dandelions. / Comments

  • Nope, I don't have an aim. But I have a g-mail. And I ALWAYS go on that. xD

    omg, what do you think the almighty fish god looks like?

    WHAOA. Three stories is huge! Mine is actually ghetto to some other schools, but I still like it. :) Haha, same here with the classes categorized by large numbers. I don't get why they don't start at 1. xD

    January 30th, 2011 at 02:16pm
  • Haha, nah, Youtube. I never go on mine. I only go on to tell someone to upload more haha. Where else could I contact you? I try Google Translate. It can't translate the harder stuff very well haha.

    LOL sushi is so yummyz!

    Whoaaa... it sounds like a bunch of work. I know this girl who does a lot of church stuff and she's always busy.

    UH no. I suck at names, and even more, Titles. XD LOL hello, Lin Lin Linda. That sounds like it could turn into a song. MY COUSIN IS NAMED LINDA. xD [applauses for you]

    OHH wait. I think I missed something here. Did you switch schools or something?

    My school is round and has a dome. It is very well built and it is pretty. But it is old. I saw part of the roof fall down outside. It was pheonomonal (sp?). Also, it is greatly built, but it does not fit for our type of weather. It was designed after a school down in California (with great weather and all) while we have... snow. For half the year. So apparently that wears down the school faster than it should've. But my school is extremely diverse (with the students) compared to other schools. So as it is falling apart, people are coming up with a new build plan. I like the hallways though - they're color-coded. I feel like a kid when I'm asking for directions.
    "Where's room 503?"
    "Oh that's in the blue hall."
    "Where's the blue hall?"
    "By the red hall."
    "... OHHHH."
    It's so elementary school-like. :D
    January 27th, 2011 at 10:17pm
  • Aw that's okay. Possibly we can email. Haha.

    I'm sorry. I cannot read Japanese yet lol. And I do not know French. Fail at languages. Haha.

    LOL nice sarcasm. You are a sophomore right? It sounds like you're having a lot more stressful time than I am. Joined too many clubs and activities eh? Haha.

    Aww... it's okay. I'm going through that awkward stage too. People come and talk to me and I'm like, "Haha... nice..." And then we're like "Now what?" And in my head, I'm like, "Sorry! I have no idea what to say to you!" xD

    Yup. I'm super used to Lacta now too. It's such a strange name LOL haha. I don't even know how I came up with that hahaha.
    I just went back and skimmed through our heart-pouring comments haha. It was super crazy long. In caps. But I'm too lazy to do caps. xD
    January 25th, 2011 at 10:19pm
  • Hola?
    January 25th, 2011 at 03:08am
  • Hi! just a reminder that the deadline to my MLIA contest is in five days/ Cant' wait to read your entry!
    December 28th, 2010 at 06:42am
  • Hiii!
    Vampire and Me now has a sequel. (:
    December 25th, 2010 at 01:41am
  • Hello! You have three days to get your entry in for the Grimm Brother's contest, if you need an extension or would like to drop out please refer back to the thread to do so. I look forward to reading your entry. :)
    December 18th, 2010 at 05:26pm
  • Oh, thanks. :)
    November 27th, 2010 at 04:33am
  • Thank you very much for the story comment.
    Hope too, err, meet the standards of...umm the story?
    I dunno, anyways, THANKS.
    November 12th, 2010 at 01:44am
  • Thank you for the story comment.
    October 17th, 2010 at 09:26pm
  • thank you so much!
    October 14th, 2010 at 01:27am
  • Haha, that's okay. You'd make a good editor that way. xD
    October 12th, 2010 at 11:14pm
  • I'm getting my report cards now. I'm scared because I have a B+ in there... for AP world history. I can't learn in that class, I swear, it's too... boring so the littlest things ever distract me. And... we don't have any tests in there so far, and I'm the best in tests. xD Which is strange. So did you get your report card for halfway through the semester or something? xD LOL THAT'S A COOL SHIRT. Haha, I want one. xD

    Yeah, recap episodes I skim through. I hope through the whole thing that the flashback ends but it never does. Bah, a week of waiting for new episodes goes to waste. xD Do you watch any animes anymore? I don't, except for Bleach. I read manga a whole lot more now. Because I'm a reading kind of person. :)
    Uh... http://hitomijunichi.deviantart.com/ There's my deviantart. Now it's your turn. :) My photograpy and my drawing sucks, but the ones I posted there are really old. I think I have newer ones, but I never draw them digitally so... nah. xD It's not on there.

    Yay paycheck. I should go tutor, but I'm an extremely impatient teacher and my student would be scared of me at the end of the first lesson. Yeah... my sister sure was when I tried to teacher her piano. "Do it again..." *mess up* "Do it again..." *mess up* "AGAIN!!!!" "AHHH!!"
    Haha, yeah maybe... I hope I make it~ It's going to be hard - the path of an author, but I'm sure it'll be very enjoyable. :D

    Oh awesome! I can understand Vietnamese like a middle schooler, speak like a foreigner, and read like a kindergartener. xD But yeah, my parents haven't even found out I could understand what they're talking about since last year... so they're pretty proud of me right now. And pretty mad because they have to censor everything they say. I sit in the living room, doing homework in the open, hearing everything that goes in the house. They don't really like me doing that haha.
    Whoa, what? Realist? Nah, people tell me I am extremely unrealistic and insane. xD But thanks, I am happy someone thinks I am still realistic and quite sane. :) Because I sure do hope I am. And that's good though. You are doing what your parents wished for you to do and that is to have a happy life. For me though, I don't think I will have my own family like that. I feel like since 5th grade, my interest in liking another person that way has plummeted into the pit of misery. xD But I'm living with my cousins~ it's not the same, but it's still pretty awesome. I can tease their little kids.
    WHOA that's a lot of school! Good luck in going through all that. And thanks. Yes, this is a pretty deep conversation. xD Ranting is fun.

    Yeah, Nguyen - the typical Vietnamese last name. My friend Jennifer Nguyen was confused with me (since our names both start with J and we have the same last name). And I tested into an advanced class. However, I wasn't the one to go into it, she got into it. She quit. I got into it. I quit. Yeah, that advanced class was not an advanced class, it felt like a slacker class. xD So we both weren't satisfied.
    WHOA DUDE. Why is she in the hospital?
    October 12th, 2010 at 11:13pm
  • I always skip fillers~ It's a wonderful thing to do. It saves me from watching useless stuff. But some are good. This one arc was good, until the villian person died, then it tried to stretch on. But I skipped the second half. Yes, I have a DeviantArt but I barely have anything posted. Some digital drawings, photography, and the occasional short stories. xD

    I'm also very unorganized. I cannot bring myself to do homework outside of school. GOOD JOB! Have fun tutoring. It's fun right?
    You sound very busy. I'm not. I kind of just write after school. I have a average of 2,000 words per day now. That's like two essays. I'm glad. They're chapters majorly in need of editing though, so I don't write on Sundays and just edit them. xD Sunday is editing day. Viet Cap? What do you do there?

    Okay, I'll be looking forward to hearing the results. Unless they are completely horrible, like you tripped over a snake, it bit you, and then someone fell on you and had their face smothered with cake. And then a monkey was released out of its cage and wrecked havoc on the school. But that probably won't happen, hopefully. :)

    I have Asian parents too. They tell me, "You better do good, become a doctor (or something like that)." I'm like... "Yeah yeah." xD Now they get tired of telling me. They know I do good in school, so I guess they're fine for now, since. . . the personality I have at home is one of a kid who is very likely to rebel. xD So . . . I guess they don't really want to annoy me to that point? Ah whatever. But actually (I'm probably just underestimating reality), I think if I keep my grades up, take at least 4 years of college in almost any area (except on garbage picking or something like that), I'll probably be decently well off in my life. :) I want to be quite normal. Not that much money to spend. I get to live with collecting coupons and complaining to my family about my paycheck and some fake sales at a tricky store. I get to find a job, and if I can't, I will be forced to master my social skills, and find a link to it or pull off an extremely impressive interview. I'll get to see the benefits and hardships of life. That's why I chose this way. It seems really happy and pleasant to me, but maybe dull and boring to other people. Or maybe it's just my rebellious side, refusing to become rich as my parents expected? I'm selfish. xD But at least I'm in the middle, I hope.
    Oh my, I just ranted. And when I read it over again, I couldn't understand it anymore. xD
    And you will probably do well in where you want to be too. I wish you good luck!

    Haha no. Well, to put the story short and confusing like, I went to NHD, got those of those congratulation award things and they spelled my name wrong, even though it looked pretty professional. On it said, "Julis Nguyen." It was pretty embarassing. My teacher got confused when she had to hand it to me.
    October 7th, 2010 at 02:08am
  • Hey! Halloween Tastic deadline is in seven days of this post! Just thought I would inform you, since you did sign up and haven't submitted an entry in a reply to the forum. :D

    I hope to see an entry. <3

    October 5th, 2010 at 11:13pm
  • Don't worry. I love huge posts. xD More to read, more to procastinate, right?
    October 3rd, 2010 at 10:50pm
  • Nope, the person in my icon is Tensa Zangetsu from Bleach. I have an unhealthy obsession with that anime/manga. xD I skip the filler episodes though. But you draw? Do you have a DeviantArt? :D

    Lol, wow, Beta and Key sound like things I wouldn't do at all. I'm doign Quiz Bowl, Robotics, and Symphony Orchestra. And I think I have like... 2 hours of volunteer. But haha, I dunno. Do we have to fill out a form of that or somethig?

    Personality? Whoa, like what personality? xD And whoa, that's high! 4.5. I'm only at a 4.05 or something. xD Or 4.1 something. Something like that. But my grades are slipping. I'm going to get cursed by my parents if that happens. xD

    Your work sounds so hard. Have you planned out what you are going to major in?

    Haha, yes, Lacta is my pen name. My real name is Julie. Don't shout that out to the world. xD I'm Ju for short. Or Julis. Because I also have this unhealthy obsession with daydreaming about being in the position of king, so some of my close friends call me King Julis (I have another story behind that but that would expand my comment to you way too much) xD. Or King Julius. I'm also called Sir. That also came from a long story. Yeah... lots of things happen in school that comes up with nicknames for me. xD
    October 3rd, 2010 at 10:50pm
  • Lol, haha, yay! I'm special! And yes, I am used to it now. :D

    Oh, yeah, I kind of gave it up too. I'll just focus on writing or something. xD Profile coding takes way too long.
    What's Beta and Key Club? I've seriously never heard of those. ;]

    Haha, that's cool. A 'doctor'. I hope you have fun. :) Maybe you can cure my cousins' insanity. And maybe mine too? xD JK. I'm not insane.
    Duke does sound hard. What's the minimum GPA?

    Awesome, my sister and your sister can become co-lead dentist people. :D Yeah, and maybe I'll hear of you when you do some awesome psychological discovery or something. xD Anyways, I'm not sure if you'll recognize my name, because my pen name changes everywhere I go. Lacta is totally a pen name too. xD I really don't know how I came up with that. Heehee. But yeah... did I ever tell you my real name?
    October 2nd, 2010 at 11:04pm
  • Mine was premade and thanks. :) I wanna learn how to make a profile thing sometime. It would be fun. ;D

    Lol, okay. I was worried because... it's like all the people that actually read it disappeared off the face of Mibba. x] Mysterious.

    LOL mine are like that too. But I don't really do community service. Gosh, why are these Asian parents always pushing us to the medical side? Haha, what are you planning to go into when you grow up? It would be awesome if I could become a writer. My far away dream... that my parents would not be happy with. x]

    Oh, but my mom is actually normal. She's like, "I don't care what you do. Just live well and be happy!" :D My dad's like, "It'd be best if you become a doctor or a lawyer. I expect seeing you make it into Harvard." And I'm like... "Mom, help me." x] I don't think any of my family is becoming a doctor though.

    I'm going to be an author, composer, and a landscaper. [wonderful opera background music] My little sister is going to be a dentist, a company owner, and an artist (she's ambitious). [the background sound of drilling teeth] My brother is going to be a movie director. [booming sound effects] We are wandering from our dad's desired path. but i think we'll do good or okay. :)

    I'm entering 10th. Into the double digits. =_= It means I'm growing older and coming closer to becoming a member of society. o.O What about you?
    August 23rd, 2010 at 05:45pm
  • Hey, I'm wondering. Did you get bored with Distance? Or are you waiting for the chapters to pile up so you can read it in one sitting? x]
    August 21st, 2010 at 03:10am