Graceful Goodbye

Dancing, dancing, twirling around

Hand in hand, they fall to the ground

He turns her around to know she’s breathing no more

This feels like an open bleeding sore

He holds his breath and fights back tears

He’s still in the place where it confirmed his fears

She doesn’t know how this happened

She doesn’t know how this came to be

Her lover is in pain

She’s in agony

He’s getting tired of living

But it’s only the beginning

He takes the gun, some bullets too

And shot his head all the way through

Sparkling tears in her eyes, she holds out her hand

She’s come to take him from this land

He grabs it lovingly, full of surprise

Here begins her beloved demise

Hand in hand they walk away,

Their spirits linger till this day

Remember their love, remember their pain

For only from them will our love gain.