she's fresh to death / Comments

  • omg no you're right let's start writing on wattpad.
    June 5th, 2021 at 07:29am
  • We should start writing here again.
    June 5th, 2021 at 07:09am
  • I think 4 years ago was the first time I said "bae". I think this is the last time I'll say "bae."
    June 5th, 2021 at 07:08am
  • hey peaches in cream
    June 5th, 2021 at 07:00am
  • Hi bae
    September 26th, 2016 at 03:57am
  • Thanks for the comment!
    I loved 7 Minutes in Heaven too lmfao
    May 12th, 2015 at 01:19pm
  • I had to reinstall my operating system (I know, I know, technology hates me apparently) and it's literally taking longer to install Skype than ANYTHING ELSE. And I don't know why, but that's why I'm not on there right now, and also why I haven't updated the chapter yet. JUST FYI.
    April 18th, 2015 at 04:13am
  • um first of all YER HIGHNESSSSSSSSSSS


    And that's what I gotta say about that.


    What now honeychile'
    March 19th, 2015 at 05:30am
  • HOORAH! I wish that I got notifications outside of the site so that I would know when to check it. DFKNsadkaskdskd.

    I don't know either, man. I'm more or less just yoloing it up? I might just have to send you some contact info so we can better keep in touch because, wow, mibba is crazy now-- it totally pulled a quizilla #sobbing

    I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MORE, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. And I know what you mean. I've joined a few other writing sites, but I can't seem to get a muse on those. I don't know. I need for the site to be aesthetically pleasing in order to gain some creative thoughts.

    It is, it is. I'm graduating this May (hopefully!). All that I need to pass really is Chemistry, Art, English VI (and, as an extension, Senior Project). And they're all easy, more or less. It's just a matter of how well I manage my time, you know? I can't afford to procrastinate or anything. It's horrible.

    BUT! How are you? How's life been? :) xx
    January 25th, 2013 at 10:47pm
  • I don't even know if I'm commenting right, oh my goodness!
    AND I KNOW! I logged on to check it, and all this nonsense has happened. Haha.
    I love you so much, and I'm glad you came back! I'm here, doll. I've been popping in and out, trying to get by with life at the moment - you know?
    December 13th, 2012 at 12:18am
  • Omg this new mibba is weird as hell. So, I transfered over to WattPad which I really like! My user name is "DracoNobilis" and if you wanna hop on over there and check out some of my stories, let me know (: Anyways. I miss talking to you! How are things? If you can email me to my writing account which is (of course) Hope to hear from you!!!
    October 31st, 2012 at 04:15am
  • holy smokes. this new mibba is freaking me out s:
    July 13th, 2012 at 08:13pm
  • I love youuu. <3
    May 3rd, 2012 at 03:29am
  • gosh, I know what you mean. I'm going to florida tomorrow for spring break... and am so excited for some down time. I mean, I love being busy-- I do. It's why i involve myself so much with so much... but it takes away from my creative outlets. I miss writing.
    March 16th, 2012 at 06:07am
  • oh yes, yes, yes. Omg I just got a new laptop... and am ready to start writing again. but, this site and quizilla are both dead. where to go? any suggestionss?
    March 12th, 2012 at 04:28am
  • ahhH!!!! I'm not trying to! how're you? I haven't been on mibba at alllllll. senior year-- hard to write consistantly all the time.. let alone post anything, ya know? plus. I feel like quizilla has gone down the tubes in the last few years... nothing of quality anymore \: so I don't check it near as much.
    January 31st, 2012 at 03:20pm
  • I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply! My cousin that was visiting until October broke our router... so now our computer doesn't have internet. I'm on my phone right now. Haha.

    The Cross Country State Meet is on Monday. Girls run around 12 something. I'm so nervous/excited. It's going to be something. I'm the 7th runner. Haha. I barely made it onto my school's state team. :P

    Oh, I've been working on typing up some new chapters for UI on my phone... but it really isn't the same as on a computer, though my phone does have a Qwerty keyboard. I dunno. I'm thinking of just waiting until we get a new internet router/this one gets fixed to upload it.

    And I'm sort of torn because I've, unintentionally, started writing another Draco fan-fic. I don't know if I should post it on here or not. It's one of those things that you just have to keep writing. Like any free time I have, I'm usually adding onto the story, weaving my plot through JKR's, or refining what I've already written for it. I'm at such a lose of what to do. :(

    How have you been? :)
    November 13th, 2011 at 06:34pm
    November 8th, 2011 at 04:56am
  • Not that far into the dance, someone told me that he said he was expecting something from me, if you catch my drift. So, you know how I was avoiding him hard already? I made damn sure he was thirty feet away from me at all times. Someone comes by saying he's looking for me? Go off the radar and hide in the bathroom. I started crying, I was so scared. I had to find a new ride and everything. I was not about to be in the same car with him. Nooooo. No. No. I did NOT have a good time at all!

    Oh, and I have yet to do any of my homework that's due Monday... since I left my backpack in the Coach's room on Friday like he said we could.

    My comment was too long, so I had to break it into two. Haha. How was your weekend.
    September 25th, 2011 at 10:56pm
  • Boys and girls both got first place! :) Girls by ten points and guys by 51. The guys got in a fist fight with another team, haha. We didn't get in trouble for it either.

    Homecoming was yesterday too. It was a complete horrid experience. The guy I went with, I didn't even want to go with. Truthfully, I never even answered him. I was originally going to go with this cute and funny wrestler. On the Friday before last, a boy on my Cross Country team came up to me at the pep rally, where people are cheering for no effing reason, and asked me. I ducked my head because it's my defense to awkward/uncomfortable situations. The people behind me cheered, so he took it as a "yes", ran off and told the whole team that we were going together. Even the coach. So, I couldn't turn him down.

    Leading up to the dance, he kept pestering me about the details and what we were going to do. And I couldn't help but to think: 'If you planned to ask me to the dance, shouldn't you have already had the details planned?' We had to find a group last minute. We had to match last minute. We didn't get mums/corsages.

    On the day of the dance, he told me to be ready by five. I got back from Baton Rouge at one thirty. So, I'm rushing through everything to get ready. Five comes, no him. Five thirty comes, still no him. So, I called Leah and Alayna, the other two girls in the group, and complained to them. They ended up picking me up. And then the guy texts me telling me that he and Alayna's date are on their way to get me. -_-

    The pictures were awkward because he kept saying: "We should of got corsages." and complaining. I wanted to push him into the pool. He kept walking off without me. Didn't hold any doors open for me, or Lean and Alayna.

    Alayna's date was driving, in a truck, so I had to sit in between her and her date. My guy's in the back being annoying and creepy. He kept telling me to go sit in his lap. How about NO.

    At dinner, I ordered sushi and green tea. He kept asking to try my food and drink, and I kept saying no. I let the others try some, and he complained so I had to let him try it too. It pissed me off because he tried to put the sushi back on my plate after he spit it out. -_- I was playing around with Leah's date, since he took everyone's lemon to put in his water. I said: "Hey, maybe I wanted a lemon for my tea!" My guy goes: "She wants a lemon. Give her a fucking lemon!!!"

    Oh, and my uncle came into the restaurant we were in to see how I looked since he bought my dress and shoes for me. He says hi to the guy, and he didn't even acknowledge my uncle. Then I sat down and my uncle walked over to say hi again. The kid looks at my uncle like he's an idiot until he realizes who it was. It's safe to say, my uncle doesn't like the kid. He even texted me and told me so.

    Fast-forward to the dance. I tried ditching him, and he kept following me. I danced with him to a slow song once, and it will NEVER happen again. He like, grabbed me and pulled me towards him. And I just couldn't wait for the song to be over.

    As soon as it was, I bolted. I ran into the wrestler I was going to go with. He and I ended up dancing for half an hour. Then I found a cute guy friend of mine, he and I danced for a solid hour. I danced with my girl friends too. All the while, the guy I came with was looking for me so I kept running to the opposite end of the room and hiding. He kept texting me asking if I left, where I was, and all. He ended up killing my phone's battery with all the messages. Anytime I ran into two of my guy friends who are good friends with him also, they'd shout his name and try and get me to go near him. It made me so mad too.
    September 25th, 2011 at 10:54pm