
Prolonging epiphanies,
Keeping love a mystery,

Don't know what we want to see,
Me and you aren't meant to be,

These wrists so full of blood,
You threw my heart in the mud,

You walk away with evil laughter,
and you didn't know it's you I'm after,

When we break apart,
I willl keep you in my heart,

When we fade away,
My love for you will stay,

It's the Salem witch trials when they say "torch her",
Or simple misunderstanding meaning "torture",

One way or another you better be ready,
Because like it or not your about to be burned,

I know you like a map,
I know you like your home,

You know me like the sea
and the unknown,

I know when you lie like the back of my hand,
and even if i die you wouldn't understand,

Just one simple sentence,
With three complex words,

But only five minutes,
For me to be heard,

I wait for a crowd,
To hear all of my cries,

But no one would listen,
They pass me right by,

It hurts my soul when you don not talk,
and even more when you start to walk,

I need a chance,
To pull you away,

and ask you only,
If you will stay,

Will you be mine, or set me free,
Will we both shine, and never need,

Will we escape and never tell,
Or will we fight and give them hell,

The special ways to kill a man,
Or get them up and lend a hand,

A flowers a garden,
Your world as a friend,

and yet your still searching,
For hearts you will mend.