Australia Day at the Beach

Children of all ages playing happily,
Like everyday has become their birthday.
Monstrous boats bobbing up and down,
Like fruit in wiggling jelly, in a way.
The large waves crashing down,
As trees sway strongly in the wind.
Favourite cricket bats swinging around
Like Adam Gilchrist is the one to win
The visitors splash in the sea water
Like it’s their last day on this wonderful beach
Then burning their tongues on hot snags straight off the barbie,
Like they’re the last ones in Australia to reach
The warm wind blowing through my hair
Like I’m running at 100 kilometres an hour
And the hot sand between my wet toes
Making me run all the way back to my towel with power
The salt in the air follows wherever you go
Like a lost puppy following you home
Eating cold ice-cream to rid of the taste in my throat,
I realise there is no better way
To spend Australia Day.

Comment! If you wanna ;)