Not A Wishing Well

I wish you were with me here
I wish you lived somewhere near
I wish you could talk all day
I wish you could just stay

I wish you were here to stifle my cries
To wipe the tears from my eyes
To dress me in a smile instead of sighs
To not even have to try

I wish you were here instead of fears
That always end in assorted tears
From what happens when I am here
To eternalize the stop of blood smears

I wish you were here laying next to me
My head on your chest as I sleep
We close our eyes and don’t make a peep
And time stops to let us be

I wish you were here looking at our star
You hold my hand and point afar
Or looking up, sprawled out atop a car
Anything to get us from where we are

I wish you were here when it’s day and I yawn
You say that I’m tired but I con
You sit me down and rehearse our song
With your voice as my lullaby, into dreams I drift on

I wish you were here so I could tell you the truth
With out candy coating it smooth
Because after enough sugar and spice too
It just becomes a least funny spoof

I wish you were here so I could safely dream
I wouldn’t have to worry about any scheme
Everything would be as it seems
And we would wake up forever a team

I wish I could tell you everything in my head
But something’s are better off not said
Like how sometimes when I’m alone in bed,
I cry until I’m woozy in the head

Or when I think ahead into time
And things aren’t all fine
Or how I think about my past
And wonder how long we will last

I wish that my lullaby
Wouldn’t remind me to cry

I wish that your song
would last all day long

I wish that your voice
Didn’t bring me emotional noise

I wish that when you LOL
I could feel it just as well

I wish that when we clash
We could forever throw it in the past

I wish we didn’t have to lie in shame
Whenever someone brings up our names

I wish you could hold me tight
So I don’t shiver throughout the night

I wish you were hear for me and my heart
So that we would never be far apart
Together from end to start
Nothing will ever tear us apart
But I tell you this and I know as well
That baby, I’m Not A Wishing Well