
Fair: (Words and Music by Paul Prescott) Written: 29/12/08

If you figure it out, please let me know
Which way I will go, is still so unclear.
In the back of my mind I go back to the time
It was just you and I and the world disappeared...

Out of view
Were lying here
I’m safe with you.
With the world in its place
I can’t take my eyes off the look on your face

Whatever it is, there’s no need to worry
I’ll be there in a hurry (as fast as I can)
I’m not what I was, I’m not who you think I am
The boy that you left has now became a man

And if you can’t see it, the way that I need it
The way that I need you is beyond compare.
This pain that I’m meeting is the sight of you leaving
The roads that we walk will just not be fair.

© copyright Thu Sep 03 20:27:48 UTC 2009 - All Rights Reserved

Hear Song At: www.myspace.com/lendmeannaslier