
Have you ever wanted to feel clean ?
From the inside out rid your self of all your grime.
Bleach your insides till there clean.
You swallow... You can feel the cool sensation run over your tounge.
It hits your throat and it feels like razors sliding, slowly, painfuly down lower and lower.
It feels like you would cough up blood but that would be bliss compaired to this.
Your tounge starts to push back and forward, your body wants to reject being clean, but your mind needs it. your hands let go of the big bottel and they move slowly to cover your mouth. You wount let your body win, it always does and your sick of it, you want to be incontrol.
The bleach is already in your stomch but still your throat stings.
Your throat begins to close up, your eyes roll into your head, you try to scream but only a gurgly sound can be herd.
Your knees give way and you slide straight to the floor.
You head hits to tiled floor it is cold , You shiver the litteist bit.
You can feel the wet cool bleach on the ground soke your clothes.
All you can hear is the faint splater of your heart beat deep in your ears.
Your thoguhts slide slowly throught your head...
Why is this happening ? All you Wanted was to be clean, to be striped of your past.
You just wanted to be new.
You lungs dont fill with air, your eyes dont see the light, your ears hear everything, your limbs try to fight it, but you carnt fight off death...

All You Wanted Was To Be
Unpolluted, Unmarked, Unused...

Unstained From The Inside Out.