

My family is blind
Or they just don’t want to see
What actually happens to me

Ignorant through and through
Not able to see
How they affect me

I shutter and shiver
Sometimes at just their presence
But yet I long for them

Even though they can’t see
How their tortures words
Truly affect me

I cry at night
And sometimes even in the sunlight
But they are still blind

Blind to see how they affect me

Say to me
Things I don’t want to know
But yet you keep speaking
Like you can’t see how your words are destroying me

I’m breaking now
And you are still blind
To how I’m dying inside

Even though you see color and light
You obviously
Just can’t see me

I do good things
And I do bad
But you are only blind to the good things
Anything bad I might possibly do
You are not blind then
You see

And you call it out on me too
Sometimes you scream and yell
And sometimes you take everything but my soul away

Although, that’s gone
Destroyed, even
Because of how your words have affected me

The words, they destroyed the soul
And you can’t see
How I’m practically dead
Because of what you’ve done to me

You are blind
But only to the good things
About me.