I feel the pain, the stinging in my heart, the tears in my eyes, I feel it all, I know i am good at hiding, Hiding the pain, hiding the tears, the Broken heart, You look me in the eyes and tell me you miss me, you look for the pain, or the sarrow that i feel but you do not see it, you do not know it exist.
You ask me if i miss you at all, I just star off in the distents thinking of all the, happiness you brough me and all the sadness you brough me and i wounder to my self do i miss it, do i miss you?
I don't know what to say, so i say nothing at all,
when you turn and say goodbye for the last time i feel my heart break for one last time, I feel the tears burn my eyes, I feel the screams for you coming, trying to break through.
I wounder if you see any of this i wounder if you know what is happening to me, i wounder if you know i miss you this much, i wounder if you stay up at night thinking about me, thinking about us.
I wounder if you ever really loved me.
I Guess now i will never know,
but i do know that it hurt, it hurts to know that i belived, i belived all the lies.
I belived!!!