
scarlet splatters on the sky

gentle sweeps of chilly wind

kissing tiny spears of grass

playing with dark hair

throwing strands into cocoa eyes

whispering rustles of verdant leaves

marking the abode of solitude

something never seen—no, never felt

never understood

lingers in the foreground

observed, but never experienced

silence dictates the land

forcing a barrier between

society and that grassy knoll

between the individual and the world
♠ ♠ ♠
So, another Intro to Creative Writing assignment. Poetry is really not my thing, but I think this is probably one of the better results of that section of the class. I'm honestly just trying to post a few things for my own benefit. In any event, I'm really not going to explain what exactly was in my head or what I'm getting at with this. After all, this is a writing site, so you guys should be able to figure it out, right?