Broken and Beaten

Broken and Beaten

I step out into the rain,
I run away,
As fast as I can go.
I don't look back,
For fear I may turn around.
I don't know where I will go,
I just have to get away.
From this,
From life,
Most importantly,
From you.
I can't stand the world of fear I live in.
I can't stand to be afraid in my own home.
I can't stand you.
Your look,
Your sound,
Your voice,
Your smell,
I hate you .
Everything about you .
You ruined my life.
My once perfect life,
Is now a blanket of shattered dreams.
My life is a hole
That keeps getting bigger.
And one day,
It will get too deep,
And I won't be able to get out.
The time has come,
I turn around and go back to my house.
You will find out.
I go in you're room.
You're asleep,
Of course.
Good night, Darling.
Sweet dreams.
Then it's over.
You're gone.
I'm free.
Or am I?
No, I'm sorry.
Don't! I love you!
I do.
But it's not enough.