
The skys falling....Let it fall?
The earths breaking, My knees are shaking.
The stary sky turned black.
The sun disappeared behind those blackened clouds.
Shatter what's already broken, Steal whats already stolen.
Make things go back to how they once were.
The mirror broke....
From just one poke....
The earth shattered....
Does it matter?....
What we share....
Others tear....
They point and laugh....
Their only half....
Of what we can be....
What none of the others see....
I sit alone....
And stare up high....
What ever happened to the perfect blue sky?....
So weary....
Almost looks dreary....
Are you done?....
With all of your fun?....
Look what you've caused....
No one has paused....

You broke the world....
But it's only the start....