One More Mile

On the sidewalk of a busy street
In a city known for little sleep
Where the cars honk to the city beat
Sits an old man with wisdom deep.

Wandering around the very same city
His head hung down in confussion and pity
Was a young man troubled by the things in his life
All he needed was a little advice.

And perhaps by chance or maybe by fate
The old man stopped him and told him to wait.
Their eyes connected and he knew what he felt
The old man saw eyes that pleaded for help.

The elder sat back down and started to say
"In my youth, I had many a day
When things seemed so backwards
And I couldnt' move forwards."

These words seemed to make some sense
So the young man asked him what he had meant.
"I see my reflection in your eyes
A younger me but in disguise."

The reply that came had shocked Lou.
Did the old man know what he was going through?
"I dont know what's happened to you
and you'll probably go through a lot more too."

"I'm not telling you how to live
But you'll need the strength to learn to forgive.
I've learned a lot over the years
And I can tell you, don't be afriad of your tears."

"And if help is the one thing that you need
Ask for help and you'll be freed."
Lou was told more of these tips
It was as if the old man was reading from a script.

"But the most important thing you'lll need to know
Is to follow your heart, not go with the flow.
Now I'm done with what I have to say
Take another step and be on your way."

From that day on Lou remembered what he was told
That day in the city, so lonely and cold.
He remembered the old man that had given him a smile
And the hope that just maybe, he'll last one more mile.