Walk away again

You walked out the door
Before I ever knew you
You told my mom all these lies
Then escaped before I was born

You told my mom you’d be there
You told her you loved her
But you never cared
You ran away

No you try to come back
Telling her you love her
Telling me you love me
That you were just scared

You want me to call you dad
But you were never a dad
A dad is someone who stays
He takes care of you when your sad

You’re a father a simple donor
You stayed long enough for me to be created
Then you took off
She tells me to give you a try

But I can’t bring myself to
All I want to do it hit you in your face
You say I am your little girl
To bad I am 16 now and not little

You tell me you want to try
But I can see its all a lie
You want my mom back
You know that means me

So as you act like you care for me
All you really want is her
So I won’t let you back in
So just go the hell away
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a dad but my friend does not, and I hear her tell me how she feels, and just recently he came back. This is her story in a way. She hates him in so many ways, and I wrote her story and she loves this poem. Comment please