Is it true...

Is it true, that when rain falls, angels are merely crying?
Is it true, that when the sun shines down, God is merely smiling?
Is it true, that there are children out there, with no place to live?
Is it true, that there are people who need, and all they want is for you to give?
Is it true, that there are things in this world, that we don't know about?
Is it true, that there really is a little spider, trying to climb up the water spout?
Is it true, that mommy and daddy are shielding me away from the world around me?
Is it true, that we're destroying our world, when all we have to do is plant a little tree?
Is it true, that we lie,cheat and steal in this happy world I know?
Is it true, we pass hungry people,when we're walking to and fro?
Is it true, you lie to me,about childish things,just for silly little memories?
Is it true, that daddy died in war,when after we claimed victory?Mommy please.
Is it true, that people fight and people kill?
Is it true, people try,when all we have is human will?
Is it true, destructions around us, even when we feel safe?
Is it true, is our world really this unsafe?
Is it true, people die because of their religion?
Is it true, people die,even when doctors make the life saving incision?
Is it true, we make people feel small,even when god loves us all?
Is it true, we push people away,every single day?
Is it true, love hurts, even with lifes lovely inserts?
Is it true, my destiny, really isn't up to me?
Is it true, we're all the same, even with the worlds cruel game?
Is it true, you love me?
Is it true, this is the right path for me?
Is it true, I'm going to cry?
Is it true, I'm going to wish to die?
Is it true, there's a better place?
Is it true, will I knock away,lifes mighty mace?
Is it true, love is gods grace?
Is it true, one day I'll wear the angels fragile lace?
Is it true, when we say goodbyes, that's the cause of all your lies?