Good Things and Bad Things;

So today was Valentine's day and mine was pleasant, but my sister informed me of a situation that, of course, pissed me off, and that's fine; she's my sister and I am always there for her to listen and advise.Today she informed me that a certain douche bag that she had feelings for decided to take a picture of a child behind the counter at her work. She lives with her friend and her friends...
February 15th, 2012 at 08:43am

Lifestyle Change (Rant or Possibly Something More)

I think its time to do something different here; because I’m to the point where I’m about ready to rip my god damned hair out. I’m sick of having to rely on my boyfriend for every fucking thing. I need new shoes, a new computer, a fucking flash drive, and to be able to by phone cards for MYSELF every month. I’m at wits end and just ready to scream. I’m tired of having to sit online at...
February 4th, 2012 at 09:07am

My Dreams are On Drugs...Literally

Okay so as many of you know I’ve been having some serious dental-related pain because of my upper right wisdom tooth that has a very deep cavity. The cavity, in fact, has reached the tooth pulp and caused an antagonizing infection. So I went to the doctor who proceeded to poke and probe in my mouth for a total of like…five minutes before leaving the room. When he returned he handed me a slip...
February 4th, 2012 at 09:06am

Having PTSD Sucks...

but its a fact of life…I have PTSD…I have few doubts about it. I know my father does.The current diagnostic criteria for post traumatic stress syndrome include the patient experiencing intense fear, helplessness, or horror over witnessing or being engaged in extreme violence or a threat of violence, disturbing recollections of the event, distressing, recurrent dreams, flashbacks, or feeling...
February 4th, 2012 at 09:02am

Video Game Survey 2012

1. Name every video-game console that you currently own. Doesn’t matter how big or small, they all count.PS3, PSP, PS2, Game Cube, Sega Genesis.2. Do you plan to buy any in the future? If so, which ones (this includes ones that haven’t released yet)? I don’t know as of yet.The PS Vita would be a nice addition.3. What type of games do you tend to gravitate towards?Something scary or something...
February 4th, 2012 at 09:00am

You're Becoming Part of the Problem

2/3/12So I’m sitting here cleaning and thinking about certain conversations from last night and still mulling the same thing over that I have for months now: somebody who shall remain nameless has absolutely no deep human communication skills. The only ones they have are advanced basic ones. Step up to the plate and take the advanced class for shits sake or you won’t ever have any deep...
February 4th, 2012 at 08:53am