Dear Dad...

i tryed being nice, and i tryed being the perfect daughter.
i guess, that was not good enough for you, now was it?
when you left those four year of my childhood life, never did you once said, you missed me or loved me so. you think spending money and buying things for your kids is being a father. Well guess wut its not....
you know gifts and things are not what i want from you.
all i want is my father to be there no matter what..
i tryed talking to you, i tryed to give us time to communicate,
but i saw that you dont not even once gave it a try.
you ignore me, or you just say something came up, or your just way to tired from work.
you know work isnt everything.. wut about your family?
wut about your son,daughter and wife?
are we NO BODY to you? i guess we aren’t..
we try spending it together as a family, but things just never went alright.
the day always end with tears and fears.
is this wut i /we want for a father?
i dont....
what can i do to prove to you that i love you and i want to bond with you.
you know, it hurts me to see other girls to be so close with thier dads..
becuase all i can think of is when i was small and how i always wanted to be with you,
how can a little girl so close to her dad grow up to hate her own father???
How can a little girl who was so attached to dad turn out to be so hurt and feel so unlove from her own father???

so Dad i have only one question and only one.......
" Why do you treat us the way you do?"