Time is the only way

A harsh second
A cruel hour
The time hurts most

The scars form slowly
Each memory a little deeper
Hope seeps out of my skin,
Each day we give up a little more

The purpose is gone
Hands once ticking, broken
Chimes ring out of tune
Yet time won't stand still
There's no place to go

I can only feel the past
Seeing only the memories
Tasting the words of the forgotten
Smelling sickly-sweet loss
Hearing what has happened
Hoping for a tomorrow

Resolve to make the world spin
I'd rather time stand still
Than go on living like this
Because it's just a date and time
Ticking is not a pulse

The future's just a formality
It was just a way to be precise
Thats not the true portrayl of life
Not by any means

It's how we live
Who we choose to be
We're holding onto the past
And shying from the future

We have to let go sometime ...