The story of Romeo and Juliet

In the city of Verona one fine day,
Romeo was day-dreaming where he lay,
In a daze of affection and fair love,
To his surprise when he looked above,
Mercutio and Benvolio he then see’s,
Off to a party were they shouldn’t be,
Lord Capulet throws a masked get-together,
A Montague, a Capulet had expected never,
Romeo searching for the one he desire,
It’s was a mask that he then require,
There danced a beautiful queen,
Like nothing Romeo had ever seen,
Closer he tries to get a better look,
She was perfect it was his breath that she took,
Their eyes met at a fair distance,
They fell in love and there was no resistance,
When the masks came off,
There was an unexpected shock,
A Montague and a Capulet was just wrong,
Yet how could their love had been so strong,
The Party had come to an end,
But their love they wanted to mend,
Juliet then paced on her Balcony,
Trying to work out if she could be with thee,
Romeo scaled the extent of the wall,
Just to see her again it wouldn’t matter to fall,
He lurked in the shadow listening to she,
As she confessed to the moon how she felt about he,
Romeo goes to the Friar for advice,
The idea of marriage he thought was quite nice,
The Nurse went to talk to Romeo,
Even though he was a great foe,
Hand in hand they are wed,
To the families nothing is said,
Meanwhile Mercutio and Tybalt brawl,
Peace is what Romeo tries to call,
Tybalt’s sword stained with Mercutio’s blood,
Romeo’s love for Capulet’s started to flood,
Burning with anger he wanted pay back,
Looking for Tybalt although he should have stayed back,
He finds him and justice is made,
There Tybalt’s body is laid,
Angry loved ones from both sides,
Romeo had to run and hide,
The prince put a bounty on his head,
If he was found he was declared dead,
Romeo went to the Friar for advice,
He gave an idea that would suffice,
One more night he got with his Juliet,
Then off to Mantua with nothing fret,
An arranged marriage was to make,
It was her death that she had to fake,
She went to the Friar a plan was in place,
To drink some poison at a steady pace,
She would appear dead in all aspects,
Early of the morning that was next,
The Friar wrote to Romeo a letter,
For him to understand the plan better,
The letter was never received,
Romeo was very naïve,
He heard of Juliet’s death,
He was completely bereft,
He then went to her tombstone,
He couldn’t stand her being alone,
He gave her one last kiss,
He drunk the poison not a drop to miss,
Juliet rose and saw him on the ground,
It was the dagger that she had found,
She stuck it in her heart nice and deep,
Where she was reunited with her Romeo, in their eternal sleep.
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