
Childhood seems to last forever
A golden glow of innocence
Stretching through time like pulled taffy

But the taffy grows thinner
Pulling taught
Just a thread
In the center a hole appears
Eating away
Until the taffy snaps

Childhood is over
And the future looms
Fast and near
Like death, hungry to collect

Days speed by
Sand through an hourglass
Ever dwindling away

Every time I close my eyes
I lose another precious second
I grasp and try to cling on,
But I am shaken off
By the furious pace of
Time's snorting, rearing steeds

Galloping like Gorgons from Hell
Dragging my time away
♠ ♠ ♠
God I'm macabre. Can't I ever write anything happy for once? I keep finding all these poems I wrote at school, and they are all like this.
Ah well.
This one is an example of my Peter Pan Complex. Could you tell?
I'm getting a bit better at this poetry thing, but it's still pretty weak. I don't even like poetry. Go figure.