Forever In My Heart

I'm sad and lonely, everything was ripped from me,
I became blind as soon as the lights hit me and I could no longer see.
Every night is a living hell as I wake up screaming your name,
And already knowing you wouldn't call back oh how I wish things were still the same.
I cry myself into dry sobs, no longer do I want to breath the air,
All I want is you and I know you're not here.
You were the only one who could make me believe in love and what it held,
Together we made something and watched as it broke and fell.
In those split seconds no longer could I breath, all I could hear was screams and yells.
Your body was laying on the side walk and you weren't moving never before have I seen you let down your guard.
I ran to your side and you wouldn't wake up I tried so hard!

That day they took you away to be burried forever with my love,
All I knew was you are up there and watching from above.
But I am still stuck in the past, I want to die and for it to happen fast,
Because all I am in this world is an outcast.
Never seen never heard, no one cares and no one is there,
It's as if they don't have hearts and are unaware.
Do they not see me hanging on barely by a thread,
And all I've ever known to people and my own family is as good as dead.

Losing me is like dropping a penny, it's there but what is it worth now? Nothing.
All I am is going is no where and ageing.
Do you think if I did keep on with my plans that when I see you again you'd be proud?
I wish you could tell me through the sun and sitting on those clouds.
Soon, I will be joining you and I will never leave,
And that is the only thing in the world I want to achieve.