If only, if only...

If only, if only...
I could fly!
Open my wings!
Head for the sky!
Ride on the air!
With the greatest of ease!
Gravity, I would ignore,
It would be just a tease!

If only, if only...
I could talk!
Without a worry!
Even a squawk!
No fear from me!
I'll yell out loud!
In front of people!
Even a crowd!

If only, if only...
I could know!
The seeds of knowledge,
I would sow!
Sharing the gift!
Knowing it all!
I would never fail,
or even fall...

If only, if only...
She would love me!
The shroud still hides,
What I might see...
I do not know
Which way to go
In this matter
I'm clueless, so....
I pray to God
and everyone else,
please pray for me,
that the shroud may lift,
and I see the truth
and that truth may be,
that I love Maggie
and she loves me.