I Cry I Cry I Cry

Don't look at me
I know what you see
I see it too
I wish I didn't
But I do
And you do too
You look
You laugh
I cry
I wish I wasn't this way
I wish I could lose me
I wish I could get lost
But I can't
I cry
I cry
I cry
I hide
But you still find me
To laugh, and point
All I can do is cry
I force a smile
I fake a laugh
I cover up
I avoid the scale
I avoid the boys
I avoid the girls
I avoid the pretties
And I cry
Why did god put me here like this
So he could laugh
So I could cry
And I can't hide
Not from myself
Drugs you can hide
Cutting you can hide
I can't hide my body
I can't hide my tears
I've heard the names
I've heard the jokes
Fucking halarious isn't it
It's not my fault
I've tried it all
I will always be fat
And that's all there is to it
So next time you joke