love is difficult ill explain you why

love is hard
ill explain

i gave you my heart you threw it away
i gave you my word you laugh at my face
i told you i love you , you looked away
i gave you a doll you threw it away
i gave you a poem you riped it in my face
i told you why you did that to me
you turn your face and you and gave me your back
i told you i hate you
you cry
i told you leave me alone
you wouldn't do that
i told you its to late
you came to my house
i told you to leave you stay their all night
i told you its over
you tell me its not
i told you iam tired of your games
you give an Innocent look
i give you a chance
and you treat it like garbage
i walk away from your life
now the phone wont stop ringing but guess what i wont answer the phone