Twisted-Love Story

I gave you my heart
You held my hand
Everything seemed so right
So perfect
So amazing
But that was in secret
We couldn’t tell anyone that we were together
That we loved each other.
Because of my carelessness
You were claimed by someone close to me
It hurt me so much,
To see you claimed by someone I knew
Someone close to me,
Someone related to me.
It broke my heart to see her with you
Every moment , every day.
I rarely got to talk to you.
I always left too early for me to see you.
It isnt fair.
I love you.I gave you my heart.You mean so much to me!
So why cant I be with you?!
Why can’t I hug you?
Why cant I kiss you? Or tell you how much I love you!?
This isn’t right.
This isn’t what I wanted.
I wanted YOU.
I wanted to hold your hand
I wanted to hug you!
You are My Everything!
I don’t need anyone else!
I just want you…
But now that seems silly…..
I hardly get to see you
And when I do….there isn’t any special moment.
There is no chemistry.
There is Nothing.
You slowly faded away as time passed by.
When I could have come out and told Everyone I loved you
That I only wanted to be with You and No one else...
…I backed out and let you pass me by.
I let you fade away…..and I didn’t search for you.
I let you walk away.I didn’t even try to stop you.
This is how it ends huh?
♠ ♠ ♠
ah i remember writing this.
true story, too. :/
well enjoy anyways. :]