
I’ve been hiding something from you,
For so long,
And everyone knows except you,
They know that I love you,
Like no other can.

And I know every little detail about you,
Most things people pass by,
Or don’t bother to care about.

I realized I love you,
And would rather be with you,
More than anyone I know,
More than the hottest guy in school,
And even more than Joe Jonas.

If everyone else knows how I feel,
Why can’t you know?
What difference will it make if you know,
And I loose you?
I already don’t have you like I would want to,
So it wouldn’t matter if you erase me from your life,
And never talk to me again.

You’re beautiful in my eyes,
Everything I see in you is perfect,
And beautiful in everyway possible.

I want you to know,
That I love you more than life itself,
And that you left a scar on my heart,
That is waiting for you to come back in.

I want to know why,
You left so sudden,
Without even saying goodbye,
And why you suddenly chose her over me,
In less than a day.

What were you thinking?
Any did you think about me,
When you told her you loved her?
Or asked her to be yours?

Did it make you feel proud when you hurt me,
Embarrassed me,
And humiliate me,
In front of all our friends,
That warm summer day?

I made some bad mistakes in the past,
That I regret with my life,
But you should know,
That not a day goes by,
Where you aren’t the first thing,
I wake up thinking about,
And dream about in my sleep.

So please just come back to me,
To the place where you belong,
And where you should stay,
Which is here with me,
I know it’s meant to be.