
My mom is amazing she got me the horcrux locket from The Half Blood Prince for Christmas. She also got me the charm bracelet from Twilight with the wolf pendant and the glass heart pendant.This has been a pretty amazing Christmas. Everyone is happy and healthy (no flu this year :))My brother is being a bit selfish though. He was opening my little sisters' gifts for them and of course no one said...
December 25th, 2011 at 06:21pm

An Odd Dream

Okay, so I usually have wierd dreams that have not much meaning behind them. I decided to write this one down.I was at Hershey Park or another theme park like it (other dreams I've had have had the same theme park maybe it's my imaginations theme park) and I was taking my seven year old sister around on all the rollercoasters. When we finishing I talked her into going on the water rides too.So we...
June 19th, 2011 at 01:27pm

I think I'm getting better.

Things have been pretty difficult lately.It's hard to find time to think, what with all the kids around and constantly being afraid for my life.I had a good talk with my dad last night and it made me feel less paranoid. So that was good...And I went to a counselor nearly two weeks ago and am going again on Friday. She said that she's going to try and help me and I really hope that she can.I'm sick...
March 29th, 2011 at 11:24pm

today and yesterday-interesting stuff?

Yesterday-- Okay so I had to do a baby projesct for school. I got the thing on monday. So every time it cries i have to stick one of four keys in it and record which one it was that I stuck in it. Well it cries all night (thank god I only had it for two days) so I got no sleep and when I went to school tomorrow I had an energy drink right before my last class history. And in history we were doing...
April 1st, 2010 at 04:05am

I'm gonna kill her!

Okay so my four younger cousins live with me because my parents have custody and the oldest is 9.She seems pretty cool from the outside and I trusted her and shit. But she told my grandfather a couple of months ago that I cuss more than my dad does (and thats a lot) and I got yelled at. But I ended up getting away with it because my cousin is a liar.And then I stupidly trusted her again and let...
March 23rd, 2010 at 09:25pm