The Great Perhaps

I've decided to go after my Great Perhaps
And I know not where it'll lead to,
But I know I like not knowing for once, at last.

I love the whirlwind of emotions in my heart -
Hopelessness, happiness, joy, & rage -
Because it allows me to know I'm still alive in part.

I will forgive the unforgiven, the dead,
And I'll take the mysterious hand of fate
Before I'm too old to feel it freely int he end.

I asked for a ride, & you gave me a roller coaster.
So I raised my arms & closed my eyes,
And waited for the downfall to closer.

As we hit the ground, you disappeared,
And I was left to find my own way back.
"Do I still have you?" was all I feared.

Your favorite flowers sat on your bedside,
And I picked the petals off to find you,
But all I found was a ghost of last night.

But I will not grow angry at you,
No, I will not hate the past,
Because I found my Great Perhaps.