
Words resonate in this place grown cold,
And the art on the walls of this asylum are covered in mold.
Fingers trace the deteriorating walls of what was once a house,
My heart beats louder as I think about this mesmerizing drought.
I can inhale the scent of wilting flowers & of stale tears,
And I can hear the crunching of broken glass from past years.
I see dust all over the floor & all over your things,
And my chest aches when I realize how all of this stings.
I used to call this my home, where I had a family,
Now it's a whole in the wall & a mystery.
Where did the light go?
Where did its life flow?
The stairs lead to nowhere & the doors are broken off of hinges;
All the books I used to read to you, they're missing pages.
I will find you, though I have no idea how or where.
All I know is that this was never, ever fair.
♠ ♠ ♠
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