Let Me Die

Pressure's building all around me,
An ocean in my ears,
A screaming roar; suffocatingly deep,
Higher higher, a rapid tide,
Sweep me away,
Let me die

The shrieks all around me,
Where to they start?
Wretching, horrifying sounds,
A cry for help, why can't you hear it?
Louder and louder,
The screaming is me

Let me go,
I can't breathe,
Numbing, dizzying fear,
Envelopes me,
Takes me under its shaking wings
I'm going to die,
I'm going to die

The air clears,
The fists of death relinquish their hold,
A serenity settles, first dew of summer,
The only noise is me,
Shaking, trembling, shallow breaths,

I had succumbed to the panic,
Let it steal me to a barren waste,
A shadowland of no return,
I am still alive,
But tomorrow,
I will surely die again.