Motherless Teens

Pain and sorrow fill our minds
Not to Aunt Cindy or her bad signs
But to her twins Brandon and Lizzie
Who have to watch her all drunk and dizzy

Since she was 13 she had an obsession
That made us filled with terrible depression.
Drinking and smoking non stop for years
Makes her never turn down the beers

What kind of mother is she?
Liz and Brandon hate to see.
Even though we are cousins
In my heart I love them a dozen

I am like a sister to them
Our relationship grew like a stem
Nothing else is bothering me now
Except for the bitch of an Aunt of mine that doesn't know how.

If you cared about your children,you would of stopped
But instead she chooses to drop
She will die soon I bet
I know one thing my eyes won't be wet

I can't imagine the pain and sorrow
That Lizzie and Brandon have on everyday and tomorrow.
Two fatherless teens....Basically don't have a good mother anyways so that makes
them motherless teens.
♠ ♠ ♠
It is true. Right now my aunt is being very bad to my cousins.They are only thirteen. They have to watch their mom get drunk and pass out on the couch. It keeps getting worse. So I dedicated this to my cousins. I love them like they were my siblings. Even though me and my brother Eddie don't get along. I have grown closer and closer to Lizzie and Brandon. I feel so very sorry for what they have to see.