a child!

i know a child:

she knows what its like to cry her self to sleep at night.

she knows how it feels to give up the fight.

she knows how it hurts when people call her names.

she knows how it feels to live with other peoples pain.

she prays every night:

- hoping that she will never see the morning light.

praying down on her knees,
" please, please let me live at ease!"

thats all that child says, days go by as she lets out her final cry.

and then there is alway the quiestion: "why?"

why should an inicant child want to die?

i know that child because i am that child.
and i dont know why:

but everynight i cry,

everynight i try to die.

everyday i live the same old little white lie.

so this is for my angel:

" hold my hand and never let go. "

because at this moment in time i have never needed it more.
♠ ♠ ♠
its a poem!:D