id_shka / Comments

  • oh sounds fun. I cant wait till me and my friends can drive so we can do that kinda stuff. Its always about the parens and if they want 2 drive u somwhere. bleh.
    :) i finally got my hair done 2day. its shoulder length and choppy then i have red underneath and all they layers have black tips. then i got bangs and they're half blond and half red. its awsome! ill show u a pic next time we c eachother online!
    ok well g2g to bed, peace! Andie
    June 13th, 2007 at 07:42am
  • hmm im kinda bored right so what s up? you know ive never asked you who your fav fob it Patrick? lol
    June 12th, 2007 at 06:40am
  • calm down haydee, i like just did it last night! here, ill post anew chapter to make it up to you!
    June 10th, 2007 at 10:16pm
  • yup, my sister is 8. and if she was going to wake me up, she shouldve done it nicely. Not jumo up on me, scaring the cat and having him patch out on my leg. Meanie.
    Most of my cousins are guys. I only have, 3? girl cousins and like 7 boy cousins so its not like i do ALOT of stuff with them or anything.
    I really should get my lazy ass up and do somthing too. Im thinking maybe going to the movies? or just stay in bed all day watching TV and reading fanfics lol. Damn, so many choices! lol
    peace, Andie
    p.s. if ur gunna b online 4 awhile, go on IM :-)
    June 10th, 2007 at 09:47pm
  • haha ive never seen that movie. Ill have to rent it some time.
    My cousins rock. I love them to death i think thats cuz they're my age and not younger. Im doing pretty good now. I have a huge headache cuz my sister woke me up after only 4 hours of sleep but w/e, if im a bitch its her fault lol.
    so how r u doing?
    peace, Andie
    June 10th, 2007 at 09:25pm
  • i was really mad at her then found out y i couldnt go and now im not so mad. She invited me and afew other girls to go w/ her and her brother and his friends then they had to ditch their friends and take their cusins who they HATE to the movies instead. she got kicked out of her room so they could sleep in there. so i understand now. i feel kinda bad for being mad. so dant hate lol.
    and yesh, u cheered me up on IM. thnx!
    June 10th, 2007 at 07:49am
  • im sry u were bored. ur the second person 2 tell me they went to a boring paty 2day. i went to my sisters friends party and tlked about super natural stuff like spirits, angels, demons, all that stuff. it was pretty cool.
    fun u get 2 go out with friends! my best friend just bailed on my. we were supposed to go to see pirates at the drive in tonight but she said i couldnt go with her. *tear* i feel left out.
    ok well im gunna go lay down and maybe cry alittle. i feel very depressed right now. have fun w/ ur friends!
    June 10th, 2007 at 04:23am
  • i agree about ut pic comment, lol, i got that pic cuz pete looked great in that! ryan as 4 brendon *sighes* well he's just an adorable doofus! and i m gonna see the concert in 2 weeks lol
    June 9th, 2007 at 07:03am
  • ok chapters up :D
    i sent her 2 starbucks w/ my dad. it was so peacful lol. and i got a chia latte out of it lol.
    Im really bored too. and thank god its the weekend! Im so happy! i have nothing to do and im excited about that! :D
    u got any plans?
    ok well ttul!
    peace, Andie
    June 9th, 2007 at 02:25am
  • ya, i get that depressed but done know y feeling alot. its wierd.
    hormones suck big time!!!!!!!!
    right now, im sitting in my PJs not feeling good, tired as hell (my friend spent the night last night. we got like 5 hours of sleep then went 2 school 2day lol), hungrey (dinner? anyone? plz?) and trying 2 write a new chapter which is kind ahard cuz my sister is going crazy on me bugging and just annoying the hell outa me.
    but what can i do? lol
    June 9th, 2007 at 01:35am
  • no but im going 2 HCT concert! lol im excited
    June 9th, 2007 at 12:59am
  • ya, some of my friends have ditched no gotten caught too. im to chicken 2 do it though.
    ok bands,,, Those are afew bands i like.
    so, what u up 2?
    June 8th, 2007 at 07:47am
  • im okay how are u? right now I'm listening to...ha ha you guessed it... FALL OUT BOY! lol
    June 8th, 2007 at 04:17am
  • the test was kinda everything. alot about cells, then alittle about differant rocks and such then there were some about lights and like differant lences and what they do to the light. Then there were the questions about reproduction and heredity lol. so quit a veriety.
    The school system is about the same. U need 2 check in with the office when u come or leave campus. U cant leave without a note, or like u said u can b bad and just leave lol. but if u get caught, u get in BIG trouble.
    thnx :D im glad u like them. I honestly think my new one kinda sucks so far. lol
    June 8th, 2007 at 01:17am
  • haha i wouldnt just leave u hanging like that. :-P
    My mom said the same w/ the water thing but it didnt really help.
    Right now, im skipping 1st period :), watching some crappy music video on VH1, getting yelled at 2 hurry up cuz i cant miss 2nd period and trying 2 read afew stories b4 i go. 2day is going 2 suck, i have this HUGE bio test that im NOT ready for and just the fact that i feel like shit at the moment.
    have fun reading those fanfics :D and thnx for the story comment!
    peace, Andie
    June 7th, 2007 at 05:26pm
  • haha u kept sending messages? lol. It said u were writing a message for like 10 minutes and then i tried 2 message u but it didnt work. it was wierd.
    ok yesh, we need 2 b online 2gether sometime soon :D
    bleh, i dont want school 2marow. I really dont feel good and my head is pounding!
    what u up 2?
    Peace, Andie
    June 7th, 2007 at 07:19am
  • hey i just finished the last chap of my story...hope u like it! i no the story was short but i think i hav a good idea 4 my next story....i
    June 7th, 2007 at 02:08am
  • well, u need 2 atleast hand one day! we should go 2 disneyland 2gether! thats a fun plan!
    Ya, atleast it once was a farm lol. u probly thought, 'damn! what a sucky school 2 take there students 2 a freaking farm!' lol.
    Our IM froze up b4 i got any pictures... it was wierd. but next time we're both online ill c it. or even send the link over one of these comments.
    well, im off 2 bed.
    peace and love,
    June 6th, 2007 at 07:00am
  • I'll eat if for you.
    I will shrink down, hide in your shirt pocket (Yes, the one locared near your bossom. I promise you, I will not make a move on you) and all you have to do is stuff food in the pocket.
    Awww, that is so sweet. None of my friends are musically talented in anything other than Clarient and singing.
    What kind of Bass does your friend have?
    I'm looking to learn to play bass... My father is finally allowing me as long as he gets to play Acoustic guitar with me in a band.
    But I think he was kidding.
    And even if he wasnt, my father is awesome and I would play in a band with him.
    Oh, eventually I will get around to it. The story chapters, that is.
    June 6th, 2007 at 12:16am
  • yesh, u need 2 come and visit! :D
    this summer im, doing awhole lotta nothing, a yoga class, reading, writing and vacationing to, las vegas, seattle, portland and canada. It should b a pretty cool vacation. I also get 2 get a late b-day presant and get a hotel room in san diago for me and my best friend vicky to party! lol. woot woot!
    haha its ok about the 'knotts' thing. U didnt know. it actually once was a 'berry farm' hints the 'berry farm' in 'knotts berry farm' lol.
    well im off 2 school, ttul!
    June 5th, 2007 at 04:34pm