violet vixen. / Comments

  • lol "mikey was nom..." its so freaky though that we were at the same show. I too fell in love with them all over again. I liken it to a church and they were my gods and I was their worshiper, pure rock n roll magic
    February 7th, 2012 at 01:21am
  • OMG I was at the brisbane show as that is creepy thats two people on here that were at the same show...such a small world. Anywho, update you damn story cuz its rad!
    February 7th, 2012 at 12:43am
  • Oh wow! :D
    I'm so excited to recieve this huge massive ass inbox! :D <3
    I missed you too! Lotsa lovesies! <3
    January 24th, 2012 at 06:50pm
  • It feels like a bloody reunion! :D <3
    January 11th, 2012 at 06:42pm
  • Your Avatar is still my old mibba username on your shirt.
    God I love you!
    And I still have that picture on my computer, I see it sometimes and really miss you :/
    How's everything, I have a new facebook, I'll just mibba message it to you and you can add me gorgeous :3 <3 <3 <3
    January 11th, 2012 at 06:40pm
    January 11th, 2012 at 06:37pm
  • Haha, yeah, I think he is, my bestie thinks I'm nuts, but it's just because they don't get along that well. But seeing as I'm not the homewrecking kind and he has a wife and triplets, nothing would ever work out, :P.
    I am really hating school this semester actually, I thought it was going to be a breeze, and it's not that it's necessarily hard, it's just boring as shit. How's your semester going?
    Work is kicking my ass since the holidays are coming up, but hey it's money, right?
    And seeing as both MSI and The Used tours are coming up right now, I need as much of it as I can get.
    Try not to fawn over Ryan Gosling in front of Daveyyyyy when you watch it. But I warn you- it's very difficult.
    November 26th, 2011 at 08:08pm
  • That does sound like some 80s teen drama right there, but we all secretly love those, don't we? :D Your boyfriend sounds like a keeper already! Oh god, work stalkers, I know about those, they're the worst. Mine got fired, though, haha, hopefully the same happens to yours!
    Your supervisor?! :O, Holy crap! What happened with that? Is it bad to say that if my boss tried, I probs would be like KAY I LOVE YOU. Wooooops, teehee.
    Mine's the same, school and work are crazy, I'm trying to finish up my associates degree and then next semester I'm taking a break to replenish funds and maybe move out of my house as well. My bestie and I have been looking for placessss.
    Oh and... Crazy, Stupid, Love? If you haven't seen it already, DO IT.
    November 18th, 2011 at 06:13pm
  • I'm goooood! I'm currently having a bum day with two of my besties, watching Crazy, Stupid Love, :D. How has everything been on your end for the past couple months?!
    And btw, your comment was fucking epic and brilliant and I love you. But I think I've mentioned that a few times? Haha, it made my dayyyy.
    <3 <3
    What's been going on in your life lately?!
    November 8th, 2011 at 07:59pm
  • Hi I love you, come back to my life.
    Hoping everything is all right and sending my love from Jerseyyyy. <3
    November 5th, 2011 at 06:33am
  • You're welcome, I loved your story! I can't wait for your update ^_^
    August 16th, 2011 at 05:34pm
  • Gah! Stupid boys, I hope none of them made you sad or I'm gonna have to find them and set them straight. In some painful sort of way. :D
    I'm better, I had a rough couple of days, but things are looking up again. Good friends are what you need in life, <3.

    The tattoo didn't actually hurt that much! It was the anticipation leading up to it that killed me, haha. My bestie psyched me out for like a week straight before hand and when he finally started tattooing I was like, "FUCK FUCK FU- ... Oh... oh okay, this isn't that bad." Hahaha.
    August 2nd, 2011 at 05:39am
  • I have no idea! TOO MANY! D: D: D: hahaha.
    I missed you too and I hope everything is better in yo' life now! Bad dramaaa?
    I got my My Chem tattoo! :O
    July 27th, 2011 at 07:16am
  • I KNOW.

    I love that warm feeling when you update and like everything is okay in the world because you just made some mibbians happy.


    God. I adore that you are so willing to read my stories. Like usually when people ask me too, or like try and show off their stories, I am just like, no man, no.

    But that's because I really am just a loser and hate most people who exist in my life. And sometimes that transfers to my interweb life.

    Ohwells. ♥
    July 25th, 2011 at 02:14am
  • Whoa, what is he doing? Because you seriously do not deserve any crap in your life, and I doubt that you could have done anything that would deem you worthy of chaos. I am sure that your readers will understand. =] We can be pretty damn loyal, haha.
    Just go at your own pace dove, your life is much more important than the stories, I can promise you that.
    I am doing alright, things got a little out of hand here, but I am pulling the reins back and trying to strive for more control. The next few days will be a bit unevenful, but life seems to work that way. A little bad for a lot of good, or a lot of bad for a little good. I am breathing and trying though. Thank you for asking sweetie. =]
    Definately! I actually should probably reconnect with that site...O.O Haha.
    How are you feeling sweetie?
    July 24th, 2011 at 10:42pm
  • Oh god! I completely understand! Its terrible! I didn't update for like 2 and a half weeks. And I felt so bad, and it wasn't because I didn't want too. I like just didn't have time, and every time I did have spare time I was like so dead in life and just didn't/couldnt write. And I'm still not done being busy, but i got into the writing mood last night and wrot e a new story on my phone. And put it up. Lolls. So now I have been stalking mibba on my phone.

    So I have two frerards now. :P
    July 24th, 2011 at 01:03am
  • Don't worry about it (:

    I wasn't really on mibba much. I think everyones life got a little hectic. :P I hope everything is alright.

    I have been pretty good, exhausted. And not writing, but good non the less. (:

    And you?
    July 23rd, 2011 at 03:07pm
  • You've been gone for foreverrrrrrrrrrr!
    Heh, just kidding. Haiiii.
    Let's create our own mini army today.
    July 15th, 2011 at 09:42am
  • Do not be sorry, it is fine, so long as you are. I just noticed that I had not heard from you in awhile, and seeing as you were sick a red light went off in my head. =P I get too concerned for my own good I guess.
    What did life set up to make life hectic? Unfortunately life never plays fair, it is a cheater T.T
    How are you feeling mini puss in boots? =]
    July 13th, 2011 at 07:34pm
  • Glad I hadn't spoiled anything for you. I had an inkling all the way through but the first thing that came into my head 'Rory's going to kick the Doctor's ass for kissing his daughter' lol. It should be back in the Autumn, they said, which is annoying, it was only a half series, why did they do something as mean as that?

    The banter between the Doctor and the TADIS was amazing 'I like biting, it's just like kissing but there's a winner' that line is absolutely awesome!

    Rose was there a while, I got quite sick of her in the end, and how she kept pinning over the poor dude. There was like a 900 year age gap, that's pretty sick, I can see why he waited, lol. Ah, the season four finale was brilliant! I'd like the mention that the TARDIS is supposed to have eight drivers... and Captain Jack got such a suggestive lever, lol.
    June 28th, 2011 at 05:57pm