Light in the Dark

As shady as night and shallow as death,
but it seems to be all that is left.
There is no comfort or understanding ways,
except for in this hole of pay.

We will suffer, we won’t survive.
We will feel it all, we won’t be alive.
To much for all to live through,
and to still be you.

It takes over from your veins, so you must release.
It lie in your core, eating at you piece by piece
We cry, we plea for something or someone,
to notice what has taken over, what has begun.

Ringing impressions in my head,
trying to stay conscious while in bed.
Heat inside you burns to fear,
Cold manner draws you near

It can be stopped, it can be cured
We can take what is left and let it be lured.
Our one real remedy has no prescribed amount,
No side affects or over dosage or constant hour count.
The medicine that is so hard to find and stark . . .
Is what is left of the Light in the Dark