A few poems I've wrote recently

Filled to the brim with sadness and desperation,
stopping the pain with self mutilation. The razor
blade stings as it pierces your skin, letting out
all the anger within.

Your wrist tingles slightly, as the blood crawls
down. Biting your lip, not making a sound. Your
arm begins to throb as the cut go numb, the pain
has subsided to a mere bittersweet hum.

Lost in the arms of destiny, the fog's so thick
I can not see. My lungs are dry as I gasp for
air. Begging to leave this world and lose all
my cares.

My heart beats slowly soon it will reach it's end,
I'm broken into pieces that no one can mend.
Yet I feel nothing, my body's gone numb. I long
for that pain such a bittersweet hum.

My eyes painted black, my wrists painted red.
Filled with all this sorrow, filled with all this
dread. Tears fall slowly, the pain multiplies.
Growing tired of living, growing tired of the lies.
With this burden I bear, I can no longer cope.
This life I'm living has lost all hope.

I'll be your worst nightmare, I'll creep into your
dreams. I'll be your heart breaker, rip your
life from it's seams.

I'll be your enemy, the one you love to hate.
I'll be your true love, the one that makes
life great.

I'll make you scream I'll make you cry, make
you think you want to die. I'll make you laugh
I'll make you smile, make your life seem

I'll be your secret lover, holding you close at
night. I'll be your hater, always picking a fight.

I'm undefined, you can't label me. Only thing
I am, is an unsolved mystery.