Withering Heart Strung Along by Your Blue Lies

Standing in front of is like standing before a monster...just waiting for the chance to rip out my heart.
That's really all you are. A monster.
You take such joy in having the knowledge that I wear my heart on my sleeve when I'm around you. Then you hurt me and ruin me so much until I am only numb.

Looking you in the eyes is like staring straight at the sun,at some point I have to turn away.
I can't handle the depth of your decieving blue eyes.
My heart can't stand the pounding when you touch me.
Why do you torture me like this. I'm a real person with a real heart that I've given you one too many times.

But...I can't stop myself from wanting....from needing your body beside me.
I can't help it if everytime you kiss me my heart skips a beat.
You glowing skin is so soft and comfortable.
Your shoulder is the one place my head is used to resting on.

with the lights dimmed and strangers surrounding us,you have no problem showing everyone just how much we mean to eachother. But once your friend walks into the room,you're nothing but a stranger yourself. Am I that big of a burden?

For once I'd like for you to stick true to the promises you make to me.
for once I'd like to be able believe that everytime I fall for you,you won't turn your back on me.
I'd like to believe that when i am waiting for you on the other side of that bridge,you won't come walking up holding her hand again.

I've been hurt by you
I've been loved by you
i've been shamed by you
and i still live on chained to your being