Love of A Tired Man

Beauty that out shines all others
Reality of your love
Intellegence above all
Tenderness for the one you love
Truthfully mine forever
Amazing to me
No one else can compare to you
Your mine for all time

Can anyone else compare to you
Another gaze into your eyes
My one and only
Person for whom I'm sharing the rest of my life with
Believe finally in real love
Everyway perfect to me
Lives forever intertwined
Love for you that will never die
♠ ♠ ♠
My boyfriend of a month and a half, woke up one night around midnight and just felt the need to express his love for me in the way I was familar with--writting. So, while half asleep he turned on his laptop and wrote this poem.

He's not much of a writter or a lover of literature but I was so proud of him for trying that I wanted to share it with my friends here on Mibba.