
I'm empty and only feel alone
That's the only emotion that I've shown
It's hard to let it out
What are feelings all about?

When your hurt you may begin to shed tears,
That's sadness, another is when you show your fears.
Another is aggression, you show when your mad.
Another is happy, a smile appears when your glad.

We have these emotions to show how we feel.
It's to help others understand us, it's easier for them to deal.
But I don't know
How to let my feelings show.

Mostly because I can't even begin
To understand myself or how I feel within.
I have mixed emotions, it's hard to find which is real.
I can't figure out sometimes, what I should feel.

Should I forget about emotions and not show any at all?
Should I stop smiling, and hold back any tears that wish to fall?
Should I stop showing my feelings and just hold back?
I wouldn't be confused if feelings were something I lack.

I don't know what to say.
What to think about every day.
I'm a very confusing human being.
It's hard to understand what I think of what I'm seeing.

Nobody understands me
Because I don't understand myself
Mixed emotions is all anyone will ever see.

I give up trying to explain my emotions which takes so long.
People can figure me out on their own
To me it doesn't matter if they're right or wrong.