obivously oblivious

My mom only found out yesterday
what emo ment
she was disgusted
she was pained
and to think i almost told her

how ould she react if she knew her own daughter
were the word she despised most
what if she knew where my scars really came from
what would she do if she knew
that 1 out of her 5 children
was emo

would she really care
or would she just think of the other 4
gone from her mind

mom your obviously oblivious
you see my scars
and simply dismiss my answer to move
on to your next child
my brothers in threapy for grief

you think im not grieving
you thin you and he are the only ones
who are still greving
news flash you obviously oblivious
and by the way those scars arnt
from the cat or something like that
i did it
are you disgusted yet?