ettolrahC / Comments

  • Bahahahaha that's cool, kind of a tease, but at least I know I have something to look forward to. :D
    September 22nd, 2009 at 03:51am
  • Hahahaha well thank God, because anything I say that has to do with college being a positive place is sarcastic. lol.
    Wowww, Cyprus looks so effing pretty! Of course I had to google it to see where it was haha, but that looks rad.
    Last year, I had to go to see BMTH with this girl I don't even like, and it was awful, so I spent the summer getting my real friends into them. Success. :D
    September 22nd, 2009 at 12:29am
  • My God! Hello!
    Where the devil have you been?
    How are things?
    I start Uni tommorow, I'm super SUUUUPPPERRRRRRR nervous. eek.
    September 20th, 2009 at 06:00pm
  • College? A joy? It's sucking my soul out through my nose.
    You were living abroad? That's awesome! Where were you living?
    Haha I get to see BMTH next weekend, I'm super excited. But I haven't been reading many Oli stories lately.
    And you're right about Garrett. His eyes are something else. ;)
    September 20th, 2009 at 03:50am
  • Hiiiiii! I'm pretty good, college is killing me and all that, but I'm living haha.
    I missed youuuu! Where have you been, mama?
    And yes, Change is over. It was a little hard for me to accept when it happened, but it had to be done. Because of the new story! Which I love. Garrett is definitely my favorite at the moment, haha.
    September 19th, 2009 at 07:22pm
  • There are a couple stories that I totally flip when they're updated. Basically anything DahliaJade writes, because she's my homegirl.

    And I'm glad you like Peter, even though you shouldn't. You aren't the only one. Seems like everyone has a forbidden love sort of relationship with him.
    September 19th, 2009 at 03:22pm
  • ahhh so not only do you like paolo nutini, but you're a supernatural fan?!
    thank you so much for the story comment, and you're awesome!
    September 7th, 2009 at 06:53pm
  • Danka:) I'm so glad you're enjoying it. More on Monday, as early as possible!
    September 4th, 2009 at 01:58am
  • ha, it's okay!

    at least you subscribed! haha, thanks :)
    August 16th, 2009 at 03:39am
  • I updated my Wakening Story!! Miracle I know. lol Could you please read it and leave a comment on what you think. Thank you so much. :)
    August 13th, 2009 at 03:02am
  • You need to stop leaving me! lol. Haha those clues are not easy, no one has understood them so far. Not that I really expected anyone to lol.
    And the Team Oli, Team Reise thing just blows my mind hahaha.
    July 2nd, 2009 at 12:07am
  • Heya! How are you? Thanks for the story comment =), I know I took forever to update, I fully had forgotten how time consuming uni work can be. But since I'm on holiday for like 3 weeks or something I'll try update more
    July 1st, 2009 at 06:42am
  • Hahaha the job IS complete dogshit, that's what makes it so much fun. :D And I think Lux has been plenty rude to Zoey, but no one but Oli is going to really catch onto it. It's mostly like, she's trying to be rude, but Zoey isn't going to catch on really. :)
    And yes, the apples. I felt they were a nice touch. :D But guess what's coming next chapterrrr. I'll give you a hint...
    Someone is coming back to Sheffield.
    June 10th, 2009 at 12:35am
  • So I was in the middle of commenting you and my motherfucking electricity went out. Fuckkkk that hahaha.
    And yes, jealousy always leads to that. How'd you know? ;) Maybe I'll put another zoo scene in so Zoey can have that big ass bear encounter for real. Lmao. I'll even let you be the one to push her into the cage.
    But we can't get rid of the dramz. That's what's so much fun! Hahaha
    June 6th, 2009 at 11:28pm
  • I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT YOU TODAY! Omfg, you're a mindreader. I was seriously like, where IS she?! And then you APPEARED!
    I think everyone is very anti-Zoey. I'm giving nothing away though! :D Just remember, you know I love the dramzzz! Hahahaha. But hating Zoey won't be easy. There's a reason Oli picked her to be his second best. You'll find out all about Zoey and how much she knows soon though, promise. But Lux can't be mad about her being in the house because she was the one who told Oli to get over her and pretend he didn't know her. So he's not going to leave his girlfriend at home if Lux is supposed to be a total stranger to him.
    And I'm glad you at least like Emily. She's the bomb. She also commented you right below me. Hahaha.
    Oh and trust me, you and Lux are going to create awkward situations. You are especially going to create some drama.
    And you have time to prepare for the next chapter, because I haven't even started it yet. Lmao.
    June 5th, 2009 at 06:14am
  • Awww no, is the ipod okay? My computer has completely died now. so RIP that too. Maybe we should hold some sort of rememberance service haha.
    Fucker wiped all the stuff I downloaded onto my ipod using itunes on the actual ipod; if that makes sense. No more This Is Hell and Deez Nuts for Emily....bollocks.
    I now rely on my computer at work for all times.
    Crazy bad? Hopefully everythings okay now. How is it with the boy and moose? or is that covered by crazy bad? Hmm.

    Haha Paulo Nutini. I met him last Wednesday when he played the Academy. He was tucking into a roast dinner (ON A WEDNESDAY?!?) in the pub opposite haha. Poor kid was trying to eat his meat and two veg and there were girls flocking around him. Took me a while to recognise him...there was something about his big eyes though haha.

    May 21st, 2009 at 10:18am
  • Oh, also, on the Oli vs. Marty question:

    [i]Sweet or sexy? Cute or cocky? Marty or Oli?[/i]

    Marty: sweet and cute
    Oli: sweet, sexy, cute, AND cocky.

    I rest my case. And have given away vital information. And I don't care. Hahaha.
    May 21st, 2009 at 04:53am
  • Haha bomb is very good. You are also bomb. Win. Hahaha.
    As for that boy, I think I'd like to junk punch him for you. Or pay a football player to do it. Hahaha. Whatever, boys are stupid. That's why I write, because in my world, I can make up reasons for the stupidity. Hence, Oliver. Lmao.
    And I think this is my last fun summer, because I've signed the lease on my apartment for next summer, so I won't be visiting home. I'll be working and doing school. Sucks. But whatever, that's the real world, I guess.
    May 21st, 2009 at 02:14am
  • Well, I'm glad you're not crying anymore! And I'm sorry about all the work, that sounds wretched. I also can't believe I just got to use "wretched" in an actual sentence. I am bomb.
    And I'm sorry Mibba is taking over your life! If it makes you feel better, it's taking over mine too. I'm almost finished with the next update though, so that's at least good.
    And please tell me when you were breaking your heart, you don't mean that a BOY broke your heart, because death will have to be in that boy's near future. I karate chop to the jugular, Liam Neeson-in-Taken style. And I promise I won't tell Oli you missed Lux more than him. He's been a douchebag anyway, he deserves it haha.
    I've been pretty good. Just dealing with drama, fixing friendships that have been broken for over a year, trying to find a job, packing up my house for the move, writing, reading way too much, playing the sims, taking group naps with the pup, and watching super cool action movies on demand. :) Not much to be said for my summer haha.
    May 20th, 2009 at 05:57pm
  • Hey lovely, everything cool? It feels like it's been years haha. Crazy good, crazy bad? The former I hope. And your laptop died? What the hell is it with technology these days.
    I'm alright, bar the fact I can hardly move thanks to Gallows and ETID Monday. Fuck I, what a show haha. But my neck... I think I need a new one. I'm getting too old for human pyramids and crowd running. Sad times haha.
    May 20th, 2009 at 07:40am