I fell for you, Somewhere along the line

I've always been second place to you,
Since the moment we met.
I was the girl you dated,
Because Abby didn't want you.
I was the girl you made out with,
As a fix.

I stuck with you,
As you left for juvy.
I didn't know why.
I stuck by you;
A month without you.
I thought I loved you.

You came home,
And saw me as a saftey net.
You'd fall, and I'd catch you.
I'd make sure you were okay.
But you never did the same for me.

You went and messed around with other girls.
You talked about them, all the time.
I believed you.
More chances you got,
Each one fucked up more than the last.
I felt like second place.
I felt like they were all better than me,
And I was a side attraction.
You waited for something better to come along.

I dumped your ass.
I was sick of your shit.
But then you come back,
Begging, crying.
I took you back.
I can't count on my fingers how many chances I gave you,
At this point.
But you didn't even want me.
It's sad how you wanted Jillian,
Or was her name Morghan?
No, wait I'm pretty sure it was Shelly?
Why are there so many?

I was your trampoline.
You always bounced off me.
You'd fall and I'd make sure you'd bounce back up.
And for what?
You to break me again?

I don't see why I can't be good enough.
I don't see why you can't see what's right in front of you.

And even though you've fucked up,
So many times.
I still want to be with you.
I deserve better,
I know that.
I don't need your bull shit,
I don't need to cry.
I don't need panic attacks,
Caused by you.

But, yet.
I can't move on.
I still want to be with you,
for whatever reason.
I guess, Somewhere along the line,
I fell for you,
So hard.
It hurts.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've always been a side attraction for my boyfriend. Always second place. He's done drugs. He lies all the time. He's tried cheating on me, and said things like "I want to fuck her." It hurts. I'm not sure if I should give him another chance or give up. It's so hard.