!! :DDD
    A music major sounds obscenely cool, I wish I could major in that, buut unfortunatly I cant play an instrument to save my life. Well, except bells. Which I play at church. And the music is marked with squares and circles. Circles for left, squares for right... So I dont really count that.
    Btw, what do you plan on teaching?
    Flash Forward sounds amazing, damn ABC!!!
    And speaking of embarrasing moments, well I'm not embarrased, I dont get embarrased very often, but it was kind of funny. I was walking to my room from the kitchen, and our living room is sucken in, so there is a step from the kitchen going down to the living room. I'm like half running after my 13 year old sister, and I'm in slippers so my feet just flew from under me. I almost brained myself on the couch. But nobody even BLINKED. I'm telling you, my sister never looked back to see if I was ok, David (my moms bf) kept typing on his laptop, nothing. And I know they heard me because I like sqeaked really loud. SMH.
    And me and Cam did the Time Warp on the front steps of our school, and my friend video-taped it, and she put it on Facebook. A couple of days later we are at a totally different friends house and her big brother and his girlfriend come through the door and his girlfriend was like "Oh by the way, I saw you guys dance on Facebook it was pretty cute" and kept walking. We had never spoken to her except for "Hey" two seconds before she said that. It was pretty cool.
    February 25th, 2011 at 02:42am
  • The study of humans? Man thats awesome. I think learning about how our mind works and why we think certain things, so I guess psycology :P
    But why did you change it?
    :D You tried to learn Polish, thats awesome! How much did you end up learning? I could never learn a languge by myself, unless I had Rosettta Stone XD I'm in Chinese right now, it's pretty sweet. Its my favortie class because my class and teacher rocks.
    And Degrassi is so filled with drama, its not even funny. I think watching it makes me realived that my own life isnt like that. But I'll admit, I'm hooked. :P
    I have never even heard of any of those TV shows you mentioned :( Thats ridiculous!
    And I know what you mean, I have bad luck with TV shows too. Except my bad luck is with characters. The character that I love always dies. ALWAYS. And a couple of times I've started watching a TV show, then the first episode I see, a chacter dies, then I end up watching that series, I see that episode again, after I've already fallen in love with the character, and then I'm like OMG, HE DIES!!! T_T
    ...Yeah, thats happened three times.
    Degrassi- JT dies
    Veronica Mars- Beaver (Cassidy) dies
    Scrubs- That one nurse, I cant remember her name
    The OC- Cooper
    Degrassi (again! -_-)- Rick
    Well thats all I can think of. As soon as I get attached to a charcter, they bite the dust :(
    Ironically, I'm the Turk in that relationship
    Bam is a JERK! But whatever, If never actually seen a whole episode of that show XD
    My ultimate guilty pleasure is Party in the Usa...I secretly jam out to that song. Once my iPod went off in class, like actually this year and guess what was playing at full blast until I finally realized it was mine... -facepalm-
    February 18th, 2011 at 04:11am
  • anthropology? Come again? Im not exactly sure what that is.
    Monster? Ohhh murder mystery!! I might have to look that up! Where can you find it?
    Oh, and do you live in Poland?
    Normal Tv...hmmm.
    I love watching Comedy Central. I mean, one day it hit me like a lightbulb. I love to laugh, so why not watch that station. Stand-up comedy is my favorite, I could watch that all day everyday.
    I'm completly and totally addicted to Glee...and I'm not ashamed XD I didnt even mean to be. When it first came out, I didnt watch it because, well I missed the first couple episodes, so I was like whatever, I hate jumping in the middle of shows. Then my best friend got the entire first season for Christmas, and...well...my addicted kinda spiraled from there, lol. I'm actually listening to Glee music right now, as I type this sentence.
    Annnnd I like, Skins, and please dont laugh, but Degrassi. I know, its kind of bad at times. Well most of the time since all the old charcters are gone, but I cant tstop watching it. Its impossible, because deep down, I actually love it =]
    Oh, and Pretty Little Liars. Its kind of a whodunnit but originally it was a book. So when the show came out, I started reading the books, because the show was on a hiatus, and I just couldnt wait that long to see who did it. But I havent gotten my hands on the second to last book yet, and I reallly hate buying books for some reason, so I still dont know who did it, and im on a cliff hanger like no other. But its a good thing I started reading the books, because they are deviating so bad from the books its not even funny. They made up charcters that dont exist, Characters that were supposed to die are alive and well, and one of girls who has been sending them super creepy messages, like the ENTIRE point of the book, hasnt been mentioned -_-
    And Scrubs is pretty cool. Me and my best friend always joke that we're the female versions of Turk and JD XD. Which is pretty true.
    What about you? Watch any bad TV? Soap operas? MTV documentaries?
    February 17th, 2011 at 03:41am
  • YES!! That was exactly it!! Ah man, it was great. Like I didnt know what it was at first so after it was over, I was like dumbstruck.
    And thats awesome about the whole Nick/Norah/Tris situation. If you hadnt already made it clear you werent a reader, I would definatly recommend reading the book. Its 235546642 times better than the movie, and thats saying something.
    And I never knew they made actual toys from the Toy Story movies until like recently. Like little Buzz Lightyears and Woodys. I mean, I had one Jesse doll, but that was it. I was horror-struck, the day I found out. I was actually with my friend Allie, and we were walking aroung Wal-Mart waiting for someone to pick us up, and we went to the Toy section, where the Toy Story 3 toys were. And I wondered out loud if they'd always been there, and this guy in the same aisle(sp?) as us informed me he had been playing with them all his life. I came home demanding to know why my mom never bought me those instead of stupid Barbies.
    Nicholas Sparks is the Stephen King of romance novels. He's written like 11 or so books, and he's GREAT. There's always some like killer twist in them, and his writing style is amazing. Now, i'll admit, not to dog on him, his books do get kind of repetitive: They are almost always set in North Carolina in a small town, he's had THREE characters named Jonah, and almost always the main character has had their spouse die. Stuff like that.
    The friend that I mentioned who said she's read them explained them to me too, and they seem pretty cool. If I remember, well if I see one, ( I have a huge fine at my library, so I havent been able to check out books for over two years now) then I'll give them a try. How many books are in the series?
    I'm not really into anime. I watch only one anime and its called Case Closed. But I freaking love that show. So much that my first born son's name is going to be Conan, after the main character.
    Video games, I'm gonna go ahead and admit that I'm slightly addicted to Sims. I'm not a gamer, by any means, video games cant really seem to hold my attention for too long, but i'll play any Sims game on any console for hours and hours at a time. Sometimes I'll go a couple months without even thinking about playing, but other times I play like twice a week for like 4 hours at a time. Its weird, I know. XD
    I wonder what the character limit is on this thing. If I havent passed it yet, then, whew!
    And forgive me, but what is live action TV shows exactly?
    February 15th, 2011 at 11:52pm
  • A friend of mine is alo reading that series(Witcher Saga), he says its great also! I've never heard of any of those books, though. (:
    February 15th, 2011 at 03:42am
  • At camp two years ago, we had a talent show sort of thing. And this girl did a scene from The Holy Grail, ( I cant remember exactly what) but it had like 8 characters in it. She did it by herself, with different voices at lightening fast speed. It was pretty legit. After that, I felt compelled to watch it, because Cam and her brother had been trying to persuade me to watch it with them.

    And, I plan my Halloweens like months in advance. Last year I was Magenta from Rocky Horror. And my friend actually wanted to be a girl version of the Joker. She changed her mind though. I'm pretty sure you were a more legit Joker. :D
    And why did you stop after the 4th? I'm quite the opposite. I rarely re-read past the fourth book, because the rest of the series is so intense, in comparison he seems too young to comprehend.
    I recently (Friday) went to see Harry Potter 7 Part one in theathers for the THIRD time. Its in all caps because I do not see movies in theathers very often at all, maybe three times a year at the most. I spent 20 dollars seeing a movie I dont own yet. (The first two i saw the first couple weekends after it came out, and the last time it was at the dollar theather) I wanted to scream bloody murder the second time though, seeing fourteen dollars slip down the drain on a movie I don't get to own until summer. Well worth it though. And I cry at the same place every single time. Dobby RIP.
    (Sorry I'm like jumping from thought to thought randomly, transitions are not my strong point)
    You had an experience similar to Nick and Norah? One could only dream...
    Toy Story 3 was so nerve-wracking, I almost lost it myself. Earlier in the movie I made a comment to my friend Christin about those green aliens. I said something like 'Oh just leave them, they'll be ok"
    And then when they were like nanoseconds from being lava, she turned to me (I'm like completely hysterical) she goes "Man, did you really think they'd kill them? And you were dogging on those aliens!"
    As for books...uh i LOVE to read.
    But, I kind of have a short-attention span, (which is weird because I have spent many days just reading all day) but the book has to hold my attention.
    I like Nicholas Sparks. It was kind of a trend with me and my friend. We read nothing but Nicholas Sparks for like the first half of the school year, trading off with each other. So I guess romance books are my thing, but at the same time, If I can predict the end, then I lose interest.
    Oh, horror/thriller books. I love them to death. The whole who-dunnit shebang. Because I cant predict the end of them!
    Speaking of books, this comment is well on its way to becoming a novel itself(sorry!) so I will return to my Ap US History homework. :D
    Next topic could be....your choice (:
    February 15th, 2011 at 03:40am
  • Stupid question....
    Sorry, I just scrolled up a bit and saw your name...
    Ignore that first question! :D
    February 14th, 2011 at 06:58am
  • You were named after John Lennon and Paul McCartney? :O Whats your name? :D

    I've only seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Across the Universe I LOVED, Sweeney Tood, ditto. Funny Story about Juno actually. Me and my best friend Camryn are dressing up as Juno and Paulie Bleaker this year for Halloween. I get to be Juno and I'm super excited. :D

    Uhh, My favorites happen to be...Anything Harry Potter. I'm literally (well not literally) obsessed with Harry Potter. I only watch only certain ones because they leave so much out of the other ones and it makes me mad, Superbad, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I lovelovelove that movie. 500 Days of Summer, anything scary, and don't laugh, but I really love Toy Story. It's tied for one of my favorite movies. I can quote that movie.
    Books? :P
    Ps: Sorry If I used the word 'love' just a little bit excessively. (:
    February 14th, 2011 at 06:56am
  • Haha, yeah! I have several favorite bands!
    I'll go ahead and admit I already creeped on you page and saw you favorite bands :] Our tastes are prety different XD
    But here are a few of my favorites:
    My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, The Beatles, Dashboard Confessional, Bo Burnham, Family Force Five....
    What about you? Got a favorite...movie? :D
    February 13th, 2011 at 12:53am
  • Yeah, I never used it until, um three days ago. I posted some of my story, added some friends, made a signature, TWICE, BBC is difficult. :P
    February 12th, 2011 at 03:56am
  • Haha, hi! well I'm pretty new here, and I didnt want to be a friend-less loser so I added a couple of people hoping I would make new friends :D
    February 11th, 2011 at 05:22pm
  • Why thank you! I think it'll stand as my hiatus layout from now on. XD

    (Question...s: Can you see all the links well (Comments, Stories, Befriend, and... Journal)? Also, is it written in Comic Sans MS, or Times for your computer?)
    October 29th, 2010 at 08:21am
  • Uh, colors work the same as skin. It's all colors. It's okay to be mistaken. We all make them and learn from them. White reflects all colors while black absorbs them. More colors absorbed means more heat. Maybe you should look it up.
    September 9th, 2010 at 03:27am
  • This is exactly what you said...
    "The reason why people of European descent have lightly colored skin, wheras people of African descent have darker skin is because of the climate. Europe is a very cold place for the majority of the year, and the lighter skin color attracts more sunlight. The exact opposite is the case with Africa. It's extremely hot there, so people have adapted to have darker skin, to reflect the excess sunlight."

    Lighter skin color deflects heat/ sunlight while darker skin attracts it. That's what I was saying. You had it backwards. That's why people wear lighter colors in the summer time to stay cooler. The color of a persons skin has nothing to do with the temperature. It has to do with the exposure to sun.
    September 8th, 2010 at 11:44pm
  • No no no, maybe you should read your comment again because that's not what you said.
    September 8th, 2010 at 12:36pm
  • Yeah, you commented on my forum about black people thoughts and whatever. (sorry for commenting on your profile and not the forum. I can't right now) You have it all backwards, dark colors attract heat while lighter colors deflect heat (or sunlight... whatever) The reason why black people's skin is dark is because of the amount of melanin in their skin. The more melanin in your skin, the more your skin is protected from UV rays. UV rays are more present in sunnier climates (such as Africa) and that's why black people are darker then white.
    September 8th, 2010 at 03:58am
  • Log onto your yim. I feel like a retard u_u;
    Anywho, nice to see your name at the bottom again!
    September 8th, 2010 at 02:46am