
My family calls me a Goth because I wear black.
I can’t help it I like the color black.
Black is like m signature color.
I am always wearing black in some form.
Weather it is my nail polish, my clothes, or my make-up.

Well I am always wearing black nail polish and make-up.
So I guess I’m maybe Semi-Goth.
But I might possibly turn full Goth.
Besides there are Gothic people who aren’t always depressed.
So what does it matter if I’m Goth or not?

Besides Goths like some things I like anyways.
Goths are into vampires and stuff like that.
They like wearing black, I do too.
Although they wear black from head to toe.
I don’t, but I do wear a lot of black.

Goths are cool
They are people I would possibly hang with.
Goths make their life the way they want it to be.
I want to make my life what I want it to be not the life I have right now.
Goths are rebellious, so ain’t I.

I think I want to be a Goth.
I think I maybe turning into a Goth.
If I am I think I will like it better.