You know when you met that special someone, and you fell like everything is amazing. When they tell you they love you, and your heart speeds up, them always beeing on your mind, how you would do anything for them (like taking a bullet for them). As the months pass you think it cant get any better than this, and you cant eat or sleep because their always on your mind, but you don't care as long as you have them. But then they become distant, and you sit around waiting for there reply, and get exited when ever you get a text or call hoping it to be him, and the txt get less and less or he has to go when your trying to talk, and even fix the problem between you two. They then start not answering you or returning your calls, and as hard as you try you stll cant get them off your mind because every where you look or go you see somthing that reminds them of you/ or that movie,book,or T.V. has their name. You no onger no what to do and you cry your self to sleep because you don't want to admit it's really over. Yet they still dont seem to care and when you finaly try to pull away so that you don't have to go throught this anymore, but they wont let you go, and still tell you how deeply they love you, it seems to start all over agian, and then they only talk to you when no one else will you still comfort them in the end because you think it's all back to normal.